Building Docker Images

New Allpix Squared Docker images are automatically created and deployed by the CI for every new tag and as a nightly build from the master branch. New versions are published to project Docker container registry [@ap2-container-registry]. Tagged versions can be found via their respective tag name, while updates via the nightly build are always stored with the latest tag attached.

The final Docker image is formed from two consecutive images with different layers of software added. The deps image contains all build dependencies such as compilers, CMake, and git as well as the two main dependencies of the framework are ROOT6 and Geant4. It derives from the latest Ubuntu LTS Docker image and can be build using the etc/docker/Dockerfile.deps file via the following commands:

docker build --file etc/docker/Dockerfile.deps            \
             allpix-squared/allpix-squared-deps:vX        \
docker push\

This image is created manually and only updated when necessary, i.e. if major new version of the underlying dependencies are available. The placeholder vX is a version number which should be incremented when applying changes or updating software versions in the deps Docker image. This version number should subsequently also be adjusted in the CI pipeline (.gitlab-ci.yml) and the Allpix Squared Docker file (/etc/docker/Dockerfile) so that the correct dependencies image is picked up.

Finally, the latest revision of Allpix Squared is built using the file etc/docker/Dockerfile. This job is performed automatically by the continuous integration and the created containers are directly uploaded to the project’s Docker registry:

docker build --file etc/docker/Dockerfile                                \
             --tag \

A short summary of potential use cases for Docker images is provided in Section 2.7.