
Allpix Squared comes with a basic configuration to generate tarballs from the compiled binaries using the CPack command. In order to generate a working tarball from the current Allpix Squared build, the RPATH of the executable should not be set, otherwise the allpix binary will not be able to locate the dynamic libraries. If not set, the global LD_LIBRARY_PATH is used to search for the required libraries:

mkdir build
cd build
make package

Since the CMake installation path defaults to the project’s source directory, certain files are excluded from the default installation target created by CMake. This includes the detector models in the models/ directory as well as the additional tools provided in tools/root_analysis_macros/ folder. In order to include them in a release tarball produced by CPack, the installation path should be set to a location different from the project source folder, for example:


The content of the produced tarball can be extracted to any location of the file system, but requires the ROOT6 and Geant4 libraries as well as possibly additional libraries linked by individual at runtime.

For this purpose, a shell script is automatically generated and added to the tarball. By default, it contains the ROOT6 path used for the compilation of the binaries. Additional dependencies, either library paths or shell scripts to be sourced, can be added via CMake for individual modules using the CMake functions described below. The paths stored correspond to the dependencies used at compile time, it might be necessary to change them manually when deploying on a different computer.


This CMake command can be used to add a shell script to be sourced to the setup file. The mandatory argument name can either be an absolute path to the corresponding file, or only the file name when located in a search path known to CMake, for example:

# Add "" as runtime dependency for file:

The command uses the GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT command of CMake with the PROGRAM option. Duplicates are removed from the list automatically. Each file found will be written to the setup file as

source <absolute path to the file>


This CMake command can be used to add additional libraries to the global search path. The mandatory argument names should be the absolute path of a library or a list of paths, such as:

# This module requires the LCIO library:
# The FIND routine provides all libraries in the LCIO_LIBRARIES variable:

The command uses the GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT command of CMake with the DIRECTORY option to determine the directory of the corresponding shared library. Duplicates are removed from the list automatically. Each directory found will be added to the global library search path by adding the following line to the setup file:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="<library directory>:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"