This example simulates a double-sided arrangement of radial strip detectors called a “petal”.
It features a total of 18 detectors (9 on each side) of various types designated as R0 to R5.
Such a structure is planned to be deployed in the end-cap regions of the ATLAS Inner Tracker (ITk).
The entire petal structure can be viewed by enabling the VisualizationGeant4
In this simulation example, the detector is hit by a beam of 5.4 GeV electrons.
A simple linear electric field model is used. Deposited charge carriers are grouped during the propagation stage by use of the charge_per_step
Charge threshold during the digitization phase is set to approximately three times the value of electronic noise.
The granularity
parameter controls the number of bins for in-pixel histograms.
As the typical strip length of several centimeters would, by default, lead to exceedingly large histograms, the granularity
parameter is set to 80 4
This corresponds to a typical strip pitch of 80 um in the x direction and to 4 strip rows (in the y direction) of the radial strip detector.