Compilation and Installation

Compiling the framework is now a single command in the build folder created earlier (replacing <number_of_cores> with the number of cores to use for compilation):

make -j<number_of_cores>

The compiled (non-installed) version of the executable can be found at src/exec/allpix in the folder. Running Allpix Squared directly without installing can be useful for developers. It is not recommended for normal users, because the correct library and model paths are only fully configured during installation.

To install the library to the selected installation location (defaulting to the source directory of the repository) requires the following command:

make install

The binary is now available as bin/allpix in the installation directory. The example configuration files are not installed as they should only be used as a starting point for your own configuration. They can however be used to check if the installation was successful. Running the allpix binary with the example configuration using bin/allpix -c examples/example.conf should pass the test without problems if a standard installation is used.