
Writes simulation objects to a text file
Status Functional
Maintainers Simon Spannagel (simon.spannagel@cern.ch)
Input Objects all objects in simulation


This module allows to write any object from the simulation to a plain ASCII text file. It reads all messages dispatched by the framework containing Allpix objects. The data content of each message is printed into the text file, while events are separated by an event header:

=== <event number> ===

and individual detectors by the detector marker:

--- <detector name> ---

The include and exclude parameters can be used to restrict the objects written to file to a certain type.


  • file_name : Name of the data file to create, relative to the output directory of the framework. The file extension .txt will be appended if not present.
  • include : Array of object names (without allpix:: prefix) to write to the ASCII text file, all other object names are ignored (cannot be used together simultaneously with the exclude parameter).
  • exclude: Array of object names (without allpix:: prefix) that are not written to the ASCII text file (cannot be used together simultaneously with the include parameter).


To create the default file (with the name data.txt) containing entries only for PixelHit objects, the following configuration can be placed at the end of the main configuration:

include = "PixelHit"