Transfer with cross-coupling between pixels
This section describes all currently available modules in detail. This comprises a description of the physics implemented as well as a list of all configuration parameters along with their default values. For inquiries about a specific module or its documentation, the respective module maintainers should be contacted directly. The modules are listed in alphabetical order.
Transfer with cross-coupling between pixels
Writes pixel hits in the Corryvreckan format
Digitizer emulating a Charge Sensitive Amplifier
Writes simulation objects to a PostgreSQL database
Digitizer that creates a signal proportional to the collected charge
Energy deposition from cosmic rays
Energy deposition with Geant4
Energy deposition with data read from MC Generator Data Files
A simplistic deposition generator for charge injection with a laser
Energy deposition at deterministic positions
Energy deposition with information read from a file
Provisional simulation analysis for a detector
Doping profile loading for a detector
A dummy module
Electric field loading for a detector
Writes the geometry to a GDML file
Propagates deposited charges via piecewise integration of motion
Constructs the Geant4 geometry
Transfer with induction from nearby charge carriers
Writes pixel hits to a LCIO file
Magnetic field loading for a detector
Propagates deposited charges via projection to the sensor surface
Transfer of pulse information to the electronics
Writes pixel hits in the RCE format
Reads stored data from an Allpix Squared ROOT file
Writes simulation objects to a ROOT file
Transfers propagated charges to the pixel front-end
Writes simulation objects to a text file
Propagation of deposited charges via Shockley-Ramo induction
Constructs a Geant4 viewer to display the geometry
Weighting potential loading for a detector