Main Components
The framework consists of the following four main components that together form Allpix Squared:
Core: The core contains the internal logic to initialize the modules, provide the geometry, facilitate module communication and run the event sequence. The core keeps its dependencies to a minimum (it only relies on ROOT) and remains independent from the other components as far as possible. It is the main component discussed in this section.
Modules: A module is a set of methods which is executed as part of the simulation chain. Modules are built as separate libraries and loaded dynamically on demand by the core. The available modules and their parameters are discussed in detail in Chapter 8.
Objects: Objects form the data passed between modules using the message framework provided by the core. Modules can listen and bind to messages with objects they wish to receive. Messages are identified by the object type they are carrying, but can also be renamed to allow the direction of data to specific modules, facilitating more sophisticated simulation setups. Messages are intended to be read-only and a copy of the data should be made if a module wishes to change the data. All objects are compiled into a separate library which is automatically linked to every module. More information about the messaging system and the supported objects can be found in Section 4.6.
Physics: In many cases, several modules depend on the same underlying physics models. These models are separated from the modules themselves. The implemented physics models are described in Chapter 6.
Tools: Allpix Squared provides a set of header-only ’tools’ and a shared library that allow access to common logic shared by various modules. Examples are the Runge-Kutta solver [@fehlberg] implemented using the Eigen3 library and the set of template specializations for ROOT and Geant4 configurations. More information about the tools can be found in Chapter 14. This set of tools is different from the set of core utilities the framework itself provides, which is part of the core and explained in Section 4.8.
Finally, Allpix Squared provides an executable which instantiates the core of the framework, receives and distributes the configuration object and runs the simulation chain.
The chapter is structured as follows. Section 4.2 provides an overview of the architectural design of the core and describes its interaction with the rest of the Allpix Squared framework. The different subcomponents such as configuration, modules and messages are discussed in thereafter. The chapter closes with a description of the available framework tools in Section 4.8. Some C++ code will be provided in the text, but readers not interested may skip the technical details.