A brief introduction to the Allpix Squared framework and its goals.
This is the online version of the documentation for Allpix Squared v3.1.2. To download the PDF version visit this page.
A brief introduction to the Allpix Squared framework and its goals.
Instructions on how to build and install Allpix Squared.
Get to know the basics of the framework.
Description of the structure & the components of the framework.
Definition of coordinate systems, detector models and support layers.
Description of the different physics models and material properties for semiconductor detectors.
Objects which can be used to transfer data between modules.
Description and parameter documentation of all available Allpix Squared modules.
Description of the example configurations.
How to develop new simulation modules and detector models.
A few tools to ease development and help to maintain a high code quality.
The testing framework to prevent regressions.
Some of the most frequently asked questions.
Tools provided with Allpix Squared.