Helper class to hold support layers for a detector model. More…
Name |
allpix::physicslists Handler namespace for implementing additional PhysicsLists included in AllPix2 but not in the G4PhysListFactory. |
allpix::tableau |
Name | |
class | allpix::Allpix Provides the link between the core framework and the executable. |
class | allpix::ConfigManager Manager responsible for loading and providing access to the main configuration. |
class | allpix::ConfigReader Reader of configuration files. |
class | allpix::Configuration Generic configuration object storing keys. |
class | allpix::ConfigurationError Base class for all configurations exceptions in the framework. |
class | allpix::ConfigFileUnavailableError Notifies of a missing configuration file. |
class | allpix::InvalidKeyError Indicates a problem converting the value of a configuration key to the value it should represent. |
class | allpix::MissingKeyError Informs of a missing key that should have been defined. |
class | allpix::KeyValueParseError Indicates an error while parsing a key / value pair. |
class | allpix::ConfigParseError Indicates an error while parsing a configuration file. |
class | allpix::InvalidValueError Indicates an error with the contents of value. |
class | allpix::InvalidCombinationError Indicates an error with a combination of configuration keys. |
class | allpix::ModuleIdentifierNotFoundError Indicates that a given ModuleIdentifier was not found in the module identifier list. |
class | allpix::ModuleIdentifierAlreadyAddedError Indicates that a given ModuleIdentifier is already in the module identifier list. |
class | allpix::OptionParser Option parser responsible for parsing and caching command line arguments. |
class | allpix::Detector Instantiation of a detector model in the world. |
class | allpix::DetectorAssembly Helper class to hold information on the detector assembly. |
class | allpix::HybridAssembly |
class | allpix::MonolithicAssembly |
class | allpix::DetectorField Field instance of a detector. |
class | allpix::DetectorModel Base of all detector models. |
class | allpix::InvalidDetectorError Indicates an error with finding a detector by name. |
class | allpix::InvalidDetectorModelError Indicates an error that the detector model is not found. |
class | allpix::DetectorExistsError Indicates an attempt to add a detector that is already registered before. |
class | allpix::PassiveElementExistsError Indicates an attempt to add a detector that is already registered before. |
class | allpix::DetectorModelExistsError Indicates an attempt to add a detector model that is already registered before. |
class | allpix::DetectorInvalidNameError Indicates an attempt to add a detector with an invalid name. |
class | allpix::GeometryManager Manager responsible for the global geometry. |
class | allpix::HexagonalPixelDetectorModel Detector model with hexagonal pixel grid. |
class | allpix::PixelDetectorModel Model of a generic pixel detector. This model is further extended by specialized pixel detector models. |
class | allpix::RadialStripDetectorModel Model of a radial strip detector. This is a model where the silicon sensor is a trapezoid and the strips fan out radially from a focal point. |
class | allpix::SupportLayer |
struct | allpix::DelegateTypes Container of the different delegate types. |
class | allpix::BaseDelegate Base for all delegates. |
class | allpix::ModuleDelegate Base for all delegates operating on modules. |
class | allpix::StoreDelegate Delegate to store the message in memory for fetching the history. |
class | allpix::FilterDelegate Delegate for filtering messages using a function. |
class | allpix::FilterAllDelegate Delegate for invoking a filter listening to all messages also getting the name. |
class | allpix::SingleBindDelegate Delegate for binding a single message. |
class | allpix::VectorBindDelegate Delegate for binding multiple message to a vector. |
class | allpix::UnexpectedMessageException Receive of a message that was not expected. |
class | allpix::MessageWithoutObjectException Message does not contain an allpix::Object. |
class | allpix::MessageNotFoundException Trying to fetch a message that wasn’t delivered. |
class | allpix::BaseMessage Type-erased base class for all messages. |
class | allpix::Message Generic class for all messages. |
class | allpix::Messenger Manager responsible for setting up communication between modules and sending messages between them. |
class | allpix::LocalMessenger Responsible for the actual handling of messages between Modules. |
class | allpix::Event Holds the data required for running an event. |
class | allpix::DynamicLibraryError Notifies of an error with dynamically loading a module. |
class | allpix::AmbiguousInstantiationError Raised if ambiguous instantiation of two similar modules occurs. |
class | allpix::InvalidModuleStateException Informs that a module is in a state it should never be. |
class | allpix::InvalidEventStateException Informs that an event is in a state it should never be. |
class | allpix::InvalidModuleActionException Informs that a module executes an action is it not allowed to do in particular state. |
class | allpix::ModuleError General exception for modules if something goes wrong. |
class | allpix::EndOfRunException Exception for modules to request an end of the event processing. |
class | allpix::AbortEventException Exception for modules to request the abortion of the current event. |
class | allpix::MissingDependenciesException Exception for modules to request an interrupt because dependencies are missing. |
class | allpix::Module Base class for all modules. |
class | allpix::SequentialModule A Module that always ensure to execute events in the order of event numbers. It implements buffering out of the box so interested modules can directly use it. |
class | allpix::ModuleIdentifier Internal identifier for a module. |
class | allpix::ModuleManager Manager responsible for dynamically loading all modules and running their event sequence. |
class | allpix::ThreadPool Pool of threads where event tasks can be submitted to. |
class | allpix::Exception Base class for all non-internal exceptions in framework. |
class | allpix::RuntimeError Errors related to problems occurring at runtime. |
class | allpix::LogicError Errors related to logical problems in the code structure. |
class | allpix::DefaultLogger Logger of the framework to inform the user of process. |
class | allpix::RandomNumberGenerator Wrapper around the STL’s Mersenne Twister. |
struct | allpix::type_tag Tag for specific type. |
struct | allpix::empty_tag Empty tag. |
class | allpix::Units Static class to access units. |
class | allpix::CapacitiveTransferModule Module that directly converts propagated charges to charges on a pixel and its neighbours (simulating the cross-coupling in CCPDs) This module is based on the SimpleTransferModule. It does a mapping of the propagated charges to the nearest pixel in the grid and copies this propageted charge, scaled by the cross-coupling matrix, to the neighbouring pixels. The coupling matrix must be provided in the configuration file as a Matrix or as a matrix file. Like the SimpleTransferModule, it only considers propagated charges within a certain distance from the implants and within the pixel grid, charges in the rest of the sensor are ignored. The cross hit created in the neighbouring pixels keeps the history, saving from where the original charge came from. |
class | allpix::CorryvreckanWriterModule Module to do function. |
class | allpix::CSADigitizerModule Module to simulate digitization of collected charges. |
class | allpix::DatabaseWriterModule Module to write object data to PostgreSQL databases. |
class | allpix::DefaultDigitizerModule Module to simulate digitization of collected charges. |
class | allpix::CosmicsGeneratorActionG4 Generates the particles in every event. |
class | allpix::GeneratorActionInitializationMaster Creates and initialize the GPS messenger on master before workers use it. |
class | allpix::DepositionCosmicsModule Module to simulate the particles stemming from cosmics rays and showers incident on the setup. |
class | allpix::RNGWrapper This class is a wrapper that allows to pass the per-thread random number engine from Geant4 to CRY. The Geant4 engine is seeded by the Allpix Squared framework for every event, and separately per thread, so using this engine in CRY ensures a reproducible and thread-safe simulation. |
class | allpix::ActionInitializationG4 Initializer for the tracker and generator actions, required for RunManager. |
class | allpix::DepositionGeant4Module Module to simulate the particle beam and generating the charge deposits in the sensor. |
class | allpix::GeneratorActionG4 Generates the particles in every event. |
class | allpix::SDAndFieldConstruction User hook to construct the sensitive detector and magnetic field. |
class | allpix::SensitiveDetectorActionG4 Handles the steps of the particles in all sensitive devices. |
class | allpix::SetTrackInfoUserHookG4 Assigns every G4Track a TrackInfoG4 which carries various information, including the custom track id. |
class | allpix::StepInfoUserHookG4 Allows access to the info of each Geant4 step. |
class | allpix::TrackInfoG4 Allpix implementation of G4VUserTrackInformation to handle unique track IDs and the creation of MCTracks. |
class | allpix::TrackInfoManager The TrackInfoManager is a factory for TrackInfoG4 objects and manages MCTracks within AP2. |
class | allpix::ActionInitializationPrimaries Initializer for the generator actions, required for RunManager. |
class | allpix::DepositionGeneratorModule Module to read primary particles from MC generators. |
class | allpix::PrimariesGeneratorAction Generates the particles in every event. |
class | allpix::PrimariesReader Interface class to read primary particles from input data in different file formats. |
class | allpix::PrimariesReaderGenie Reads particles from an input data file. |
class | allpix::PrimariesReaderHepMC Reads particles from an input data file. |
class | allpix::DepositionLaserModule Module to do function. |
class | allpix::DepositionPointChargeModule Module to deposit charges at predefined positions in the sensor volume. |
class | allpix::DepositionReaderModule Module to read pre-computed energy deposits. |
class | allpix::Cluster |
class | allpix::DetectorHistogrammerModule Module to plot the final digitized pixel data. |
class | allpix::DopingProfileReaderModule Module to do function. |
class | allpix::DummyModule Module which serves as a demonstrator and wireframe for new modules. |
class | allpix::ElectricFieldReaderModule Module to read electric fields from INIT format or apply a linear electric field. |
class | allpix::GDMLOutputWriterModule Module to construct a GDML Output of the geometry. |
class | allpix::GenericPropagationModule Generic module for Runge-Kutta propagation of charge deposits in the sensitive device. |
class | allpix::DetectorConstructionG4 Constructs the Geant4 geometry during Geant4 initialization. |
class | allpix::GeometryBuilderGeant4Module Module to construct the Geant4 geometry from the internal geometry. |
class | allpix::GeometryConstructionG4 Constructs the Geant4 geometry during Geant4 initialization. |
class | allpix::Materials |
class | allpix::Parameterization2DG4 Represents a 2D Geant4 parameterization in the X,Y plane. |
class | allpix::ParameterisedG4 Class to construct parameterized physical volumes allowing to switch off overlap checking. |
class | allpix::BoxModel Model of a rectangular box. |
class | allpix::ConeModel |
class | allpix::CylinderModel Model of an cylinder with inner and outer radius. |
class | allpix::SphereModel Model of an sphere with inner and outer radius. |
class | allpix::PassiveMaterialConstructionG4 Constructs passive materials during Geant4 initialization. |
class | allpix::PassiveMaterialModel Base of all passive material models. |
class | allpix::InducedTransferModule Module to calculate the total induced charge from propagated charge carriers and to assign them to pixels. |
class | allpix::LCIOWriterModule Module to write hit data to LCIO file. |
class | allpix::MagneticFieldReaderModule Module to define magnetic fields. |
class | allpix::ProjectionPropagationModule Module to project created electrons onto the sensor surface including diffusion. |
class | allpix::PulseTransferModule Module to combine all charges induced at every pixel. |
class | allpix::RCEWriterModule Module to write object data to ROOT trees in RCE format for telescope reconstruction. |
class | allpix::ROOTObjectReaderModule Module to read data stored in ROOT file back to allpix messages. |
class | allpix::ROOTObjectWriterModule Module to write object data to ROOT trees in file for persistent storage. |
class | allpix::SimpleTransferModule Module that directly converts propagated charges to charges on a pixel. |
class | allpix::TextWriterModule Module to write object data to simple ASCII text files. |
class | allpix::TransientPropagationModule Module for simulation of transient current development using a Runge-Kutta approach. |
class | allpix::VisualizationGeant4Module Module that shows visualization of constructed Geant4 geometry. |
class | allpix::WeightingPotentialReaderModule Module to read weighting potentials. |
class | allpix::DepositedCharge Charge deposit in sensor of detector. |
class | allpix::MissingReferenceException Indicates an object that does not contain a reference fetched. |
class | allpix::IncompatibleDatatypesException Indicates that two objects are of incompatible data types and cannot be combined. |
class | allpix::PulseBadAllocException Indicates that a pulse object could not be allocated. |
class | allpix::MCParticle Monte-Carlo particle through the sensor. |
class | allpix::MCTrack Monte-Carlo track through the world. |
class | allpix::Object Base class for internal objects. |
class | allpix::Pixel Pixel in the model with indices, location and size. |
class | allpix::PixelCharge Set of charges at a pixel. |
class | allpix::PixelHit Pixel triggered in an event after digitization. |
class | allpix::PixelPulse Pixel triggered in an event after digitization. |
class | allpix::PropagatedCharge Set of charges propagated through the sensor. |
class | allpix::Pulse Pulse holding induced charges as a function of time. |
class | allpix::SensorCharge Base object for charge deposits and propagated charges in the sensor. |
class | allpix::DetrappingModel Charge carrier detrapping time models. |
class | allpix::NoDetrapping No detrapping. |
class | allpix::ConstantDetrapping Constant detrapping rate of charge carriers. |
class | allpix::Detrapping Wrapper class and factory for detrapping models. |
class | allpix::ModelError Base class for all model exceptions in the framework. |
class | allpix::InvalidModelError Notifies of an invalid model. |
class | allpix::ModelUnsuitable Notifies of a model unsuitable for the current simulation. |
class | allpix::ImpactIonizationModel Impact ionization models. |
class | allpix::NoImpactIonization No multiplication. |
class | allpix::Massey Massey model for impact ionization. |
class | allpix::MasseyOptimized Massey model for impact ionization with optimized parameters. |
class | allpix::VanOverstraetenDeMan van Overstraeten de Man model for impact ionization |
class | allpix::VanOverstraetenDeManOptimized van Overstraeten de Man model for impact ionization with optimized parameters |
class | allpix::OkutoCrowell Okuto Crowell model for impact ionization. |
class | allpix::OkutoCrowellOptimized Okuto Crowell model for impact ionization with optimized parameters. |
class | allpix::Bologna Bologna model for impact ionization. |
class | allpix::CustomGain Custom gain model for charge carriers. |
class | allpix::ImpactIonization Wrapper class and factory for impact ionization models. |
class | allpix::MobilityModel Charge carrier mobility models. |
class | allpix::JacoboniCanali Jacoboni/Canali mobility model for charge carriers in silicon. |
class | allpix::Canali Canali mobility model. |
class | allpix::CanaliFast Fast implementation of the Canali mobility model. |
class | allpix::Hamburg Hamburg (Klanner-Scharf) parametrization for <100> silicon. |
class | allpix::HamburgHighField Hamburg (Klanner-Scharf) high-field parametrization for <100> silicon. |
class | allpix::Masetti Masetti mobility model for charge carriers in silicon. |
class | allpix::MasettiCanali Combination of the Masetti and Canali mobility models for charge carriers in silicon (“extended Canali model”) |
class | allpix::Arora Arora mobility model for charge carriers in silicon. |
class | allpix::RuchKino Ruch-Kino mobility model for charge carriers in GaAs:Cr. |
class | allpix::Quay |
class | allpix::Levinshtein Levinshtein mobility models for charge carriers in gallium nitride. |
class | allpix::ConstantMobility Constant mobility of electrons and holes. |
class | allpix::Custom Custom mobility model for charge carriers. |
class | allpix::Mobility Wrapper class and factory for mobility models. |
class | allpix::RecombinationModel Charge carrier recombination models. |
class | allpix::None No recombination. |
class | allpix::ShockleyReadHall Shockley-Read-Hall recombination of charge carriers in silicon. |
class | allpix::Auger Auger recombination of charge carriers in silicon. |
class | allpix::ShockleyReadHallAuger Auger recombination of charge carriers in silicon. |
class | allpix::ConstantLifetime Simple recombination of charge carriers through constant lifetimes of holes and electrons. |
class | allpix::CustomRecombination Custom recombination model for charge carriers. |
class | allpix::Recombination Wrapper class and factory for recombination models. |
class | allpix::TrappingModel Charge carrier trapping models. |
class | allpix::NoTrapping No trapping. |
class | allpix::ConstantTrapping Constant trapping rate of charge carriers. |
class | allpix::Ljubljana Ljubljana / Kramberger effective trapping model for charge carriers in silicon. |
class | allpix::Dortmund Dortmund / Krasel effective trapping model for charge carriers in silicon. |
class | allpix::CMSTracker Effective trapping model developed by the CMS Tracker Group. |
class | allpix::Mandic Mandic effective trapping model. |
class | allpix::CustomTrapping Custom trapping model for charge carriers. |
class | allpix::Trapping Wrapper class and factory for trapping models. |
class | allpix::FieldData |
class | allpix::FieldParser Class to parse Allpix Squared field data from files. |
class | allpix::FieldWriter Class to write Allpix Squared field data to files. |
class | allpix::G4ExceptionHandler Exception handler for Geant4. |
class | allpix::G4LoggingDestination Log message sink for Geant4 output streams. |
class | allpix::MTRunManager A custom run manager for Geant4 that can work with external threads and be used concurrently. |
class | allpix::RunManager A wrapper around G4RunManager that allows us to use our own event seeds. |
class | allpix::SensitiveDetectorAndFieldConstruction Constructs the sensitive detectors and field for each worker. |
class | allpix::WorkerRunManager Run manager for Geant4 that can be used by multiple threads where each thread will have its own instance. |
class | allpix::LiangBarsky |
class | allpix::LineGraph |
class | allpix::ThreadedHistogram A re-implementation of ROOT::TThreadedObject. |
class | allpix::RungeKutta Class to perform arbitrary Runge-Kutta integration. |
class | allpix::TabulatedPow Class to pre-calculate powers of a fixed exponent within a defined range. |
Name | |
enum class | FieldType { NONE = 0, CONSTANT, LINEAR, GRID, CUSTOM1D, CUSTOM} Type of fields. |
enum class | Dopant { PHOSPHORUS = 0, ARSENIC} Type of dopant. |
enum class | MagneticFieldType { NONE = 0, CONSTANT, CUSTOM} Type of the magnetic field. |
enum class uint32_t | MsgFlags { NONE = 0, REQUIRED = (1 « 0), ALLOW_OVERWRITE = (1 « 1), IGNORE_NAME = (1 « 2), UNNAMED_ONLY = (1 « 3)} Flags to change the behaviour of delegates. |
enum class | LogLevel { FATAL = 0, STATUS, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG, NONE, TRACE, PRNG} Logging detail level. |
enum class | LogFormat { SHORT = 0, DEFAULT, LONG} Format of the logger. |
enum class | CarrierState { UNKNOWN = 0, MOTION, RECOMBINED, TRAPPED, HALTED} State of the charge carrier. |
enum class int8_t | CarrierType { ELECTRON = -1, HOLE = 1} Flags to distinguish between electron and hole charge carriers. |
enum class size_t | FieldQuantity { UNKNOWN = 0, SCALAR = 1, VECTOR = 3} Field quantities. |
enum class | FileType { UNKNOWN = 0, INIT, APF} Type of file formats. |
template <typename T > using std::vector< std::vector< T > > |
Matrix |
template using std::function< T(const ROOT::Math::XYZPoint &pos)> |
FieldFunction Functor returning the field at a given position. |
using std::function< ROOT::Math::XYZVector(const ROOT::Math::XYZPoint &)> | MagneticFieldFunction |
using std::list< std::shared_ptr< Module > > | ModuleList |
template <typename T > using boost::random::normal_distribution< T > |
normal_distribution |
template <typename T > using boost::random::piecewise_linear_distribution< T > |
piecewise_linear_distribution |
template <typename T > using boost::random::poisson_distribution< T > |
poisson_distribution |
template <typename T > using boost::random::uniform_real_distribution< T > |
uniform_real_distribution |
template <typename T > using boost::random::exponential_distribution< T > |
exponential_distribution |
using DefaultLogger | Log |
using Message< DepositedCharge > | DepositedChargeMessage Typedef for message carrying deposits. |
using Message< MCParticle > | MCParticleMessage Typedef for message carrying MC particles. |
using Message< MCTrack > | MCTrackMessage Typedef for message carrying MC tracks. |
using std::tuple< MCTrack, MCParticle, DepositedCharge, PropagatedCharge, PixelCharge, PixelHit > | OBJECTS Tuple containing all objects. |
using Message< PixelCharge > | PixelChargeMessage Typedef for message carrying pixel charges. |
using Message< PixelHit > | PixelHitMessage Typedef for message carrying pixel hits. |
using Message< PixelPulse > | PixelPulseMessage Typedef for message carrying pixel pulses. |
using Message< PropagatedCharge > | PropagatedChargeMessage Typedef for message carrying propagated charges. |
template <class T > using std::unique_ptr< ThreadedHistogram< T > > |
Histogram |
Name | |
std::string | to_string_impl(const std::string & inp, empty_tag ) Conversion handler for strings. |
std::string | to_string_impl(const char * inp, empty_tag ) Conversion handler for strings. |
std::string | to_string_impl(char * inp, empty_tag ) Conversion handler for strings. |
template <typename T > void |
flip_vector_components(T & field, bool x, bool y) Helper function to invert the field vector when flipping the field direction at pixel/field boundaries. |
void | flip_vector_components< ROOT::Math::XYZVector >(ROOT::Math::XYZVector & vec, bool x, bool y) |
void | flip_vector_components< double >(double & , bool , bool ) |
MsgFlags | **[operator |
MsgFlags | operator&(MsgFlags f1, MsgFlags f2) Give the set of flags present in both sets of message flags. |
bool | allpix_module_is_unique() Returns the type of the Module it is linked to. |
Module * | allpix_module_generator(Configuration & config, Messenger * messenger, GeometryManager * geo_manager) Instantiates an unique module. |
Module * | allpix_module_generator(Configuration & config, Messenger * messenger, std::shared_ptr< Detector > detector) Instantiates a detector module. |
void | SUPPRESS_STREAM(std::ostream & stream) Suppress a stream from writing any output. |
void | RELEASE_STREAM(std::ostream & stream) Release an suppressed stream so it can write again. |
std::string | trim(const std::string & str, const std::string & delims =" \t\n\r\v") Trims leading and trailing characters from a string. |
template <typename T > T |
from_string(std::string str) Converts a string to any supported type. |
std::string | from_string_helper(std::string str) Internal helper method for checking and trimming conversions from string. |
template <typename T > std::enable_if_t< std::is_arithmetic< T >::value, T > |
from_string_impl(std::string str, type_tag< T > ) Conversion handler for all arithmetic types. |
template <typename T > std::enable_if_t< std::is_enum< T >::value, T > |
from_string_impl(std::string str, type_tag< T > ) Conversion handler for all enum types. |
std::string | from_string_impl(std::string str, type_tag< std::string > ) Conversion handler for strings. |
std::filesystem::path | from_string_impl(std::string str, type_tag< std::filesystem::path > ) Conversion handler for filesystem paths. |
bool | from_string_impl(std::string str, type_tag< bool > ) Conversion handler for booleans. |
template <typename T > std::string |
to_string(T inp) Converts any type to a string. |
template <typename T ,std::enable_if_t< std::is_arithmetic< T >::value, bool > =true> std::string |
to_string_impl(T inp, empty_tag ) Conversion handler for all arithmetic types. |
template <typename T > std::vector< T > |
split(std::string str, const std::string & delims =" \t,") Splits string into substrings at delimiters. |
template <typename T > std::string |
transform(const std::string & str, const T & op) Transforms a string and returns the transformed string. |
std::string | demangle(const char * name, bool keep_allpix =false) Demangle the type to human-readable form if it is mangled. |
std::ostream & | operator«(std::ostream & out, const allpix::Object & obj) Overloaded ostream operator for printing of object data. |
std::ostream & | operator«(std::ostream & os, const CarrierType type) |
CarrierType | invertCarrierType(const CarrierType & type) Invert the type of a charge carrier. |
G4ThreeVector | from_string_impl(std::string str, type_tag< G4ThreeVector > ) Enable support to convert string directly to Geant4 3D vector while fetching configuration parameter. |
std::string | to_string_impl(const G4ThreeVector & vec, empty_tag ) Enable support to convert Geant4 3D vector to string for storage in the configuration. |
G4TwoVector | from_string_impl(std::string str, type_tag< G4TwoVector > ) Enable support to convert string directly to Geant4 2D vector for fetching configuration parameter. |
std::string | to_string_impl(const G4TwoVector & vec, empty_tag ) Enable support to convert Geant4 2D vector to string for storage in the configuration. |
template <typename T > G4ThreeVector |
toG4Vector(const ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D< T > & vector) Utility method to convert ROOT 3D vector to Geant4 3D vector. |
template <typename T > G4ThreeVector |
toG4Vector(const ROOT::Math::PositionVector3D< T > & vector) Utility method to convert ROOT 2D vector to Geant4 2D vector. |
template <typename T > ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D< T > |
from_string_impl(std::string str, type_tag< ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D< T » ) Enable support to convert string directly to ROOT 3D displacement vector while fetching configuration parameter. |
template <typename T > std::string |
to_string_impl(const ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D< T > & vec, empty_tag ) Enable support to convert ROOT 3D displacement vector to string for storage in the configuration. |
template <typename T > ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector2D< T > |
from_string_impl(std::string str, type_tag< ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector2D< T » ) Enable support to convert string directly to ROOT 2D displacement vector while fetching configuration parameter. |
template <typename T > std::string |
to_string_impl(const ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector2D< T > & vec, empty_tag ) Enable support to convert ROOT 2D displacement vector to string for storage in the configuration. |
template <typename T > ROOT::Math::PositionVector3D< T > |
from_string_impl(std::string str, type_tag< ROOT::Math::PositionVector3D< T » ) Enable support to convert string directly to ROOT 3D position vector while fetching configuration parameter. |
template <typename T > std::string |
to_string_impl(const ROOT::Math::PositionVector3D< T > & vec, empty_tag ) Enable support to convert ROOT 3D position vector to string for storage in the configuration. |
template <typename T > ROOT::Math::PositionVector2D< T > |
from_string_impl(std::string str, type_tag< ROOT::Math::PositionVector2D< T » ) Enable support to convert string directly to ROOT 2D position vector while fetching configuration parameter. |
template <typename T > std::string |
to_string_impl(const ROOT::Math::PositionVector2D< T > & vec, empty_tag ) Enable support to convert ROOT 2D position vector to string for storage in the configuration. |
template <typename T ,typename U > std::ostream & |
operator«(std::ostream & os, const ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D< T, U > & vec) Overload output stream operator to display ROOT 3D displacement vector. |
template <typename T ,typename U > std::ostream & |
operator«(std::ostream & os, const ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector2D< T, U > & vec) Overload output stream operator to display ROOT 2D displacement vector. |
template <typename T ,typename U > std::ostream & |
operator«(std::ostream & os, const ROOT::Math::PositionVector3D< T, U > & vec) Overload output stream operator to display ROOT 3D position vector. |
template <typename T ,typename U > std::ostream & |
operator«(std::ostream & os, const ROOT::Math::PositionVector2D< T, U > & vec) Overload output stream operator to display ROOT 2D position vector. |
template <typename T ,class… ARGS> std::unique_ptr< ThreadedHistogram< T > > |
CreateHistogram(ARGS &&… args) Helper method to instantiate new objects of the type ThreadedHistogram. |
std::unique_lock< std::mutex > | root_process_lock() Lock for TProcessID simultaneous action. |
template <typename T ,int S,int D =3,class… Args> RungeKutta< T, S, D > |
make_runge_kutta(const Eigen::Matrix< T, S+2, S > & tableau, Args &&… args) Utility function to create RungeKutta class using template deduction. |
void | register_units() Sets the default unit conventions. |
Name | |
thread_local double(T::*)() | RNGWrapper |
std::map< SensorMaterial, double > | ionization_energies Ionization / charge creation energy for different materials. |
std::map< SensorMaterial, double > | fano_factors Fano factors for different materials. |
Detailed Description
Helper class to hold support layers for a detector model.
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2017-2024 CERN and the Allpix Squared authors. This software is distributed under the terms of the MIT License, copied verbatim in the file “”. In applying this license, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization or submit itself to any jurisdiction. SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
Types Documentation
enum FieldType
Enumerator | Value | Description |
NONE | 0 | No field is applied. |
CONSTANT | Constant field. | |
LINEAR | Linear field (linearity determined by function) | |
GRID | Field supplied through a regularized grid. | |
CUSTOM1D | Custom field function, dependent only on z. | |
CUSTOM | Custom field function. |
Type of fields.
enum FieldMapping
Enumerator | Value | Description |
PIXEL_FULL | 0 | The field map spans the full pixel plane. |
PIXEL_FULL_INVERSE | The field map spans the full pixel plane, but pixel centers are at field corners. | |
PIXEL_HALF_LEFT | The field map spans the left half of the volume and is mirrored along x. | |
PIXEL_HALF_RIGHT | The field map spans the right half of the volume and is mirrored along x. | |
PIXEL_HALF_TOP | The field map spans the top half of the volume and is mirrored along y. | |
PIXEL_HALF_BOTTOM | The field map spans the bottom half of the volume and is mirrored along y. | |
PIXEL_QUADRANT_I | The field map spans the top right quadrant of the volume and is mirrored to the other quadrants | |
PIXEL_QUADRANT_II | The field map spans the top left quadrant of the volume and is mirrored to the other quadrants | |
PIXEL_QUADRANT_III | The field map spans the lower left quadrant of the volume and is mirrored to the other quadrants | |
PIXEL_QUADRANT_IV | The field map spans the lower right quadrant of the volume and is mirrored to the other quadrants | |
SENSOR | The field is mapped to the full sensor, starting at the local coordinate origin. The field is mirrored at its edges. |
Type of field maps.
enum SensorMaterial
Enumerator | Value | Description |
SILICON | 1 | Silicon. |
GALLIUM_ARSENIDE | Gallium Arsenide. | |
GERMANIUM | Germanium. | |
CADMIUM_TELLURIDE | Cadmium Telluride. | |
CADMIUM_ZINC_TELLURIDE | Cadmium Zinc Telluride. | |
DIAMOND | Diamond. | |
SILICON_CARBIDE | Silicon Carbide. | |
GALLIUM_NITRIDE | Gallium Nitride. |
Sensor materials.
enum Dopant
Enumerator | Value | Description |
Type of dopant.
enum MagneticFieldType
Enumerator | Value | Description |
NONE | 0 | No magnetic field is simulated. |
CONSTANT | Constant magnetic field (mostly for testing) | |
CUSTOM | Custom magnetic field function. |
Type of the magnetic field.
enum MsgFlags
Enumerator | Value | Description |
NONE | 0 | No enabled flags. |
REQUIRED | (1 « 0) | Require a message before running a module. |
ALLOW_OVERWRITE | (1 « 1) | Allow overwriting a previous message. |
IGNORE_NAME | (1 « 2) | Listen to all ignoring message name (equal to * as a input configuration parameter) |
UNNAMED_ONLY | (1 « 3) | Listen to all messages without explicit name (equal to ? as configuration parameter) |
Flags to change the behaviour of delegates.
All flags are distinct and can be combined using the | (OR) operator. The flags should be passed to the Messenger when registering a filter or when binding either a single or multiple messages. It depends on the delegate which combination of flags is valid.
enum LogLevel
Enumerator | Value | Description |
FATAL | 0 | Fatal problems that terminate the framework (typically exceptions) |
STATUS | Only critical progress information. | |
ERROR | Critical problems that usually lead to fatal errors. | |
WARNING | Possible issue that could lead to unexpected results. | |
INFO | General information about processes (should not be called in run function) | |
DEBUG | Detailed information about physics process. | |
NONE | Indicates the log level has not been set (cannot be selected by the user) | |
TRACE | Software debugging information about what part is currently running. | |
PRNG | Logging level printing every pseudo-random number requested. |
Logging detail level.
enum LogFormat
Enumerator | Value | Description |
SHORT | 0 | Only include a single character for the log level, the section header and the message. |
DEFAULT | Also include the time and a full logging level description. | |
LONG | All of the above and also information about the file and line where the message was defined. |
Format of the logger.
enum CarrierState
Enumerator | Value | Description |
UNKNOWN | 0 | State of the propagated charge carrier is unknown. |
MOTION | The propagated charge carrier is in motion. | |
RECOMBINED | The propagated charge carrier has recombined with the lattice. | |
TRAPPED | The propagated charge carrier is trapped temporarily. | |
HALTED | The carrier has come to a halt because it, for example, has reached the sensor surface or an implant. |
State of the charge carrier.
enum CarrierType
Enumerator | Value | Description |
ELECTRON | -1 | |
HOLE | 1 |
Flags to distinguish between electron and hole charge carriers.
enum FieldQuantity
Enumerator | Value | Description |
UNKNOWN | 0 | Unknown field quantity. |
SCALAR | 1 | Scalar field, i.e. one entry per field position. |
VECTOR | 3 | Vector field, i.e. three entries per field position. |
Field quantities.
enum FileType
Enumerator | Value | Description |
UNKNOWN | 0 | Unknown file format. |
INIT | Legacy file format, values stored in plain-text ASCII. | |
APF | Binary Allpix Squared format serialized using the cereal library. |
Type of file formats.
using Matrix
template <typename T >
using allpix::Matrix = typedef std::vector<std::vector<T> >;
using FieldFunction
template <typename T =ROOT::Math::XYZVector>
using allpix::FieldFunction = typedef std::function<T(const ROOT::Math::XYZPoint& pos)>;
Functor returning the field at a given position.
- pos Position in local coordinates at which the field should be evaluated
using MagneticFieldFunction
using allpix::MagneticFieldFunction = typedef std::function<ROOT::Math::XYZVector(const ROOT::Math::XYZPoint&)>;
using ModuleList
using allpix::ModuleList = typedef std::list<std::shared_ptr<Module> >;
using normal_distribution
template <typename T >
using allpix::normal_distribution = typedef boost::random::normal_distribution<T>;
using piecewise_linear_distribution
template <typename T >
using allpix::piecewise_linear_distribution = typedef boost::random::piecewise_linear_distribution<T>;
using poisson_distribution
template <typename T >
using allpix::poisson_distribution = typedef boost::random::poisson_distribution<T>;
using uniform_real_distribution
template <typename T >
using allpix::uniform_real_distribution = typedef boost::random::uniform_real_distribution<T>;
using exponential_distribution
template <typename T >
using allpix::exponential_distribution = typedef boost::random::exponential_distribution<T>;
using Log
using allpix::Log = typedef DefaultLogger;
using DepositedChargeMessage
using allpix::DepositedChargeMessage = typedef Message<DepositedCharge>;
Typedef for message carrying deposits.
using MCParticleMessage
using allpix::MCParticleMessage = typedef Message<MCParticle>;
Typedef for message carrying MC particles.
using MCTrackMessage
using allpix::MCTrackMessage = typedef Message<MCTrack>;
Typedef for message carrying MC tracks.
using allpix::OBJECTS = typedef std::tuple<MCTrack, MCParticle, DepositedCharge, PropagatedCharge, PixelCharge, PixelHit>;
Tuple containing all objects.
using PixelChargeMessage
using allpix::PixelChargeMessage = typedef Message<PixelCharge>;
Typedef for message carrying pixel charges.
using PixelHitMessage
using allpix::PixelHitMessage = typedef Message<PixelHit>;
Typedef for message carrying pixel hits.
using PixelPulseMessage
using allpix::PixelPulseMessage = typedef Message<PixelPulse>;
Typedef for message carrying pixel pulses.
using PropagatedChargeMessage
using allpix::PropagatedChargeMessage = typedef Message<PropagatedCharge>;
Typedef for message carrying propagated charges.
using Histogram
template <class T >
using allpix::Histogram = typedef std::unique_ptr<ThreadedHistogram<T> >;
Functions Documentation
function to_string_impl
inline std::string to_string_impl(
const std::string & inp,
Conversion handler for strings.
Note: Overloaded for different types of strings
Adds enclosing double quotation marks to properly store strings containing whitespace.
function to_string_impl
inline std::string to_string_impl(
const char * inp,
Conversion handler for strings.
Note: Overloaded for different types of strings
Adds enclosing double quotation marks to properly store strings containing whitespace.
function to_string_impl
inline std::string to_string_impl(
char * inp,
Conversion handler for strings.
Note: Overloaded for different types of strings
Adds enclosing double quotation marks to properly store strings containing whitespace.
function flip_vector_components
template <typename T >
void flip_vector_components(
T & field,
bool x,
bool y
Helper function to invert the field vector when flipping the field direction at pixel/field boundaries.
- field Field value, templated to support vector fields and scalar fields
- x Boolean to indicate flipping in x-direction
- y Boolean to indicate flipping in y-direction
function flip_vector_components< ROOT::Math::XYZVector >
inline void flip_vector_components< ROOT::Math::XYZVector >(
ROOT::Math::XYZVector & vec,
bool x,
bool y
function flip_vector_components< double >
inline void flip_vector_components< double >(
double & ,
bool ,
function operator|
inline MsgFlags operator|(
MsgFlags f1,
MsgFlags f2
Combine two sets of message flags.
- f1 First set of flag
- f2 Second set of flag
Return: New set of flag representing the combination of the two given sets
function operator&
inline MsgFlags operator&(
MsgFlags f1,
MsgFlags f2
Give the set of flags present in both sets of message flags.
- f1 First flag
- f2 Second flag
Return: New flag representing the flags present in both sets of flags
function allpix_module_is_unique
bool allpix_module_is_unique()
Returns the type of the Module it is linked to.
Used by the ModuleManager to determine if it should instantiate a single module or modules per detector instead.
function allpix_module_generator
Module * allpix_module_generator(
Configuration & config,
Messenger * messenger,
GeometryManager * geo_manager
Instantiates an unique module.
- config Configuration for this module
- messenger Pointer to the Messenger (guaranteed to be valid until the module is destructed)
- geo_manager Pointer to the global GeometryManager (guaranteed to be valid until the module is destructed)
Return: Instantiation of the module
Internal method for the dynamic loading in the ModuleManager. Forwards the supplied arguments to the constructor and returns an instantiation.
function allpix_module_generator
Module * allpix_module_generator(
Configuration & config,
Messenger * messenger,
std::shared_ptr< Detector > detector
Instantiates a detector module.
- config Configuration for this module
- messenger Pointer to the Messenger (guaranteed to be valid until the module is destructed)
- detector Pointer to the Detector object this module is bound to
Return: Instantiation of the module
Internal method for the dynamic loading in the ModuleManager. Forwards the supplied arguments to the constructor and returns an instantiation
inline void SUPPRESS_STREAM(
std::ostream & stream
Suppress a stream from writing any output.
- stream The stream to suppress
inline void RELEASE_STREAM(
std::ostream & stream
Release an suppressed stream so it can write again.
- stream The stream to release
function trim
std::string trim(
const std::string & str,
const std::string & delims =" \t\n\r\v"
Trims leading and trailing characters from a string.
- str String that should be trimmed
- delims List of delimiters to trim from the string (defaults to all whitespace)
function from_string
template <typename T >
T from_string(
std::string str
Converts a string to any supported type.
- str String to convert
See: String conversions
function from_string_helper
std::string from_string_helper(
std::string str
Internal helper method for checking and trimming conversions from string.
- str Input string to check and trim
Return: Trimmed string
function from_string_impl
template <typename T >
std::enable_if_t< std::is_arithmetic< T >::value, T > from_string_impl(
std::string str,
type_tag< T >
Conversion handler for all arithmetic types.
- std::invalid_argument If the string cannot be converted to the required arithmetic type
function from_string_impl
template <typename T >
std::enable_if_t< std::is_enum< T >::value, T > from_string_impl(
std::string str,
type_tag< T >
Conversion handler for all enum types.
- std::invalid_argument If the string cannot be converted to the required enum type
function from_string_impl
std::string from_string_impl(
std::string str,
type_tag< std::string >
Conversion handler for strings.
- std::invalid_argument If no closing quotation mark as last character after an opening quotation mark
- std::invalid_argument If string without enclosing quotation marks, but more data after whitespace is found
If a pair of enclosing double quotation marks is found, the whole string within the quotation marks is returned. Otherwise only the first part is read until whitespace is encountered.
function from_string_impl
std::filesystem::path from_string_impl(
std::string str,
type_tag< std::filesystem::path >
Conversion handler for filesystem paths.
- std::invalid_argument If no closing quotation mark as last character after an opening quotation mark
- std::invalid_argument If string without enclosing quotation marks, but more data after whitespace is found
First parse as normal string and then construct path from it.
function from_string_impl
bool from_string_impl(
std::string str,
type_tag< bool >
Conversion handler for booleans.
- std::invalid_argument If the string cannot be converted to a boolean type
Both numerical (0, 1) and textual representations (“false”, “true”) are supported for booleans. No enclosing quotation marks should be used.
function to_string
template <typename T >
std::string to_string(
T inp
Converts any type to a string.
Note: C-strings are not supported due to allocation issues
function to_string_impl
template <typename T ,
std::enable_if_t< std::is_arithmetic< T >::value, bool > =true>
std::string to_string_impl(
T inp,
Conversion handler for all arithmetic types.
Conversion handler for all enum types.
function split
template <typename T >
std::vector< T > split(
std::string str,
const std::string & delims =" \t,"
Splits string into substrings at delimiters.
- str String to split
- delims Delimiters to split at (defaults to space, tab and comma)
Return: List of all the substrings with all empty substrings ignored (thus removed)
function transform
template <typename T >
std::string transform(
const std::string & str,
const T & op
Transforms a string and returns the transformed string.
- str String that should be transformed
- op Unary operator to act on the string
Return: Transformed string
function demangle
inline std::string demangle(
const char * name,
bool keep_allpix =false
Demangle the type to human-readable form if it is mangled.
- name The possibly mangled name
- keep_allpix If true the allpix namespace tag will be kept, otherwise it is removed
function operator«
std::ostream & operator<<(
std::ostream & out,
const allpix::Object & obj
Overloaded ostream operator for printing of object data.
- out Stream to write output to
- obj Object to print to stream
Return: Stream where output was written to
function operator«
inline std::ostream & operator<<(
std::ostream & os,
const CarrierType type
function invertCarrierType
inline CarrierType invertCarrierType(
const CarrierType & type
Invert the type of a charge carrier.
- type Initial type of the charge carrier
Return: Inverted type of the charge carrier
function from_string_impl
inline G4ThreeVector from_string_impl(
std::string str,
type_tag< G4ThreeVector >
Enable support to convert string directly to Geant4 3D vector while fetching configuration parameter.
function to_string_impl
inline std::string to_string_impl(
const G4ThreeVector & vec,
Enable support to convert Geant4 3D vector to string for storage in the configuration.
function from_string_impl
inline G4TwoVector from_string_impl(
std::string str,
type_tag< G4TwoVector >
Enable support to convert string directly to Geant4 2D vector for fetching configuration parameter.
function to_string_impl
inline std::string to_string_impl(
const G4TwoVector & vec,
Enable support to convert Geant4 2D vector to string for storage in the configuration.
function toG4Vector
template <typename T >
G4ThreeVector toG4Vector(
const ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D< T > & vector
Utility method to convert ROOT 3D vector to Geant4 3D vector.
function toG4Vector
template <typename T >
G4ThreeVector toG4Vector(
const ROOT::Math::PositionVector3D< T > & vector
Utility method to convert ROOT 2D vector to Geant4 2D vector.
function from_string_impl
template <typename T >
inline ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D< T > from_string_impl(
std::string str,
type_tag< ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D< T >>
Enable support to convert string directly to ROOT 3D displacement vector while fetching configuration parameter.
function to_string_impl
template <typename T >
inline std::string to_string_impl(
const ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D< T > & vec,
Enable support to convert ROOT 3D displacement vector to string for storage in the configuration.
function from_string_impl
template <typename T >
inline ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector2D< T > from_string_impl(
std::string str,
type_tag< ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector2D< T >>
Enable support to convert string directly to ROOT 2D displacement vector while fetching configuration parameter.
function to_string_impl
template <typename T >
inline std::string to_string_impl(
const ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector2D< T > & vec,
Enable support to convert ROOT 2D displacement vector to string for storage in the configuration.
function from_string_impl
template <typename T >
inline ROOT::Math::PositionVector3D< T > from_string_impl(
std::string str,
type_tag< ROOT::Math::PositionVector3D< T >>
Enable support to convert string directly to ROOT 3D position vector while fetching configuration parameter.
function to_string_impl
template <typename T >
inline std::string to_string_impl(
const ROOT::Math::PositionVector3D< T > & vec,
Enable support to convert ROOT 3D position vector to string for storage in the configuration.
function from_string_impl
template <typename T >
inline ROOT::Math::PositionVector2D< T > from_string_impl(
std::string str,
type_tag< ROOT::Math::PositionVector2D< T >>
Enable support to convert string directly to ROOT 2D position vector while fetching configuration parameter.
function to_string_impl
template <typename T >
inline std::string to_string_impl(
const ROOT::Math::PositionVector2D< T > & vec,
Enable support to convert ROOT 2D position vector to string for storage in the configuration.
function operator«
template <typename T ,
typename U >
inline std::ostream & operator<<(
std::ostream & os,
const ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D< T, U > & vec
Overload output stream operator to display ROOT 3D displacement vector.
function operator«
template <typename T ,
typename U >
inline std::ostream & operator<<(
std::ostream & os,
const ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector2D< T, U > & vec
Overload output stream operator to display ROOT 2D displacement vector.
function operator«
template <typename T ,
typename U >
inline std::ostream & operator<<(
std::ostream & os,
const ROOT::Math::PositionVector3D< T, U > & vec
Overload output stream operator to display ROOT 3D position vector.
function operator«
template <typename T ,
typename U >
inline std::ostream & operator<<(
std::ostream & os,
const ROOT::Math::PositionVector2D< T, U > & vec
Overload output stream operator to display ROOT 2D position vector.
function CreateHistogram
template <typename T ,
class... ARGS>
std::unique_ptr< ThreadedHistogram< T > > CreateHistogram(
ARGS &&... args
Helper method to instantiate new objects of the type ThreadedHistogram.
- args Arguments passed to histogram class
Return: Unique pointer to newly created object
function root_process_lock
inline std::unique_lock< std::mutex > root_process_lock()
Lock for TProcessID simultaneous action.
function make_runge_kutta
template <typename T ,
int S,
int D =3,
class... Args>
RungeKutta< T, S, D > make_runge_kutta(
const Eigen::Matrix< T, S+2, S > & tableau,
Args &&... args
Utility function to create RungeKutta class using template deduction.
- tableau One of the possible Runge-Kutta tableaus (see allpix::tableau)
- args Other forwarded arguments to the RungeKutta::RungeKutta constructor
Return: Instantiation of RungeKutta class with the forwarded arguments
function register_units
static void register_units()
Sets the default unit conventions.
Attributes Documentation
variable RNGWrapper
thread_local double(T::*)() RNGWrapper;
variable ionization_energies
static std::map< SensorMaterial, double > ionization_energies = {
{SensorMaterial::SILICON, 3.64e-6},
{SensorMaterial::GALLIUM_ARSENIDE, 4.2e-6},
{SensorMaterial::GERMANIUM, 2.97e-6},
{SensorMaterial::CADMIUM_TELLURIDE, 4.43e-6},
{SensorMaterial::CADMIUM_ZINC_TELLURIDE, 4.6e-6},
{SensorMaterial::DIAMOND, 13.1e-6},
{SensorMaterial::SILICON_CARBIDE, 7.6e-6}};
Ionization / charge creation energy for different materials.
Warning: All values in framework-internal units, here: MeV
variable fano_factors
static std::map< SensorMaterial, double > fano_factors = {
{SensorMaterial::SILICON, 0.115},
{SensorMaterial::GALLIUM_ARSENIDE, 0.14},
{SensorMaterial::GERMANIUM, 0.112},
{SensorMaterial::CADMIUM_TELLURIDE, 0.24},
{SensorMaterial::CADMIUM_ZINC_TELLURIDE, 0.14},
{SensorMaterial::DIAMOND, 0.382},
{SensorMaterial::SILICON_CARBIDE, 0.1}};
Fano factors for different materials.
Updated on 2025-02-27 at 14:14:45 +0000