
Collection of modules included in the framework.


class allpix::CapacitiveTransferModule
Module that directly converts propagated charges to charges on a pixel and its neighbours (simulating the cross-coupling in CCPDs) This module is based on the SimpleTransferModule. It does a mapping of the propagated charges to the nearest pixel in the grid and copies this propageted charge, scaled by the cross-coupling matrix, to the neighbouring pixels. The coupling matrix must be provided in the configuration file as a Matrix or as a matrix file. Like the SimpleTransferModule, it only considers propagated charges within a certain distance from the implants and within the pixel grid, charges in the rest of the sensor are ignored. The cross hit created in the neighbouring pixels keeps the history, saving from where the original charge came from.
class allpix::CorryvreckanWriterModule
Module to do function.
class allpix::CSADigitizerModule
Module to simulate digitization of collected charges.
class allpix::DatabaseWriterModule
Module to write object data to PostgreSQL databases.
class allpix::DefaultDigitizerModule
Module to simulate digitization of collected charges.
class allpix::DepositionCosmicsModule
Module to simulate the particles stemming from cosmics rays and showers incident on the setup.
class allpix::DepositionGeant4Module
Module to simulate the particle beam and generating the charge deposits in the sensor.
class allpix::DepositionGeneratorModule
Module to read primary particles from MC generators.
class allpix::DepositionLaserModule
Module to do function.
class allpix::DepositionPointChargeModule
Module to deposit charges at predefined positions in the sensor volume.
class allpix::DepositionReaderModule
Module to read pre-computed energy deposits.
class allpix::DetectorHistogrammerModule
Module to plot the final digitized pixel data.
class allpix::DopingProfileReaderModule
Module to do function.
class allpix::DummyModule
Module which serves as a demonstrator and wireframe for new modules.
class allpix::ElectricFieldReaderModule
Module to read electric fields from INIT format or apply a linear electric field.
class allpix::GDMLOutputWriterModule
Module to construct a GDML Output of the geometry.
class allpix::GenericPropagationModule
Generic module for Runge-Kutta propagation of charge deposits in the sensitive device.
class allpix::GeometryBuilderGeant4Module
Module to construct the Geant4 geometry from the internal geometry.
class allpix::InducedTransferModule
Module to calculate the total induced charge from propagated charge carriers and to assign them to pixels.
class allpix::LCIOWriterModule
Module to write hit data to LCIO file.
class allpix::MagneticFieldReaderModule
Module to define magnetic fields.
class allpix::ProjectionPropagationModule
Module to project created electrons onto the sensor surface including diffusion.
class allpix::PulseTransferModule
Module to combine all charges induced at every pixel.
class allpix::RCEWriterModule
Module to write object data to ROOT trees in RCE format for telescope reconstruction.
class allpix::ROOTObjectReaderModule
Module to read data stored in ROOT file back to allpix messages.
class allpix::ROOTObjectWriterModule
Module to write object data to ROOT trees in file for persistent storage.
class allpix::SimpleTransferModule
Module that directly converts propagated charges to charges on a pixel.
class allpix::TextWriterModule
Module to write object data to simple ASCII text files.
class allpix::TransientPropagationModule
Module for simulation of transient current development using a Runge-Kutta approach.
class allpix::VisualizationGeant4Module
Module that shows visualization of constructed Geant4 geometry.
class allpix::WeightingPotentialReaderModule
Module to read weighting potentials.

Updated on 2025-02-27 at 14:14:46 +0000