Exception classes
Collection of all the exceptions used in the framework.
Name | |
class | allpix::ConfigurationError Base class for all configurations exceptions in the framework. |
class | allpix::ConfigFileUnavailableError Notifies of a missing configuration file. |
class | allpix::InvalidKeyError Indicates a problem converting the value of a configuration key to the value it should represent. |
class | allpix::MissingKeyError Informs of a missing key that should have been defined. |
class | allpix::KeyValueParseError Indicates an error while parsing a key / value pair. |
class | allpix::ConfigParseError Indicates an error while parsing a configuration file. |
class | allpix::InvalidValueError Indicates an error with the contents of value. |
class | allpix::InvalidCombinationError Indicates an error with a combination of configuration keys. |
class | allpix::ModuleIdentifierNotFoundError Indicates that a given ModuleIdentifier was not found in the module identifier list. |
class | allpix::ModuleIdentifierAlreadyAddedError Indicates that a given ModuleIdentifier is already in the module identifier list. |
class | allpix::InvalidDetectorError Indicates an error with finding a detector by name. |
class | allpix::InvalidDetectorModelError Indicates an error that the detector model is not found. |
class | allpix::DetectorExistsError Indicates an attempt to add a detector that is already registered before. |
class | allpix::PassiveElementExistsError Indicates an attempt to add a detector that is already registered before. |
class | allpix::DetectorModelExistsError Indicates an attempt to add a detector model that is already registered before. |
class | allpix::DetectorInvalidNameError Indicates an attempt to add a detector with an invalid name. |
class | allpix::UnexpectedMessageException Receive of a message that was not expected. |
class | allpix::MessageWithoutObjectException Message does not contain an allpix::Object. |
class | allpix::MessageNotFoundException Trying to fetch a message that wasn’t delivered. |
class | allpix::DynamicLibraryError Notifies of an error with dynamically loading a module. |
class | allpix::AmbiguousInstantiationError Raised if ambiguous instantiation of two similar modules occurs. |
class | allpix::InvalidModuleStateException Informs that a module is in a state it should never be. |
class | allpix::InvalidEventStateException Informs that an event is in a state it should never be. |
class | allpix::InvalidModuleActionException Informs that a module executes an action is it not allowed to do in particular state. |
class | allpix::ModuleError General exception for modules if something goes wrong. |
class | allpix::EndOfRunException Exception for modules to request an end of the event processing. |
class | allpix::AbortEventException Exception for modules to request the abortion of the current event. |
class | allpix::MissingDependenciesException Exception for modules to request an interrupt because dependencies are missing. |
class | allpix::Exception Base class for all non-internal exceptions in framework. |
class | allpix::RuntimeError Errors related to problems occurring at runtime. |
class | allpix::LogicError Errors related to logical problems in the code structure. |
class | allpix::MissingReferenceException Indicates an object that does not contain a reference fetched. |
class | allpix::IncompatibleDatatypesException Indicates that two objects are of incompatible data types and cannot be combined. |
class | allpix::PulseBadAllocException Indicates that a pulse object could not be allocated. |
class | allpix::ModelError Base class for all model exceptions in the framework. |
class | allpix::InvalidModelError Notifies of an invalid model. |
class | allpix::ModelUnsuitable Notifies of a model unsuitable for the current simulation. |
Updated on 2025-02-27 at 14:14:46 +0000