
Definition of charge carrier trapping models. More…


Helper class to hold support layers for a detector model.


class allpix::TrappingModel
Charge carrier trapping models.
class allpix::NoTrapping
No trapping.
class allpix::ConstantTrapping
Constant trapping rate of charge carriers.
class allpix::Ljubljana
Ljubljana / Kramberger effective trapping model for charge carriers in silicon.
class allpix::Dortmund
Dortmund / Krasel effective trapping model for charge carriers in silicon.
class allpix::CMSTracker
Effective trapping model developed by the CMS Tracker Group.
class allpix::Mandic
Mandic effective trapping model.
class allpix::CustomTrapping
Custom trapping model for charge carriers.
class allpix::Trapping
Wrapper class and factory for trapping models.

Detailed Description

Definition of charge carrier trapping models.

Copyright: Copyright (c) 2021-2024 CERN and the Allpix Squared authors. This software is distributed under the terms of the MIT License, copied verbatim in the file “”. In applying this license, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization or submit itself to any jurisdiction. SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

Source code


#include <TFormula.h>

#include "exceptions.h"

#include "core/config/Configuration.hpp"
#include "core/utils/log.h"
#include "core/utils/unit.h"
#include "objects/SensorCharge.hpp"

namespace allpix {

    class TrappingModel {
        TrappingModel() = default;

        virtual ~TrappingModel() = default;

        virtual bool operator()(const CarrierType& type, double probability, double timestep, double) const {
            return probability <
                   (1 - std::exp(-1. * timestep / (type == CarrierType::ELECTRON ? tau_eff_electron_ : tau_eff_hole_)));

        double tau_eff_electron_{std::numeric_limits<double>::max()};
        double tau_eff_hole_{std::numeric_limits<double>::max()};

    class NoTrapping : virtual public TrappingModel {
        bool operator()(const CarrierType&, double, double, double) const override { return false; };

    class ConstantTrapping : virtual public TrappingModel {
        ConstantTrapping(double electron_lifetime, double hole_lifetime) {
            tau_eff_electron_ = electron_lifetime;
            tau_eff_hole_ = hole_lifetime;

    class Ljubljana : virtual public TrappingModel {
        Ljubljana(double temperature, double fluence) {
            tau_eff_electron_ = 1. / Units::get(5.6e-16 * std::pow(temperature / 263, -0.86), "cm*cm/ns") / fluence;
            tau_eff_hole_ = 1. / Units::get(7.7e-16 * std::pow(temperature / 263, -1.52), "cm*cm/ns") / fluence;

    class Dortmund : virtual public TrappingModel {
        explicit Dortmund(double fluence) {
            tau_eff_electron_ = 1. / Units::get(5.13e-16, "cm*cm/ns") / fluence;
            tau_eff_hole_ = 1. / Units::get(5.04e-16, "cm*cm/ns") / fluence;

    class CMSTracker : virtual public TrappingModel {
        explicit CMSTracker(double fluence) {
            tau_eff_electron_ = 1. / (Units::get(1.71e-16, "cm*cm/ns") * fluence + Units::get(0.114, "/ns"));
            tau_eff_hole_ = 1. / (Units::get(2.79e-16, "cm*cm/ns") * fluence + Units::get(0.093, "/ns"));

    class Mandic : virtual public TrappingModel {
        explicit Mandic(double fluence) {
            tau_eff_electron_ = 0.054 * pow(fluence / Units::get(1e16, "/cm/cm"), -0.62);
            tau_eff_hole_ = tau_eff_electron_ * (4.9 / 6.2);

    class CustomTrapping : virtual public TrappingModel {
        explicit CustomTrapping(const Configuration& config) {
            tf_tau_eff_electron_ = configure_tau_eff(config, CarrierType::ELECTRON);
            tf_tau_eff_hole_ = configure_tau_eff(config, CarrierType::HOLE);

        bool operator()(const CarrierType& type, double probability, double timestep, double efield_mag) const override {
            return probability < (1 - std::exp(-1. * timestep /
                                               (type == CarrierType::ELECTRON ? tf_tau_eff_electron_->Eval(efield_mag)
                                                                              : tf_tau_eff_hole_->Eval(efield_mag))));

        std::unique_ptr<TFormula> tf_tau_eff_electron_;
        std::unique_ptr<TFormula> tf_tau_eff_hole_;

        std::unique_ptr<TFormula> configure_tau_eff(const Configuration& config, const CarrierType type) {
            std::string name = (type == CarrierType::ELECTRON ? "electrons" : "holes");
            auto function = config.get<std::string>("trapping_function_" + name);
            auto parameters = config.getArray<double>("trapping_parameters_" + name, {});

            auto trapping = std::make_unique<TFormula>(("trapping_" + name).c_str(), function.c_str());

            if(!trapping->IsValid()) {
                throw InvalidValueError(
                    config, "trapping_function_" + name, "The provided model is not a valid ROOT::TFormula expression");

            // Check if number of parameters match up
            if(static_cast<size_t>(trapping->GetNpar()) != parameters.size()) {
                throw InvalidValueError(config,
                                        "trapping_parameters_" + name,
                                        "The number of provided parameters and parameters in the function do not match");

            // Set the parameters
            for(size_t n = 0; n < parameters.size(); ++n) {
                trapping->SetParameter(static_cast<int>(n), parameters[n]);

            return trapping;

    class Trapping {
        Trapping() = default;

        explicit Trapping(const Configuration& config) {
            try {
                auto model = config.get<std::string>("trapping_model", "none");
                std::transform(model.begin(), model.end(), model.begin(), ::tolower);
                auto temperature = config.get<double>("temperature");
                auto fluence = config.get<double>("fluence", 0);

                // Warn for fluences >= 1e17 neq/cm^2 since this might be the result of a wrong unit and not intentional
                if(fluence >= 1e15) {
                    LOG(WARNING) << "High fluence of " << Units::display(fluence, "neq/cm/cm")
                                 << " detected, units might not be set correctly";

                if(model == "ljubljana" || model == "kramberger") {
                    model_ = std::make_unique<Ljubljana>(temperature, fluence);
                } else if(model == "dortmund" || model == "krasel") {
                    model_ = std::make_unique<Dortmund>(fluence);
                } else if(model == "cmstracker") {
                    model_ = std::make_unique<CMSTracker>(fluence);
                } else if(model == "mandic") {
                    model_ = std::make_unique<Mandic>(fluence);
                } else if(model == "constant") {
                    model_ = std::make_unique<ConstantTrapping>(config.get<double>("trapping_time_electron"),
                } else if(model == "none") {
                    LOG(INFO) << "No charge carrier trapping model chosen, no trapping simulated";
                    model_ = std::make_unique<NoTrapping>();
                } else if(model == "custom") {
                    model_ = std::make_unique<CustomTrapping>(config);
                } else {
                    throw InvalidModelError(model);
                LOG(INFO) << "Selected trapping model \"" << model << "\"";
            } catch(const ModelError& e) {
                throw InvalidValueError(config, "trapping_model", e.what());

        template <class... ARGS> bool operator()(ARGS&&... args) const {
            return model_->operator()(std::forward<ARGS>(args)...);

        std::unique_ptr<TrappingModel> model_{};

} // namespace allpix


Updated on 2025-02-27 at 14:14:46 +0000