
Implementation of ROOT data file writer module. More…

Detailed Description

Implementation of ROOT data file writer module.

Copyright: Copyright (c) 2017-2024 CERN and the Allpix Squared authors. This software is distributed under the terms of the MIT License, copied verbatim in the file “”. In applying this license, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization or submit itself to any jurisdiction. SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

Source code

#include "ROOTObjectWriterModule.hpp"

#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <utility>

#include <TBranchElement.h>
#include <TClass.h>
#include <TProcessID.h>

#include "core/config/ConfigReader.hpp"
#include "core/utils/log.h"
#include "core/utils/type.h"

#include "objects/Object.hpp"
#include "objects/objects.h"

#include "tools/ROOT.h"

using namespace allpix;

ROOTObjectWriterModule::ROOTObjectWriterModule(Configuration& config, Messenger* messenger, GeometryManager* geo_mgr)
    : SequentialModule(config), messenger_(messenger), geo_mgr_(geo_mgr) {
    // Enable multithreading of this module if multithreading is enabled

    // Bind to all messages with filter
    messenger_->registerFilter(this, &ROOTObjectWriterModule::filter);
ROOTObjectWriterModule::~ROOTObjectWriterModule() {
    // Delete all object pointers
    for(auto& index_data : write_list_) {
        delete index_data.second;

void ROOTObjectWriterModule::initialize() {
    // Create output file
    output_file_name_ = createOutputFile(config_.get<std::string>("file_name", "data"), "root", true);
    output_file_ = std::make_unique<TFile>(output_file_name_.c_str(), "RECREATE");

    // Create tree to hold Event information
    trees_.emplace("Event", std::make_unique<TTree>("Event", "Tree of event info"));
    trees_["Event"]->Branch("ID", &current_event_);
    trees_["Event"]->Branch("seed", &current_seed_);

    // Check if the given type of object is contained in the inclusion or exclusion filter rules:
    auto check_object_filter = [](const std::string& object, const std::set<std::string>& arr, bool inclusive) {
        auto contained = arr.find(object);
        if((!inclusive && contained == std::end(arr)) || (inclusive && contained != std::end(arr))) {
            LOG(WARNING) << object << (inclusive ? " included" : " not excluded")
                         << ", this will lead to large output files and possible performance penalties";

    // Read include and exclude list
    if(config_.has("include") && config_.has("exclude")) {
        throw InvalidCombinationError(
            config_, {"exclude", "include"}, "include and exclude parameter are mutually exclusive");
    } else if(config_.has("include")) {
        auto inc_arr = config_.getArray<std::string>("include");
        include_.insert(inc_arr.begin(), inc_arr.end());

        check_object_filter("DepositedCharge", include_, true);
        check_object_filter("PropagatedCharge", include_, true);
    } else if(config_.has("exclude")) {
        auto exc_arr = config_.getArray<std::string>("exclude");
        exclude_.insert(exc_arr.begin(), exc_arr.end());

        check_object_filter("DepositedCharge", exclude_, false);
        check_object_filter("PropagatedCharge", exclude_, false);

    if(include_.empty() && exclude_.empty()) {
        LOG(WARNING) << "Writing all simulation objects to file, this will lead to large output files and possible "
                        "performance penalties."
                     << std::endl
                     << "It is advised to use the include and exclude parameters to select object types specifically.";

bool ROOTObjectWriterModule::filter(const std::shared_ptr<BaseMessage>& message,
                                    const std::string& message_name) const { // NOLINT
    try {
        const BaseMessage* inst = message.get();
        std::string name_str = " without a name";
        if(!message_name.empty()) {
            name_str = " named " + message_name;
        LOG(TRACE) << "ROOT object writer received " << allpix::demangle(typeid(*inst).name()) << name_str;

        // Read the object
        auto object_array = message->getObjectArray();
        if(object_array.empty()) {
            return false;
        const Object& first_object = object_array[0];
        std::string class_name = allpix::demangle(typeid(first_object).name());

        // Check if this message should be kept
        if((!include_.empty() && include_.find(class_name) == include_.cend()) ||
           (!exclude_.empty() && exclude_.find(class_name) != exclude_.cend())) {
            LOG(TRACE) << "ROOT object writer ignored message with object " << allpix::demangle(typeid(*inst).name())
                       << " because it has been excluded or not explicitly included";
            return false;
    } catch(MessageWithoutObjectException& e) {
        const BaseMessage* inst = message.get();
        LOG(WARNING) << "ROOT object writer cannot process message of type" << allpix::demangle(typeid(*inst).name())
                     << " with name " << message_name;
        return false;

    return true;

void ROOTObjectWriterModule::run(Event* event) {
    auto root_lock = root_process_lock();

    // Retrieve current object count:
    auto object_count = TProcessID::GetObjectCount();

    // Fetch filtered messages
    auto messages = messenger_->fetchFilteredMessages(this, event);

    // Mark objects to be stored:
    for(auto& pair : messages) {
        auto& message = pair.first;
        auto object_array = message->getObjectArray();
        for(Object& object : object_array) {

    // Add event data
    current_event_ = event->number;
    current_seed_ = event->getSeed();

    // Generate trees and index data
    for(auto& pair : messages) {
        auto& message = pair.first;
        auto& message_name = pair.second;

        // Get the detector name
        std::string detector_name;
        if(message->getDetector() != nullptr) {
            detector_name = message->getDetector()->getName();

        // Read the object
        auto object_array = message->getObjectArray();
        // object_array emptiness is checked in the filter
        const Object& first_object = object_array[0];
        std::type_index type_idx = typeid(first_object);

        // Create a new branch of the correct type if this message was not received before
        auto index_tuple = std::make_tuple(type_idx, detector_name, message_name);
        if(write_list_.find(index_tuple) == write_list_.end()) {

            std::string class_name = allpix::demangle(typeid(first_object).name());
            std::string class_name_with_namespace = allpix::demangle(typeid(first_object).name(), true);

            // Add vector of objects to write to the write list
            write_list_[index_tuple] = new std::vector<Object*>();
            auto* addr = &write_list_[index_tuple];

            auto new_tree = (trees_.find(class_name) == trees_.end());
            if(new_tree) {
                // Create new tree
                               std::make_unique<TTree>(class_name.c_str(), (std::string("Tree of ") + class_name).c_str()));

            std::string branch_name = detector_name.empty() ? "global" : detector_name;
            if(!message_name.empty()) {
                branch_name += "_";
                branch_name += message_name;

                branch_name.c_str(), (std::string("std::vector<") + class_name_with_namespace + "*>").c_str(), addr);

            // Prefill new tree or new branch with empty records for all events that were missed since the start
            auto last_event = trees_["Event"]->GetEntries();
            if(last_event > 0) {
                if(new_tree) {
                    LOG(DEBUG) << "Pre-filling new tree of " << class_name << " with " << last_event << " empty events";
                    for(Long64_t i = 0; i < last_event; ++i) {
                } else {
                    LOG(DEBUG) << "Pre-filling new branch " << branch_name << " of " << class_name << " with " << last_event
                               << " empty events";
                    auto* branch = trees_[class_name]->GetBranch(branch_name.c_str());
                    for(Long64_t i = 0; i < last_event; ++i) {

        // Fill the branch vector
        for(Object& object : object_array) {
            // Trigger the creation of TRefs for cross-object references to be able to store them to file.

    LOG(TRACE) << "Writing new objects to tree";

    // Fill the tree with the current received messages
    for(auto& tree : trees_) {

    // Clear the current message list
    for(auto& index_data : write_list_) {

    // We can reset the TObject count after processing this event because the TRef creation is only done here locally
    // in one worker thread instead of framework wide.

void ROOTObjectWriterModule::finalize() {
    LOG(TRACE) << "Writing objects to file";

    int branch_count = 0;
    for(auto& tree : trees_) {
        // Update statistics
        branch_count += tree.second->GetListOfBranches()->GetEntries();

    // Create main config directory
    TDirectory* config_dir = output_file_->mkdir("config");

    // Get the config manager
    ConfigManager* conf_manager = getConfigManager();

    // Save the main configuration to the output file
    auto* global_dir = config_dir->mkdir("Allpix");
    LOG(TRACE) << "Writing global configuration";

    // Loop over all values in the global configuration
    for(auto& key_value : conf_manager->getGlobalConfiguration().getAll()) {
        global_dir->WriteObject(&key_value.second, key_value.first.c_str());

    // Save the instance configuration to the output file
    for(const auto& config : conf_manager->getInstanceConfigurations()) {
        // Create a new directory per section, using the unique module name
        auto unique_name = config.getName();
        auto identifier = config.get<std::string>("identifier");
        if(!identifier.empty()) {
            unique_name += ":";
            unique_name += identifier;
        auto* section_dir = config_dir->mkdir(unique_name.c_str());
        LOG(TRACE) << "Writing configuration for: " << unique_name;

        // Loop over all values in the section
        for(auto& key_value : config.getAll()) {
            // Skip the identifier
            if(key_value.first == "identifier") {
            section_dir->WriteObject(&key_value.second, key_value.first.c_str());

    // Save the detectors to the output file
    auto* detectors_dir = output_file_->mkdir("detectors");
    auto* models_dir = output_file_->mkdir("models");
    for(auto& detector : geo_mgr_->getDetectors()) {
        LOG(TRACE) << "Writing detector configuration for: " << detector->getName();
        auto* detector_dir = detectors_dir->mkdir(detector->getName().c_str());

        auto position = detector->getPosition();
        detector_dir->WriteObject(&position, "position");
        auto orientation = detector->getOrientation();
        detector_dir->WriteObject(&orientation, "orientation");

        // Store the detector model
        // NOTE We save the model for every detector separately since parameter overloading might have changed it
        std::string model_name = detector->getModel()->getType() + "_" + detector->getName();
        detector_dir->WriteObject(&model_name, "type");
        auto* model_dir = models_dir->mkdir(model_name.c_str());

        // Get all sections of the model configuration (maon config plus support layers):
        auto model_configs = detector->getModel()->getConfigurations();
        std::map<std::string, int> count_configs;
        for(auto& model_config : model_configs) {
            auto* model_config_dir = model_dir;
            if(!model_config.getName().empty()) {
                model_config_dir = model_dir->mkdir(
                    (model_config.getName() + "_" + std::to_string(count_configs[model_config.getName()])).c_str());

            for(auto& key_value : model_config.getAll()) {
                model_config_dir->WriteObject(&key_value.second, key_value.first.c_str());

    // Finish writing to output file

    // Print statistics
    LOG(STATUS) << "Wrote " << write_cnt_ << " objects to " << branch_count << " branches in file:" << std::endl
                << output_file_name_;

Updated on 2025-02-27 at 14:14:46 +0000