Implementation of ROOT data file reader module. More…
Name | |
template <typename T > void |
add_creator(ROOTObjectReaderModule::MessageCreatorMap & map) |
template <template< typename… > class T,typename… Args> void |
gen_creator_map_from_tag(ROOTObjectReaderModule::MessageCreatorMap & map, type_tag< T< Args… » ) |
template <typename T > ROOTObjectReaderModule::MessageCreatorMap |
gen_creator_map() |
Detailed Description
Implementation of ROOT data file reader module.
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2017-2024 CERN and the Allpix Squared authors. This software is distributed under the terms of the MIT License, copied verbatim in the file “”. In applying this license, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization or submit itself to any jurisdiction. SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
Functions Documentation
function add_creator
template <typename T >
static void add_creator(
ROOTObjectReaderModule::MessageCreatorMap & map
Adds lambda function map to convert a vector of generic objects to a templated message containing this particular type of object from its typeid.
function gen_creator_map_from_tag
template <template< typename... > class T,
typename... Args>
static void gen_creator_map_from_tag(
ROOTObjectReaderModule::MessageCreatorMap & map,
type_tag< T< Args... >>
Uses SFINAE trick to call the add_creator function for all template arguments of a container class. Used to add creators for every object in a tuple of objects.
function gen_creator_map
template <typename T >
static ROOTObjectReaderModule::MessageCreatorMap gen_creator_map()
Wrapper function to make the SFINAE trick in gen_creator_map_from_tag work.
Source code
#include "ROOTObjectReaderModule.hpp"
#include <climits>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <TBranch.h>
#include <TKey.h>
#include <TObjArray.h>
#include <TProcessID.h>
#include <TTree.h>
#include "core/messenger/Messenger.hpp"
#include "core/utils/log.h"
#include "core/utils/text.h"
#include "core/utils/type.h"
#include "objects/Object.hpp"
#include "objects/objects.h"
#include "tools/ROOT.h"
using namespace allpix;
ROOTObjectReaderModule::ROOTObjectReaderModule(Configuration& config, Messenger* messenger, GeometryManager* geo_mgr)
: Module(config), messenger_(messenger), geo_mgr_(geo_mgr) {
// Enable multithreading of this module if multithreading is enabled
ROOTObjectReaderModule::~ROOTObjectReaderModule() {
for(const auto& message_inf : message_info_array_) {
delete message_inf.objects;
template <typename T> static void add_creator(ROOTObjectReaderModule::MessageCreatorMap& map) {
map[typeid(T)] = [&](std::vector<Object*> objects, std::shared_ptr<Detector> detector) {
std::vector<T> data;
// Copy the objects to data vector
for(auto& object : objects) {
// Fix the object references (NOTE: we do this after insertion as otherwise the objects could have been relocated)
for(size_t i = 0; i < objects.size(); ++i) {
auto& prev_obj = *objects[i];
auto& new_obj = data[i];
// Only update the reference for objects that have been referenced before
if(prev_obj.TestBit(kIsReferenced)) {
auto pid = TProcessID::GetProcessWithUID(&new_obj);
if(pid->GetObjectWithID(prev_obj.GetUniqueID()) != &prev_obj) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Duplicate object IDs, cannot correctly resolve previous history!";
if(detector == nullptr) {
return std::make_shared<Message<T>>(std::move(data));
return std::make_shared<Message<T>>(std::move(data), detector);
template <template <typename...> class T, typename... Args>
static void gen_creator_map_from_tag(ROOTObjectReaderModule::MessageCreatorMap& map, type_tag<T<Args...>>) {
std::initializer_list<int> value{(add_creator<Args>(map), 0)...};
template <typename T> static ROOTObjectReaderModule::MessageCreatorMap gen_creator_map() {
ROOTObjectReaderModule::MessageCreatorMap ret_map;
gen_creator_map_from_tag(ret_map, type_tag<T>());
return ret_map;
void ROOTObjectReaderModule::initialize() {
// Read include and exclude list
if(config_.has("include") && config_.has("exclude")) {
throw InvalidCombinationError(
config_, {"exclude", "include"}, "include and exclude parameter are mutually exclusive");
} else if(config_.has("include")) {
auto inc_arr = config_.getArray<std::string>("include");
include_.insert(inc_arr.begin(), inc_arr.end());
} else if(config_.has("exclude")) {
auto exc_arr = config_.getArray<std::string>("exclude");
exclude_.insert(exc_arr.begin(), exc_arr.end());
// Initialize the call map from the tuple of available objects
message_creator_map_ = gen_creator_map<allpix::OBJECTS>();
// Open the file with the objects
auto input_file_name = config_.getPathWithExtension("file_name", "root", true);
input_file_ = std::make_unique<TFile>(input_file_name.c_str());
// Read all the trees in the file
TList* keys = input_file_->GetListOfKeys();
std::set<std::string> tree_names;
for(auto&& object : *keys) {
auto& key = dynamic_cast<TKey&>(*object);
if(std::string(key.GetClassName()) == "TTree") {
auto* tree = static_cast<TTree*>(key.ReadObjectAny(nullptr));
// Exclude the Event tree
if(strcmp(tree->GetName(), "Event") == 0) {
LOG(TRACE) << "Skipping Event tree in reading";
// Check if a version of this tree has already been read
if(tree_names.find(tree->GetName()) != tree_names.end()) {
LOG(TRACE) << "Skipping copy of tree with name " << tree->GetName()
<< " because one with identical name has already been processed";
// Check if this tree should be used
if((!include_.empty() && include_.find(tree->GetName()) == include_.end()) ||
(!exclude_.empty() && exclude_.find(tree->GetName()) != exclude_.end())) {
LOG(TRACE) << "Ignoring tree with " << tree->GetName()
<< " objects because it has been excluded or not explicitly included";
if(trees_.empty()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Provided ROOT file does not contain any trees, module will not read any data";
// Cross-check the core random seed stored in the file with the one configured:
auto& global_config = getConfigManager()->getGlobalConfiguration();
auto config_seed = global_config.get<uint64_t>("random_seed_core");
std::string* str = nullptr;
input_file_->GetObject("config/Allpix/random_seed_core", str);
if(str == nullptr) {
// check if missing random seed core in config file should be ignored
if(config_.get<bool>("ignore_seed_mismatch", false)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "No random seed for core set in the input data file, cross-check with configured value - "
<< "this might lead to unexpected behavior. Random seed core from the input data is used.";
} else {
throw InvalidValueError(global_config,
"no random seed for core set in the input data file, cross-check with configured value "
"impossible - this might lead to unexpected behavior.");
} else if(config_seed != allpix::from_string<uint64_t>(*str)) {
// check if mismatch between random seed core in config and in input file should be ignored
if(config_.get<bool>("ignore_seed_mismatch", false)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Mismatch between core random seed in configuration file and input data"
<< " - this might lead to unexpected behavior.";
} else {
throw InvalidValueError(global_config,
"mismatch between core random seed in configuration file and input data - this "
"might lead to unexpected behavior. Set to value configured in the input data file: " +
// Cross-check version, print warning only in case of a mismatch:
std::string* version_str = nullptr;
input_file_->GetObject("config/Allpix/version", version_str);
if(version_str != nullptr && allpix::from_string<std::string>(*version_str) != ALLPIX_PROJECT_VERSION) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Reading data produced with different version " << (*version_str)
<< " - this might lead to unexpected behavior.";
// Loop over all found trees
for(auto& tree : trees_) {
// Loop over the list of branches and create the set of receiver objects
TObjArray* branches = tree->GetListOfBranches();
for(int i = 0; i < branches->GetEntries(); i++) {
auto* branch = static_cast<TBranch*>(branches->At(i));
// Add a new vector of objects and bind it to the branch
message_info message_inf;
message_inf.objects = new std::vector<Object*>;
// Fill the rest of the message information
// FIXME: we want to index this in a different way
std::string branch_name = branch->GetName();
auto split = allpix::split<std::string>(branch_name, "_");
// Fetch information from the tree name
size_t expected_size = 2;
size_t det_idx = 0;
size_t name_idx = 1;
if(branch_name.front() == '_' || branch_name.empty()) {
det_idx = INT_MAX;
if(branch_name.find('_') == std::string::npos) {
name_idx = INT_MAX;
// Check tree structure and if object type matches name
auto split_type = allpix::split<std::string>(branch->GetClassName(), "<>");
if(expected_size != split.size() || split_type.size() != 2 || split_type[1].size() <= 2) {
throw ModuleError("Tree is malformed and cannot be used for creating messages");
std::string class_name = split_type[1].substr(0, split_type[1].size() - 1);
std::string apx_namespace = "allpix::";
size_t ap_idx = class_name.find(apx_namespace);
if(ap_idx != std::string::npos) {
class_name.replace(ap_idx, apx_namespace.size(), "");
if(class_name != tree->GetName()) {
throw ModuleError("Tree contains objects of the wrong type");
if(name_idx != INT_MAX) {
message_info_array_.back().name = split[name_idx];
if(det_idx != INT_MAX) {
if(split[det_idx] != "global") {
message_info_array_.back().detector = geo_mgr_->getDetector(split[det_idx]);
void ROOTObjectReaderModule::run(Event* event) {
auto root_lock = root_process_lock();
// Beware: ROOT uses signed entry counters for its trees
auto event_num = static_cast<int64_t>(event->number);
for(auto& tree : trees_) {
if(event_num >= tree->GetEntries()) {
throw EndOfRunException("Requesting end of run because TTree only contains data for " +
std::to_string(event_num) + " events");
LOG(TRACE) << "Building messages from stored objects";
// Loop through all branches to construct messages
for(auto& message_inf : message_info_array_) {
auto* objects = message_inf.objects;
// Skip empty objects in current event
if(objects->empty()) {
// Check if a pointer to a dispatcher method exist
auto* first_object = (*objects)[0];
auto iter = message_creator_map_.find(typeid(*first_object));
if(iter == message_creator_map_.end()) {
LOG(INFO) << "Cannot dispatch message with object " << allpix::demangle(typeid(*first_object).name())
<< " because it not registered for messaging";
// Update statistics
read_cnt_ += objects->size();
// Create a message
message_inf.message = iter->second(*objects, message_inf.detector);
for(auto& message_inf : message_info_array_) {
// We might not have every message, so just continue
if(!message_inf.message) {
// Resolve history
for(auto& object : message_inf.message->getObjectArray()) {
// Dispatch the messages
messenger_->dispatchMessage(this, message_inf.message, event,;
// Reset the message pointer:
void ROOTObjectReaderModule::finalize() {
int branch_count = 0;
for(auto& tree : trees_) {
branch_count += tree->GetListOfBranches()->GetEntries();
// Print statistics
LOG(INFO) << "Read " << read_cnt_ << " objects from " << branch_count << " branches";
Updated on 2025-02-27 at 14:14:46 +0000