
Implementation of RCE Writer Module. More…


double compute_model_relative_radlength(const DetectorModel & model)
std::vector< sensor_type > list_sensor_types(const std::vector< std::string > & names, GeometryManager & geo_mgr, ConfigManager & cfg_mgr)
void print_device_sensor_type(std::ostream & os, const sensor_type & sensor_type)
void print_device_sensor(std::ostream & os, const std::string & name, const sensor_type & sensor_type)
void print_device(std::ostream & os, const std::vector< std::string > & names, GeometryManager & geo_mgr, ConfigManager & cfg_mgr)
void orthogonalize(ROOT::Math::XYZVector & unit_u, ROOT::Math::XYZVector & unit_v)
void print_geometry_sensor(std::ostream & os, int index, const Detector & detector)
void print_geometry(std::ostream & os, const std::vector< std::string > & names, GeometryManager & geo_mgr, ConfigManager & cfg_mgr)
void write_proteus_config(const std::string & device_path, const std::string & geometry_path, const std::vector< std::string > & names, GeometryManager & geo_mgr, ConfigManager & cfg_mgr)

Detailed Description

Implementation of RCE Writer Module.

Copyright: Copyright (c) 2017-2024 CERN and the Allpix Squared authors. This software is distributed under the terms of the MIT License, copied verbatim in the file “”. In applying this license, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization or submit itself to any jurisdiction. SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

Functions Documentation

function compute_model_relative_radlength

static double compute_model_relative_radlength(
    const DetectorModel & model

function list_sensor_types

static std::vector< sensor_type > list_sensor_types(
    const std::vector< std::string > & names,
    GeometryManager & geo_mgr,
    ConfigManager & cfg_mgr

function print_device_sensor_type

static void print_device_sensor_type(
    std::ostream & os,
    const sensor_type & sensor_type

function print_device_sensor

static void print_device_sensor(
    std::ostream & os,
    const std::string & name,
    const sensor_type & sensor_type

function print_device

static void print_device(
    std::ostream & os,
    const std::vector< std::string > & names,
    GeometryManager & geo_mgr,
    ConfigManager & cfg_mgr

function orthogonalize

static void orthogonalize(
    ROOT::Math::XYZVector & unit_u,
    ROOT::Math::XYZVector & unit_v


  • unit_u Unit vector along the first local axis
  • unit_v Unit vector along the second local axis

Orthogonalize the coordinates definition using singular value decomposition.

The third local axis is derived from the first two by assuming a right-handed coordinate system. The resulting rotation matrix is then orthogonalized by finding the closest orthogonal matrix.

function print_geometry_sensor

static void print_geometry_sensor(
    std::ostream & os,
    int index,
    const Detector & detector

function print_geometry

static void print_geometry(
    std::ostream & os,
    const std::vector< std::string > & names,
    GeometryManager & geo_mgr,
    ConfigManager & cfg_mgr

function write_proteus_config

static void write_proteus_config(
    const std::string & device_path,
    const std::string & geometry_path,
    const std::vector< std::string > & names,
    GeometryManager & geo_mgr,
    ConfigManager & cfg_mgr

Source code

#include "RCEWriterModule.hpp"

#include <cassert>
#include <filesystem>
#include <fstream>
#include <stdexcept>

#include <TBranchElement.h>
#include <TClass.h>
#include <TDecompSVD.h>
#include <TDirectory.h>
#include <TMatrixD.h>

#include "core/utils/log.h"
#include "core/utils/type.h"
#include "core/utils/unit.h"
#include "objects/Object.hpp"
#include "objects/objects.h"

using namespace allpix;

static double compute_model_relative_radlength(const DetectorModel& model) {
    const double X0_SI = Units::get(9.370, "cm");
    const double X0_IN = Units::get(1.211, "cm");

    double total = 0;
    // helper functions to add component to total length w/ logging
    auto add = [&](const char* what, double X0, double x) {
        double xX0 = x / X0;
        LOG(DEBUG) << "  " << what << " x/X0 = " << Units::display(x, {"um", "mm", "cm"}) << "/"
                   << Units::display(X0, {"um", "mm", "cm", "m"}) << " = " << xX0;
        total += xX0;

    LOG(DEBUG) << "model '" << model.getType() << "' radiation length:";

    // compute contributions from sensor and chip
    add("sensor", X0_SI, model.getSensorSize().z());
    add("chip", X0_SI, model.getChipSize().z());

    // compute contributions from bumps if available
    const auto* hybrid = dynamic_cast<const HybridAssembly*>(model.getAssembly().get());
    if(hybrid != nullptr) {
        // average the bump material over the full pixel size.
        auto bump_radius = std::max(hybrid->getBumpSphereRadius(), hybrid->getBumpCylinderRadius());
        auto bump_height = hybrid->getBumpHeight();
        auto area_bump = M_PI * bump_radius * bump_radius;
        auto area_pixel = model.getPixelSize().x() * model.getPixelSize().y();
        // volume_bump = area_bump * thickness = area_pixel * effective_thickness
        auto relative_area = area_bump / area_pixel;
        LOG(DEBUG) << "  bump_height = " << Units::display(bump_height, "um") << " relative_area = " << relative_area;
        // TODO use typical solder combination instead of just indium
        add("bumps", X0_IN, relative_area * bump_height);

    // TODO consider also support layers after material handling has been clarified

    LOG(DEBUG) << "  total x/X0 = " << total;
    return total;

// The Proteus sensor type is not identical w/ the Allpix² model since the
// latter only defines the geometry while the former also includes some
// digitization information. This leads to the situation where detectors
// with the same model can end up as different sensor types.

namespace {
    struct sensor_type {
        std::shared_ptr<const DetectorModel> model = nullptr;
        std::string name;
        std::string measurement = "pixel_binary";
        int value_max = (1 << 15); // ~32k, raw charge w/o digitization
} // namespace

// Return the Proteus sensor type for each detector.
static std::vector<sensor_type>
list_sensor_types(const std::vector<std::string>& names, GeometryManager& geo_mgr, ConfigManager& cfg_mgr) {
    std::vector<sensor_type> sensor_types;

    for(const auto& name : names) {
        // Define a default sensor config
        sensor_type st;
        st.model = geo_mgr.getDetector(name)->getModel(); = st.model->getType();

        // Search for a corresponding digitizer configuration
        for(const auto& cfg : cfg_mgr.getInstanceConfigurations()) {
            const auto& module = cfg.getName();
            const auto& identifier = cfg.get<std::string>("identifier");

            // NOTE
            // Apart from the detector name, the identifier can contain
            // additional input/output components. In that case, the
            // configuration is a bit more complicated and can probably not
            // be translated to a simplified Proteus configuration anyways.
            // So, no need to check for that. (Thanks, Simon).

            // _linearX name because digitizer only supports linear ADC map
            if((module == "DefaultDigitizer") and (identifier == name)) {
                auto adc_resolution = cfg.get<int>("adc_resolution", 0);
                if(adc_resolution == 1) {
                    // binary pixels
           += "_linear1";
                    st.measurement = "pixel_binary";
                    st.value_max = 1;
                } else if(1 < adc_resolution) {
                    // pixel w/ digitized charge measurement
           += "_linear" + std::to_string(adc_resolution);
                    st.measurement = "pixel_tot";
                    st.value_max = (1 << adc_resolution) - 1;
                } else {
                    // no digitization, use defaults
           += "_raw";
                // config can only appear once
    return sensor_types;

static void print_device_sensor_type(std::ostream& os, const sensor_type& sensor_type) {
    const DetectorModel& model = *sensor_type.model;

    os << "[sensor_types." << << "]\n";
    os << "cols = " << model.getNPixels().x() << "\n";
    os << "rows = " << model.getNPixels().y() << "\n";
    // TODO add timestamp_{min,max} once the timing is supported by digitizer
    os << "value_max = " << sensor_type.value_max << "\n";
    os << "pitch_col = " << model.getPixelSize().x() << "\n";
    os << "pitch_row = " << model.getPixelSize().y() << "\n";
    // TODO add pitch_timestamp once timing is supported by digitizer
    // thickness is the active thickness
    os << "thickness = " << model.getSensorSize().z() << "\n";
    // relative radiation length is for all material in the beam
    os << "x_x0 = " << compute_model_relative_radlength(model) << "\n";
    os << "measurement = \"" << sensor_type.measurement << "\"\n";
    os << "\n";

static void print_device_sensor(std::ostream& os, const std::string& name, const sensor_type& sensor_type) {
    os << "[[sensors]]\n";
    os << "name = \"" << name << "\"\n";
    os << "type = \"" << << "\"\n";
    os << "\n";

static void
print_device(std::ostream& os, const std::vector<std::string>& names, GeometryManager& geo_mgr, ConfigManager& cfg_mgr) {
    // sensor type for each detector
    std::vector<sensor_type> sensor_types = list_sensor_types(names, geo_mgr, cfg_mgr);
    // reduce to unique sensor types
    std::vector<sensor_type> unique_types = sensor_types;
    std::sort(unique_types.begin(), unique_types.end(), [](const auto& a, const auto& b) { return <; });
        std::unique(unique_types.begin(), unique_types.end(), [](const auto& a, const auto& b) { return ==; }),

    for(const auto& sensor_type : unique_types) {
        print_device_sensor_type(os, sensor_type);
    for(size_t i = 0; i < std::min(names.size(), sensor_types.size()); ++i) {
        print_device_sensor(os, names[i], sensor_types[i]);

static void orthogonalize(ROOT::Math::XYZVector& unit_u, ROOT::Math::XYZVector& unit_v) {
    // definition of a right-handed coordinate system
    auto unit_w = unit_u.Cross(unit_v);
    // resulting local-to-global rotation matrix
    TMatrixD rot(3, 3);
    rot(0, 0) = unit_u.x();
    rot(1, 0) = unit_u.y();
    rot(2, 0) = unit_u.z();
    rot(0, 1) = unit_v.x();
    rot(1, 1) = unit_v.y();
    rot(2, 1) = unit_v.z();
    rot(0, 2) = unit_w.x();
    rot(1, 2) = unit_w.y();
    rot(2, 2) = unit_w.z();
    // decompose
    TDecompSVD svd(rot);
    // nearest orthogonal matrix is defined by unit singular values
    rot = svd.GetU() * TMatrixD(svd.GetV()).T();

    unit_u.SetXYZ(rot(0, 0), rot(1, 0), rot(2, 0));
    unit_v.SetXYZ(rot(0, 1), rot(1, 1), rot(2, 1));

static void print_geometry_sensor(std::ostream& os, int index, const Detector& detector) {
    // Proteus uses the lower-left pixel edge closest to the geometric center
    // of the active pixel matrix as the reference position.
    // The position must be given in global coordinates
    auto size = detector.getModel()->getNPixels();
    auto pitch = detector.getModel()->getPixelSize();
    // pixel index in allpix is pixel center, i.e. pixel goes from (-0.5, 0.5)
    auto off_u = pitch.x() * (std::round(size.x() / 2.0) - 0.5);
    auto off_v = pitch.y() * (std::round(size.y() / 2.0) - 0.5);
    auto offset = detector.getGlobalPosition({off_u, off_v, 0});

    // Proteus defines the orientation of the sensor using two unit vectors
    // along the two local axes of the active matrix as seen in the global
    // system.
    // They are computed as difference vectors here to avoid a dependency
    // on the transformation implementation (which has led to errors before).
    auto zero = detector.getGlobalPosition({0, 0, 0});
    auto unit_u = (detector.getGlobalPosition({1, 0, 0}) - zero).Unit();
    auto unit_v = (detector.getGlobalPosition({0, 1, 0}) - zero).Unit();
    // try to fix round-off issues
    orthogonalize(unit_u, unit_v);

    os << "[[sensors]]\n";
    os << "id = " << index << '\n';
    os << "offset = [" << offset.x() << ", " << offset.y() << ", " << offset.z() << "]\n";
    os << "unit_u = [" << unit_u.x() << ", " << unit_u.y() << ", " << unit_u.z() << "]\n";
    os << "unit_v = [" << unit_v.x() << ", " << unit_v.y() << ", " << unit_v.z() << "]\n";
    os << '\n';

static void
print_geometry(std::ostream& os, const std::vector<std::string>& names, GeometryManager& geo_mgr, ConfigManager& cfg_mgr) {
    // extract (optional) beam information
    for(const auto& cfg : cfg_mgr.getModuleConfigurations()) {
        if(cfg.getName() == "DepositionGeant4") {
            auto energy = cfg.get<double>("source_energy", 0.0);
            auto dir = cfg.get<ROOT::Math::XYZVector>("beam_direction", {0, 0, 1});
            auto div = cfg.get<ROOT::Math::XYVector>("beam_divergence", {0, 0});

            os << "[beam]\n";
            os << "energy = " << energy / Units::get(1, "GeV") << "\n";
            os << "slope = [" << dir.x() / dir.z() << ", " << dir.y() / dir.z() << "]\n";
            os << "divergence = [" << div.x() << ", " << div.y() << "]\n";
            os << "\n";

            // deposition module is a unique module that appears at most once

    // per-detector geometry
    int identifier = 0;
    for(const auto& name : names) {
        print_geometry_sensor(os, identifier, *geo_mgr.getDetector(name));
        identifier += 1;

static void write_proteus_config(const std::string& device_path,
                                 const std::string& geometry_path,
                                 const std::vector<std::string>& names,
                                 GeometryManager& geo_mgr,
                                 ConfigManager& cfg_mgr) {
    std::ofstream device_file(device_path);
    std::ofstream geometry_file(geometry_path);

    // ensure float values are not printed as integers
    device_file << std::showpoint;
    geometry_file << std::showpoint;
    // need full precision for geometry unit vector components
    geometry_file << std::setprecision(std::numeric_limits<double>::max_digits10);

    // device config
    // TODO use path relative to the device file
    device_file << "geometry = \"" << std::filesystem::canonical(geometry_path) << "\"\n";
    device_file << '\n';
    print_device(device_file, names, geo_mgr, cfg_mgr);

    // geometry config
    print_geometry(geometry_file, names, geo_mgr, cfg_mgr);

RCEWriterModule::RCEWriterModule(Configuration& config, Messenger* messenger, GeometryManager* geo_mgr)
    : SequentialModule(config), messenger_(messenger), geo_mgr_(geo_mgr) {
    // Enable multithreading of this module if multithreading is enabled

    assert(messenger && "messenger must be non-null");
    assert(geo_mgr && "geo_mgr must be non-null");

    // Bind to PixelHitMessage
    messenger_->bindMulti<PixelHitMessage>(this, MsgFlags::REQUIRED);

    config_.setDefault("file_name", "rce-data.root");
    // Use default names in Proteus
    config_.setDefault("device_file", "device.toml");
    config_.setDefault("geometry_file", "geometry.toml");

void RCEWriterModule::initialize() {
    // We need a sorted list of names to assign monotonic, numeric ids
    std::vector<std::string> detector_names;
    for(const auto& detector : geo_mgr_->getDetectors()) {
    std::sort(detector_names.begin(), detector_names.end());

    // Open output data file
    std::string path_data = createOutputFile(config_.get<std::string>("file_name"), "root");
    output_file_ = std::make_unique<TFile>(path_data.c_str(), "RECREATE");

    // Initialize the events tree
    event_tree_ = new TTree("Event", "");
    event_tree_->Branch("TimeStamp", &timestamp_);
    event_tree_->Branch("FrameNumber", &frame_number_);
    event_tree_->Branch("TriggerTime", &trigger_time_);
    event_tree_->Branch("TriggerOffset", &trigger_offset_);
    event_tree_->Branch("TriggerInfo", &trigger_info_);
    event_tree_->Branch("Invalid", &invalid_);

    // For each detector name, initialize an instance of SensorData
    int det_index = 0;
    for(const auto& detector_name : detector_names) {
        auto& sensor = sensors_[detector_name];

        LOG(TRACE) << "Sensor " << det_index << ", detector " << detector_name;

        // Create sensor directory
        std::string det_dir_name = "Plane" + std::to_string(det_index);
        TDirectory* detector = output_file_->mkdir(det_dir_name.c_str());

        // Initialize the tree and its branches
        sensor.tree = new TTree("Hits", "");
        sensor.tree->Branch("NHits", &sensor.nhits_);
        sensor.tree->Branch("PixX", &sensor.pix_x_, "PixX[NHits]/I");
        sensor.tree->Branch("PixY", &sensor.pix_y_, "PixY[NHits]/I");
        sensor.tree->Branch("Value", &sensor.value_, "Value[NHits]/I");
        sensor.tree->Branch("Timing", &sensor.timing_, "Timing[NHits]/I");
        sensor.tree->Branch("HitInCluster", &sensor.hit_in_cluster_, "HitInCluster[NHits]/I");

        det_index += 1;

    // Write proteus config files
    auto device_path = createOutputFile(config_.get<std::string>("device_file"), "toml");
    auto geometry_path = createOutputFile(config_.get<std::string>("geometry_file"), "toml");
    write_proteus_config(device_path, geometry_path, detector_names, *geo_mgr_, *getConfigManager());

void RCEWriterModule::run(Event* event) {
    auto pixel_hit_messages = messenger_->fetchMultiMessage<PixelHitMessage>(this, event);

    // fill per-event data
    timestamp_ = 0;
    frame_number_ = event->number;
    trigger_time_ = 0;
    trigger_offset_ = 0;
    trigger_info_ = 0;
    invalid_ = false;
    LOG(TRACE) << "Wrote global event data";

    // reset all per-sensor trees
    for(auto& item : sensors_) {
        item.second.nhits_ = 0;

    // Loop over the pixel hit messages
    for(const auto& hit_msg : pixel_hit_messages) {
        const auto& detector_name = hit_msg->getDetector()->getName();
        auto& sensor = sensors_[detector_name];

        // Loop over all the hits
        for(const auto& hit : hit_msg->getData()) {
            if(sensor_data::kMaxHits <= sensor.nhits_) {
                LOG(ERROR) << "More than " << sensor_data::kMaxHits << " in detector " << detector_name;

            // Fill the tree with received messages
            auto i = static_cast<size_t>(sensor.nhits_);
            sensor.pix_x_[i] = hit.getPixel().getIndex().x();
            sensor.pix_y_[i] = hit.getPixel().getIndex().y();
            sensor.value_[i] = static_cast<Int_t>(hit.getSignal());
            // Assumes that time is correctly digitized
            sensor.timing_[i] = static_cast<Int_t>(hit.getLocalTime());
            // This contains no useful information but it expected to be present
            sensor.hit_in_cluster_[i] = 0;
            sensor.nhits_ += 1;

            LOG(TRACE) << detector_name << " x=" << hit.getPixel().getIndex().x() << " y=" << hit.getPixel().getIndex().y()
                       << " t=" << hit.getLocalTime() << " signal=" << hit.getSignal();

    // Loop over all the detectors to fill all corresponding sensor trees
    for(auto& item : sensors_) {
        LOG(TRACE) << "Wrote sensor event data for " << item.first;

void RCEWriterModule::finalize() {
    LOG(TRACE) << "Wrote data to file";

Updated on 2024-12-13 at 08:31:37 +0000