Implementation of pulse transfer module. More…
Detailed Description
Implementation of pulse transfer module.
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2019-2024 CERN and the Allpix Squared authors. This software is distributed under the terms of the MIT License, copied verbatim in the file “”. In applying this license, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization or submit itself to any jurisdiction. SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
Source code
#include "PulseTransferModule.hpp"
#include "core/module/Event.hpp"
#include "core/utils/log.h"
#include "objects/PixelCharge.hpp"
#include "objects/exceptions.h"
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <TAxis.h>
#include <TGraph.h>
using namespace allpix;
PulseTransferModule::PulseTransferModule(Configuration& config, Messenger* messenger, std::shared_ptr<Detector> detector)
: Module(config, detector), messenger_(messenger), detector_(std::move(detector)) {
// Set default value for config variables
config_.setDefault("max_depth_distance", Units::get(5.0, "um"));
config_.setDefault("collect_from_implant", false);
config_.setDefault<double>("timestep", Units::get(0.01, "ns"));
config_.setDefault<bool>("output_pulsegraphs", false);
config_.setDefault<bool>("output_plots", config_.get<bool>("output_pulsegraphs"));
config_.setDefault<int>("output_plots_scale", Units::get(30, "ke"));
config_.setDefault<int>("output_plots_bins", 100);
output_plots_ = config_.get<bool>("output_plots");
output_pulsegraphs_ = config_.get<bool>("output_pulsegraphs");
timestep_ = config_.get<double>("timestep");
max_depth_distance_ = config_.get<double>("max_depth_distance");
collect_from_implant_ = config_.get<bool>("collect_from_implant");
// Enable multithreading of this module if multithreading is enabled and no per-event output plots are requested:
// FIXME: Review if this is really the case or we can still use multithreading
if(!output_pulsegraphs_) {
} else {
LOG(WARNING) << "Per-event pulse graphs requested, disabling parallel event processing";
messenger_->bindSingle<PropagatedChargeMessage>(this, MsgFlags::REQUIRED);
void PulseTransferModule::initialize() {
if(output_plots_) {
LOG(TRACE) << "Creating output plots";
// Plot axis are in kilo electrons - convert from framework units!
int maximum = static_cast<int>(Units::convert(config_.get<int>("output_plots_scale"), "ke"));
auto nbins = config_.get<int>("output_plots_bins");
// Create histograms if needed
h_total_induced_charge_ = CreateHistogram<TH1D>(
"inducedcharge", "total induced charge;induced charge [ke];events", nbins, -maximum, maximum);
h_induced_pixel_charge_ = CreateHistogram<TH1D>(
"pixelcharge", "induced charge per pixel;induced pixel charge [ke];pixels", nbins, -maximum, maximum);
h_induced_pulses_ = CreateHistogram<TH2D>("pulses_induced",
"Induced charge per pixel;t [ns];Q_{ind} [e]",
config_.get<int>("output_plots_scale") / 0.5e3);
h_integrated_pulses_ = CreateHistogram<TH2D>("pulses_integrated",
"Accumulated induced charge per pixel;t [ns];Q_{ind} [e]",
p_induced_pulses_ = CreateHistogram<TProfile>(
"pulses_induced_profile", "Induced charge per pixel;t [ns];Q_{ind} [e]", nbins, 0, 10.);
p_integrated_pulses_ = CreateHistogram<TProfile>(
"pulses_integrated_profile", "Accumulated induced charge per pixel;t [ns];Q_{ind} [e]", nbins, 0, 10.);
void PulseTransferModule::run(Event* event) {
auto propagated_message = messenger_->fetchMessage<PropagatedChargeMessage>(this, event);
// Create map for all pixels: pulse and propagated charges
std::map<Pixel::Index, Pulse> pixel_pulse_map;
std::map<Pixel::Index, std::set<const PropagatedCharge*>> pixel_charge_map;
LOG(DEBUG) << "Received " << propagated_message->getData().size() << " propagated charge objects.";
for(const auto& propagated_charge : propagated_message->getData()) {
auto pulses = propagated_charge.getPulses();
if(pulses.empty()) {
LOG_ONCE(INFO) << "No pulse information available - producing pseudo-pulse from arrival time of charge carriers";
auto model = detector_->getModel();
auto position = propagated_charge.getLocalPosition();
if(collect_from_implant_) {
std::call_once(first_event_flag_, [&]() {
if(model->getImplants().empty()) {
throw InvalidValueError(
"Detector model does not have implants defined, but collection requested from implants");
if(detector_->getElectricFieldType() == FieldType::LINEAR) {
throw ModuleError(
"Charge collection from implant region should not be used with linear electric fields.");
// Ignore if outside the implant region:
if(!model->isWithinImplant(position)) {
LOG(TRACE) << "Skipping set of " << propagated_charge.getCharge() << " propagated charges at "
<< Units::display(propagated_charge.getLocalPosition(), {"mm", "um"})
<< " because their local position is outside the pixel implant";
} else if(std::fabs(position.z() - (model->getSensorCenter().z() + model->getSensorSize().z() / 2.0)) >
max_depth_distance_) {
// Ignore if not close to the sensor surface:
LOG(TRACE) << "Skipping set of " << propagated_charge.getCharge() << " propagated charges at "
<< Units::display(propagated_charge.getLocalPosition(), {"mm", "um"})
<< " because their local position is not near sensor surface";
// Find the nearest pixel
auto [xpixel, ypixel] = model->getPixelIndex(position);
// Ignore if out of pixel grid
if(!detector_->getModel()->isWithinMatrix(xpixel, ypixel)) {
LOG(TRACE) << "Skipping set of " << propagated_charge.getCharge() << " propagated charges at "
<< Units::display(propagated_charge.getLocalPosition(), {"mm", "um"})
<< " because their nearest pixel (" << xpixel << "," << ypixel << ") is outside the grid";
Pixel::Index pixel_index(xpixel, ypixel);
// Generate pseudo-pulse:
Pulse pulse(timestep_);
try {
pulse.addCharge(static_cast<double>(propagated_charge.getSign() * propagated_charge.getCharge()),
} catch(const PulseBadAllocException& e) {
LOG(ERROR) << e.what() << std::endl
<< "Ignoring pulse contribution at time "
<< Units::display(propagated_charge.getLocalTime(), {"ms", "us", "ns"});
pixel_pulse_map[pixel_index] += pulse;
// For each pulse, store the corresponding propagated charges to preserve history:
} else {
LOG(TRACE) << "Found pulse information";
LOG_ONCE(INFO) << "Pulses available - settings \"timestep\", \"max_depth_distance\" and "
"\"collect_from_implant\" have no effect";
for(auto& [pixel_index, pulse] : pulses) {
// Accumulate all pulses from input message data:
pixel_pulse_map[pixel_index] += pulse;
// For each pulse, store the corresponding propagated charges to preserve history:
// Create vector of pixel pulses to return for this detector
std::vector<PixelCharge> pixel_charges;
Pulse total_pulse;
for(auto& [index, pulse] : pixel_pulse_map) {
// Sum all pulses for informational output:
total_pulse += pulse;
// Fill pixel charge histogram
if(output_plots_) {
h_induced_pixel_charge_->Fill(pulse.getCharge() / 1e3);
auto step = pulse.getBinning();
double charge = 0;
for(auto bin = pulse.begin(); bin != pulse.end(); ++bin) {
auto time = step * static_cast<double>(std::distance(pulse.begin(), bin));
h_induced_pulses_->Fill(time, *bin);
p_induced_pulses_->Fill(time, *bin);
charge += *bin;
h_integrated_pulses_->Fill(time, charge);
p_integrated_pulses_->Fill(time, charge);
// Fill a graphs with the individual pixel pulses:
if(output_pulsegraphs_) {
create_pulsegraphs(event->number, index, pulse);
// Store the pulse:
std::vector<const PropagatedCharge*> pixel_charge_vec(pixel_charge_map[index].begin(),
LOG(DEBUG) << "Charge on pixel " << index << " has " << pixel_charge_vec.size() << " ancestors";
pixel_charges.emplace_back(detector_->getPixel(index), std::move(pulse), std::move(pixel_charge_vec));
if(output_pulsegraphs_) {
std::string name = "chargemap_ev" + std::to_string(event->number);
auto size = detector_->getModel()->getNPixels();
std::string title =
"Map of accumulated induced charge in event " + std::to_string(event->number) + ";x (pixels);y (pixels);charge";
auto* charge_map = new TH2D(name.c_str(),
static_cast<int>(size.x()) - 0.5,
static_cast<int>(size.y()) - 0.5);
for(auto& [index, pulse] : pixel_pulse_map) {
charge_map->Fill(index.x(), index.y(), pulse.getCharge());
getROOTDirectory()->WriteTObject(charge_map, name.c_str());
// Create a new message with pixel pulses and dispatch:
auto pixel_charge_message = std::make_shared<PixelChargeMessage>(std::move(pixel_charges), detector_);
messenger_->dispatchMessage(this, pixel_charge_message, event);
// Fill pixel charge histogram
if(output_plots_) {
h_total_induced_charge_->Fill(total_pulse.getCharge() / 1e3);
LOG(INFO) << "Total charge induced on all pixels: " << Units::display(total_pulse.getCharge(), "e");
void PulseTransferModule::finalize() {
if(output_plots_) {
// Write histograms
LOG(TRACE) << "Writing output plots to file";
void PulseTransferModule::create_pulsegraphs(uint64_t event_num, const Pixel::Index& index, const Pulse& pulse) const {
auto step = pulse.getBinning();
LOG(TRACE) << "Preparing pulse for pixel " << index << ", " << pulse.size() << " bins of "
<< Units::display(step, {"ps", "ns"}) << ", total charge: " << Units::display(pulse.getCharge(), "e");
// Generate x-axis:
std::vector<double> time(pulse.size());
// clang-format off
std::generate(time.begin(), time.end(), [n = 0.0, step]() mutable { auto now = n; n += step; return now; });
// clang-format on
std::string name =
"pulse_ev" + std::to_string(event_num) + "_px" + std::to_string(index.x()) + "-" + std::to_string(index.y());
auto* pulse_graph = new TGraph(static_cast<int>(pulse.size()),,;
pulse_graph->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("t [ns]");
pulse_graph->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Q_{ind} [e]");
pulse_graph->SetTitle(("Induced charge per unit step time in pixel (" + std::to_string(index.x()) + "," +
std::to_string(index.y()) + "), Q_{tot} = " + Units::display(pulse.getCharge(), {"e", "ke"}) +
" (" + Units::display(pulse.getCharge(), "fC") + ")")
getROOTDirectory()->WriteTObject(pulse_graph, name.c_str());
auto abs_vec = pulse;
std::for_each(abs_vec.begin(), abs_vec.end(), [](auto& bin) { bin = std::fabs(bin); });
name = "pulse_abs_ev" + std::to_string(event_num) + "_px" + std::to_string(index.x()) + "-" + std::to_string(index.y());
auto* pulse_abs_graph = new TGraph(static_cast<int>(abs_vec.size()),,;
pulse_abs_graph->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("t [ns]");
pulse_abs_graph->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("|Q_{ind}| [e]");
pulse_abs_graph->SetTitle(("Absolute induced charge per unit step time in pixel (" + std::to_string(index.x()) + "," +
std::to_string(index.y()) +
"), |Q_{tot}| = " + Units::display(pulse.getCharge(), {"e", "ke"}) + " (" +
Units::display(pulse.getCharge(), "fC") + ")")
getROOTDirectory()->WriteTObject(pulse_abs_graph, name.c_str());
auto current_vec = pulse;
// Convert charge bins to current in uA
std::for_each(current_vec.begin(), current_vec.end(), [step](auto& bin) {
bin = static_cast<double>(Units::convert(bin, "fC") / Units::convert(step, "ns"));
// Generate graphs of induced current over time:
name = "current_ev" + std::to_string(event_num) + "_px" + std::to_string(index.x()) + "-" + std::to_string(index.y());
auto* current_graph = new TGraph(static_cast<int>(current_vec.size()),,;
current_graph->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("t [ns]");
current_graph->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("I_{ind} [uA]");
current_graph->SetTitle(("Induced current in pixel (" + std::to_string(index.x()) + "," + std::to_string(index.y()) +
"), Q_{tot} = " + Units::display(pulse.getCharge(), {"e", "ke"}) + " (" +
Units::display(pulse.getCharge(), "fC") + ")")
getROOTDirectory()->WriteTObject(current_graph, name.c_str());
// Generate graphs of integrated charge over time:
std::vector<double> charge_vec;
double charge = 0;
for(const auto& bin : pulse) {
charge += bin;
name = "charge_ev" + std::to_string(event_num) + "_px" + std::to_string(index.x()) + "-" + std::to_string(index.y());
auto* charge_graph = new TGraph(static_cast<int>(charge_vec.size()),,;
charge_graph->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("t [ns]");
charge_graph->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Q_{tot} [e]");
charge_graph->SetTitle(("Accumulated induced charge in pixel (" + std::to_string(index.x()) + "," +
std::to_string(index.y()) + "), Q_{tot} = " + Units::display(pulse.getCharge(), {"e", "ke"}) +
" (" + Units::display(pulse.getCharge(), "fC") + ")")
getROOTDirectory()->WriteTObject(charge_graph, name.c_str());
Updated on 2025-02-27 at 14:14:46 +0000