Implementation of ProjectionPropagation module. More…
Detailed Description
Implementation of ProjectionPropagation module.
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2017-2024 CERN and the Allpix Squared authors. This software is distributed under the terms of the MIT License, copied verbatim in the file “”. In applying this license, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization or submit itself to any jurisdiction. SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
Source code
#include "ProjectionPropagationModule.hpp"
#include <cmath>
#include <functional>
#include <limits>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "core/messenger/Messenger.hpp"
#include "core/utils/distributions.h"
#include "core/utils/log.h"
#include "objects/DepositedCharge.hpp"
#include "objects/PropagatedCharge.hpp"
using namespace allpix;
ProjectionPropagationModule::ProjectionPropagationModule(Configuration& config,
Messenger* messenger,
std::shared_ptr<Detector> detector)
: Module(config, detector), messenger_(messenger), detector_(std::move(detector)),
top_z_(detector_->getModel()->getSensorSize().z() / 2) {
// Save detector model
model_ = detector_->getModel();
// Require deposits message for single detector
messenger_->bindSingle<DepositedChargeMessage>(this, MsgFlags::REQUIRED);
// Set default value for config variables
config_.setDefault<int>("charge_per_step", 10);
config_.setDefault<unsigned int>("max_charge_groups", 1000);
config_.setDefault<double>("integration_time", Units::get(25, "ns"));
config_.setDefault<bool>("diffuse_deposit", false);
config_.setDefault<std::string>("recombination_model", "none");
config_.setDefault<bool>("output_linegraphs", false);
config_.setDefault<bool>("output_animations", false);
config_.get<bool>("output_linegraphs") || config_.get<bool>("output_animations"));
config_.setDefault<bool>("output_animations_color_markers", false);
config_.setDefault<bool>("output_plots_use_pixel_units", false);
config_.setDefault<bool>("output_plots_align_pixels", false);
config_.setDefault<double>("output_plots_theta", 0.0f);
config_.setDefault<double>("output_plots_phi", 0.0f);
integration_time_ = config_.get<double>("integration_time");
diffuse_deposit_ = config_.get<bool>("diffuse_deposit");
charge_per_step_ = config_.get<unsigned int>("charge_per_step");
max_charge_groups_ = config_.get<unsigned int>("max_charge_groups");
output_plots_ = config_.get<bool>("output_plots");
output_linegraphs_ = config_.get<bool>("output_linegraphs");
// Enable multithreading of this module if multithreading is enabled and no per-event output plots are requested:
// FIXME: Review if this is really the case or we can still use multithreading
if(!output_linegraphs_) {
} else {
LOG(WARNING) << "Per-event line graphs or animations requested, disabling parallel event processing";
// Set default for charge carrier propagation:
config_.setDefault<bool>("propagate_holes", false);
if(config_.get<bool>("propagate_holes")) {
propagate_type_ = CarrierType::HOLE;
LOG(INFO) << "Holes are chosen for propagation. Electrons are therefore not propagated.";
} else {
propagate_type_ = CarrierType::ELECTRON;
auto temperature = config_.get<double>("temperature");
boltzmann_kT_ = Units::get(8.6173333e-5, "eV/K") * temperature;
// Mobility fixed to Jacoboni:
mobility_ = std::make_unique<JacoboniCanali>(model_->getSensorMaterial(), temperature);
// We need direct access to the critical field values of the model since we have a discrete integration of the formula
// for the total drift time. Taken from (section 5.2)
electron_Ec_ = Units::get(1.01 * std::pow(temperature, 1.55), "V/cm");
hole_Ec_ = Units::get(1.24 * std::pow(temperature, 1.68), "V/cm");
config_.setDefault<bool>("ignore_magnetic_field", false);
void ProjectionPropagationModule::initialize() {
if(detector_->getElectricFieldType() != FieldType::LINEAR) {
throw ModuleError("This module should only be used with linear electric fields.");
if(detector_->hasDopingProfile() && detector_->getDopingProfileType() != FieldType::CONSTANT) {
throw ModuleError("This module should only be used with constant doping concentration.");
// Prepare recombination model
recombination_ = Recombination(config_, detector_->hasDopingProfile());
if(detector_->hasMagneticField() && !config_.get<bool>("ignore_magnetic_field")) {
throw ModuleError("This module should not be used with magnetic fields. Add the option 'ignore_magnetic_field' to "
"the configuration if you would like to continue.");
} else if(detector_->hasMagneticField() && config_.get<bool>("ignore_magnetic_field")) {
LOG(WARNING) << "A magnetic field is switched on, but is set to be ignored for this module.";
// Find correct top side
if(detector_->getElectricField({0, 0, top_z_}).z() > detector_->getElectricField({0, 0, -top_z_}).z()) {
top_z_ *= -1;
if(propagate_type_ == CarrierType::HOLE) {
top_z_ *= -1;
if(top_z_ < 0) {
<< "Selected carriers are not propagated to the implant side, combination of propagated carrier and electric "
"field is wrong!";
if(output_plots_) {
// Initialize output plots
propagation_time_histo_ =
"Propagation time (drift + diffusion);Propagation time [ns];charge carriers",
static_cast<int>(Units::convert(integration_time_, "ns") * 5),
static_cast<double>(Units::convert(integration_time_, "ns")) * 2);
drift_time_histo_ = CreateHistogram<TH1D>("drift_time_histo",
"Drift time (directed drift only);Drift time [ns];charge carriers",
static_cast<int>(Units::convert(integration_time_, "ns") * 5),
static_cast<double>(Units::convert(integration_time_, "ns")) * 2);
initial_position_histo_ =
"Initial position of collected charge carriers;Position z [um];charge carriers",
static_cast<double>(Units::convert(-top_z_, "um")),
static_cast<double>(Units::convert(top_z_, "um")));
recombine_histo_ =
"Fraction of recombined charge carriers;recombination [N / N_{total}] ;number of events",
group_size_histo_ = CreateHistogram<TH1D>("group_size_histo",
"Charge carrier group size;group size;number of groups transported",
static_cast<int>(100 * charge_per_step_),
static_cast<int>(100 * charge_per_step_));
if(diffuse_deposit_) {
diffusion_time_histo_ =
"Diffusion time prior to drift;Diffusion time [ns];charge carriers",
static_cast<int>(Units::convert(integration_time_, "ns") * 5),
static_cast<double>(Units::convert(integration_time_, "ns")));
void ProjectionPropagationModule::run(Event* event) {
auto deposits_message = messenger_->fetchMessage<DepositedChargeMessage>(this, event);
// Create vector of propagated charges to output
std::vector<PropagatedCharge> propagated_charges;
unsigned int charge_lost = 0;
unsigned int total_charge = 0;
unsigned int total_projected_charge = 0;
unsigned int recombined_charges_count = 0;
// List of points to plot to plot for output plots
LineGraph::OutputPlotPoints output_plot_points;
// Loop over all deposits for propagation
for(const auto& deposit : deposits_message->getData()) {
auto type = deposit.getType();
auto initial_position = deposit.getLocalPosition();
// Selection of charge carrier:
if(type != propagate_type_) {
LOG(DEBUG) << "Set of " << deposit.getCharge() << " charge carriers (" << type << ") on "
<< Units::display(initial_position, {"mm", "um"});
unsigned int projected_charge = 0;
unsigned int charges_remaining = deposit.getCharge();
total_charge += charges_remaining;
auto charge_per_step = charge_per_step_;
if(max_charge_groups_ > 0 && deposit.getCharge() / charge_per_step > max_charge_groups_) {
charge_per_step = static_cast<unsigned int>(ceil(static_cast<double>(deposit.getCharge()) / max_charge_groups_));
LOG(INFO) << "Deposited charge: " << deposit.getCharge()
<< ", which exceeds the maximum number of charge groups allowed. Increasing charge_per_step to "
<< charge_per_step << " for this deposit.";
while(charges_remaining > 0) {
if(charge_per_step > charges_remaining) {
charge_per_step = charges_remaining;
charges_remaining -= charge_per_step;
auto position = initial_position;
// Add point of deposition to the output plots if requested
if(output_linegraphs_) {
std::make_tuple(deposit.getGlobalTime(), charge_per_step, deposit.getType(), CarrierState::HALTED),
// Get the electric field at the position of the deposited charge and the top of the sensor:
auto efield = detector_->getElectricField(position);
double efield_mag = std::sqrt(efield.Mag2());
auto efield_top = detector_->getElectricField(ROOT::Math::XYZPoint(0., 0., top_z_));
double efield_mag_top = std::sqrt(efield_top.Mag2());
double doping = detector_->getDopingConcentration(position);
double diffusion_time = 0;
// Only project if within the depleted region (i.e. efield not zero)
if(efield_mag < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) {
LOG(TRACE) << "Electric field is zero at " << Units::display(position, {"mm", "um"});
if(!diffuse_deposit_) {
double diffusion_constant = boltzmann_kT_ * (*mobility_)(type, efield_mag, doping);
double diffusion_std_dev = std::sqrt(2. * diffusion_constant * integration_time_);
LOG(TRACE) << "Diffusion width of this charge carrier is " << Units::display(diffusion_std_dev, "um");
allpix::normal_distribution<double> gauss_distribution(0, diffusion_std_dev);
double diffusion_x = gauss_distribution(event->getRandomEngine());
double diffusion_y = gauss_distribution(event->getRandomEngine());
double diffusion_z = gauss_distribution(event->getRandomEngine());
auto diffusion_vec = ROOT::Math::XYZVector(diffusion_x, diffusion_y, diffusion_z);
auto local_position_diffusion = position + diffusion_vec;
auto efield_diffusion = detector_->getElectricField(local_position_diffusion);
double efield_mag_diffusion = std::sqrt(efield_diffusion.Mag2());
if(efield_mag_diffusion < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon() &&
(detector_->getModel()->isWithinSensor(position))) {
LOG(TRACE) << "Charge carrier remains within undepleted volume";
// Add position after diffusion to line graphs:
if(output_linegraphs_) {
std::function<ROOT::Math::XYZPoint(const ROOT::Math::XYZPoint&, const ROOT::Math::XYZPoint&)> interval;
interval = [this, &interval](const ROOT::Math::XYZPoint& start,
const ROOT::Math::XYZPoint& stop) -> ROOT::Math::XYZPoint {
// Break nested intervals at a precision of 0.01 um
if(std::sqrt((stop - ROOT::Math::XYZVector(start)).Mag2()) < 0.00001) {
return stop;
auto efield_center = detector_->getElectricField((stop + ROOT::Math::XYZVector(start)) / 2.);
double efield_center_mag = std::sqrt(efield_center.Mag2());
if(efield_center_mag > std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) {
return interval(start, (stop + ROOT::Math::XYZVector(start)) / 2.);
} else {
return interval((stop + ROOT::Math::XYZVector(start)) / 2., stop);
position = interval(position, local_position_diffusion);
efield = detector_->getElectricField(position);
efield_mag = std::sqrt(efield.Mag2());
diffusion_time = integration_time_ * std::sqrt((position - initial_position).Mag2() /
(local_position_diffusion - initial_position).Mag2());
if(!detector_->getModel()->isWithinSensor(position)) {
LOG(TRACE) << "Charge carrier diffused outside the sensor volume";
// Add position at sensor intercept:
if(output_linegraphs_) {
auto intercept = detector_->getModel()->getSensorIntercept(initial_position, position);
// Add potential position after diffusion to line graphs:
if(output_linegraphs_) {
LOG(TRACE) << "Charge diffused to position: " << Units::display(position, {"mm", "um"});
LOG(TRACE) << " ... with an electric field of " << Units::display(efield_mag, "V/cm");
LOG(TRACE) << " ... and a diffusion time prior to the drift of " << Units::display(diffusion_time, "ns");
LOG(TRACE) << "Electric field at carrier position / top of the sensor: "
<< Units::display(efield_mag_top, "V/cm") << " , " << Units::display(efield_mag, "V/cm");
auto slope_efield = (efield_mag_top - efield_mag) / (std::abs(top_z_ - position.z()));
// Calculate the drift time
auto calc_drift_time = [&]() {
if(position.z() == top_z_) {
return 0.;
double Ec = (type == CarrierType::ELECTRON ? electron_Ec_ : hole_Ec_);
return ((log(efield_mag_top) - log(efield_mag)) / slope_efield + std::abs(top_z_ - position.z()) / Ec) /
(*mobility_)(type, 0, doping);
LOG(TRACE) << "Electric field is " << Units::display(efield_mag, "V/cm");
// Assume linear electric field over the depleted part of the sensor
double diffusion_constant =
boltzmann_kT_ * ((*mobility_)(type, efield_mag, doping) + (*mobility_)(type, efield_mag_top, doping)) / 2.;
double drift_time = calc_drift_time();
double propagation_time = drift_time + diffusion_time;
LOG(TRACE) << "Drift time is " << Units::display(drift_time, "ns");
if(output_plots_) {
propagation_time_histo_->Fill(deposit.getLocalTime() + propagation_time, charge_per_step);
drift_time_histo_->Fill(drift_time, charge_per_step);
if(diffuse_deposit_) {
diffusion_time_histo_->Fill(diffusion_time, charge_per_step);
double diffusion_std_dev = std::sqrt(2. * diffusion_constant * drift_time);
LOG(TRACE) << "Diffusion width is " << Units::display(diffusion_std_dev, "um");
// Check if charge carrier is still alive via its survival probability, evaluated once
allpix::uniform_real_distribution<double> survival(0, 1);
type, detector_->getDopingConcentration(position), survival(event->getRandomEngine()), drift_time)) {
LOG(DEBUG) << "Recombined " << charge_per_step << " charge carriers (" << type << ") at "
<< Units::display(position, {"mm", "um"});
recombined_charges_count += charge_per_step;
allpix::normal_distribution<double> gauss_distribution(0, diffusion_std_dev);
double diffusion_x = gauss_distribution(event->getRandomEngine());
double diffusion_y = gauss_distribution(event->getRandomEngine());
// Find projected position
auto local_position = ROOT::Math::XYZPoint(position.x() + diffusion_x, position.y() + diffusion_y, top_z_);
auto global_time = deposit.getGlobalTime() + propagation_time;
auto local_time = deposit.getLocalTime() + propagation_time;
// Only add if within requested integration time:
if(local_time > integration_time_) {
LOG(DEBUG) << "Charge carriers propagation time not within integration time: "
<< Units::display(global_time, "ns") << " global / " << Units::display(local_time, {"ns", "ps"})
<< " local";
// Only add if within sensor volume:
if(!detector_->getModel()->isWithinSensor(local_position)) {
LOG(DEBUG) << "Charge carriers outside sensor volume at " << Units::display(local_position, {"mm", "um"});
// FIXME: drop charges if it ends up outside the sensor, could be optimized to estimate position on border
// Finalize line graph by adding final position
if(output_linegraphs_) {
if(output_plots_) {
initial_position_histo_->Fill(static_cast<double>(Units::convert(initial_position.z(), "um")),
auto global_position = detector_->getGlobalPosition(local_position);
// Produce charge carrier at this position
LOG(DEBUG) << "Propagated " << charge_per_step << " " << type << " to "
<< Units::display(local_position, {"mm", "um"}) << " in " << Units::display(global_time, "ns")
<< " global / " << Units::display(local_time, {"ns", "ps"}) << " local";
projected_charge += charge_per_step;
total_projected_charge += projected_charge;
charge_lost = total_charge - total_projected_charge;
LOG(INFO) << "Total charge: " << total_charge << " (lost: " << charge_lost << ", "
<< (total_charge > 0 ? (charge_lost / total_charge * 100.) : 0) << "%)";
LOG(DEBUG) << "Total count of propagated charge carriers: " << propagated_charges.size();
// Output plots if required
if(output_linegraphs_) {
LineGraph::Create(event->number, this, config_, output_plot_points, CarrierState::UNKNOWN);
if(output_plots_) {
recombine_histo_->Fill(total_charge > 0 ? (static_cast<double>(recombined_charges_count) / total_charge) : 0.);
// Create a new message with propagated charges
auto propagated_charge_message = std::make_shared<PropagatedChargeMessage>(std::move(propagated_charges), detector_);
// Dispatch the message with propagated charges
messenger_->dispatchMessage(this, std::move(propagated_charge_message), event);
void ProjectionPropagationModule::finalize() {
if(output_plots_) {
group_size_histo_->Get()->GetXaxis()->SetRange(1, group_size_histo_->Get()->GetNbinsX() + 1);
// Write output plots
if(diffuse_deposit_) {
LOG(INFO) << deposits_exceeding_max_groups_ * 100.0 / total_deposits_ << "% of deposits have charge exceeding the "
<< max_charge_groups_ << " charge groups allowed, with a charge_per_step value of " << charge_per_step_ << ".";
Updated on 2025-02-27 at 14:14:46 +0000