
Implementation of a pixel detector model. More…

Detailed Description

Implementation of a pixel detector model.

Copyright: Copyright (c) 2021-2024 CERN and the Allpix Squared authors. This software is distributed under the terms of the MIT License, copied verbatim in the file “”. In applying this license, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization or submit itself to any jurisdiction. SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

Source code

#include "PixelDetectorModel.hpp"
#include "core/module/exceptions.h"
#include "tools/liang_barsky.h"

#include <Math/Translation3D.h>

using namespace allpix;

PixelDetectorModel::PixelDetectorModel(std::string type,
                                       const std::shared_ptr<DetectorAssembly>& assembly,
                                       const ConfigReader& reader,
                                       const Configuration& config)
    : DetectorModel(std::move(type), assembly, reader, config) {
    using namespace ROOT::Math;

    // Number of pixels
    setNPixels(config.get<DisplacementVector2D<Cartesian2D<unsigned int>>>("number_of_pixels"));
    // Size of the pixels
    auto pixel_size = config.get<XYVector>("pixel_size");

void PixelDetectorModel::validate() {

    // Validate implants:
    for(const auto& implant : this->getImplants()) {
        if(implant.getSize().x() > pixel_size_.x() || implant.getSize().y() > pixel_size_.y()) {
            throw InvalidValueError(implant.getConfiguration(), "size", "implant size cannot be larger than pixel pitch");
        if(implant.getSize().z() > getSensorSize().z()) {
            throw InvalidValueError(
                implant.getConfiguration(), "size", "implant depth cannot be larger than sensor thickness");

        // Offset of the collection diode implant from the pixel center, defaults to zero.
        if(std::fabs(implant.getOffset().x()) + implant.getSize().x() / 2 > pixel_size_.x() / 2 ||
           std::fabs(implant.getOffset().y()) + implant.getSize().y() / 2 > pixel_size_.y() / 2) {
            throw InvalidValueError(
                implant.getConfiguration(), "offset", "implant exceeds pixel cell. Reduce implant size or offset");

bool PixelDetectorModel::isWithinSensor(const ROOT::Math::XYZPoint& local_pos) const {
    auto sensor_center = getSensorCenter();
    auto sensor_size = getSensorSize();
    return (2 * std::fabs(local_pos.z() - sensor_center.z()) <= sensor_size.z()) &&
           (2 * std::fabs(local_pos.y() - sensor_center.y()) <= sensor_size.y()) &&
           (2 * std::fabs(local_pos.x() - sensor_center.x()) <= sensor_size.x());

bool PixelDetectorModel::isOnSensorBoundary(const ROOT::Math::XYZPoint& local_pos) const {
    auto sensor_size = getSensorSize();
    return (2 * std::fabs(local_pos.z()) == sensor_size.z()) || (2 * std::fabs(local_pos.y()) == sensor_size.y()) ||
           (2 * std::fabs(local_pos.x()) == sensor_size.x());

bool PixelDetectorModel::isWithinMatrix(const Pixel::Index& pixel_index) const {
    return !(pixel_index.x() < 0 || pixel_index.x() >= static_cast<int>(number_of_pixels_.x()) || pixel_index.y() < 0 ||
             pixel_index.y() >= static_cast<int>(number_of_pixels_.y()));

bool PixelDetectorModel::isWithinMatrix(const int x, const int y) const {
    return !(x < 0 || x >= static_cast<int>(number_of_pixels_.x()) || y < 0 || y >= static_cast<int>(number_of_pixels_.y()));

bool PixelDetectorModel::isWithinMatrix(const ROOT::Math::XYZPoint& position) const {
    if(position.x() < -0.5 * pixel_size_.x() || position.x() > (number_of_pixels_.x() - 0.5) * pixel_size_.x()) {
        return false;
    if(position.y() < -0.5 * pixel_size_.y() || position.y() > (number_of_pixels_.y() - 0.5) * pixel_size_.y()) {
        return false;
    return true;

ROOT::Math::XYZPoint PixelDetectorModel::getPixelCenter(const int x, const int y) const {
    auto size = getPixelSize();
    auto local_x = size.x() * x;
    auto local_y = size.y() * y;
    return {local_x, local_y, 0};

std::pair<int, int> PixelDetectorModel::getPixelIndex(const ROOT::Math::XYZPoint& position) const {
    auto pixel_x = static_cast<int>(std::lround(position.x() / pixel_size_.x()));
    auto pixel_y = static_cast<int>(std::lround(position.y() / pixel_size_.y()));
    return {pixel_x, pixel_y};

std::set<Pixel::Index> PixelDetectorModel::getNeighbors(const Pixel::Index& idx, const size_t distance) const {
    std::set<Pixel::Index> neighbors;

    for(int x = idx.x() - static_cast<int>(distance); x <= idx.x() + static_cast<int>(distance); x++) {
        for(int y = idx.y() - static_cast<int>(distance); y <= idx.y() + static_cast<int>(distance); y++) {
            if(!isWithinMatrix(x, y)) {
            neighbors.insert({x, y});

    return neighbors;

bool PixelDetectorModel::areNeighbors(const Pixel::Index& seed, const Pixel::Index& entrant, const size_t distance) const {
    return (static_cast<size_t>(std::abs(seed.x() - entrant.x())) <= distance &&
            static_cast<size_t>(std::abs(seed.y() - entrant.y())) <= distance);

ROOT::Math::XYZPoint PixelDetectorModel::getSensorIntercept(const ROOT::Math::XYZPoint& inside,
                                                            const ROOT::Math::XYZPoint& outside) const {
    // Get direction vector of motion *out of* sensor
    auto direction = (outside - inside).Unit();
    // We have to be centered around the sensor box. This means we need to shift by the matrix center
    auto translation_local = ROOT::Math::Translation3D(static_cast<ROOT::Math::XYZVector>(getMatrixCenter()));

    auto intersection_point =
        LiangBarsky::closestIntersection(direction, translation_local.Inverse()(inside), getSensorSize());

    // Get intersection from Liang-Barsky line clipping and re-transform to local coordinates:
    if(intersection_point) {
        return translation_local(intersection_point.value());
    } else {
        return inside;

Updated on 2025-02-27 at 14:14:46 +0000