
Definition of mobility models. More…


Helper class to hold support layers for a detector model.


class allpix::MobilityModel
Charge carrier mobility models.
class allpix::JacoboniCanali
Jacoboni/Canali mobility model for charge carriers in silicon.
class allpix::Canali
Canali mobility model.
class allpix::CanaliFast
Fast implementation of the Canali mobility model.
class allpix::Hamburg
Hamburg (Klanner-Scharf) parametrization for <100> silicon.
class allpix::HamburgHighField
Hamburg (Klanner-Scharf) high-field parametrization for <100> silicon.
class allpix::Masetti
Masetti mobility model for charge carriers in silicon.
class allpix::MasettiCanali
Combination of the Masetti and Canali mobility models for charge carriers in silicon (“extended Canali model”)
class allpix::Arora
Arora mobility model for charge carriers in silicon.
class allpix::RuchKino
Ruch-Kino mobility model for charge carriers in GaAs:Cr.
class allpix::Quay
class allpix::Levinshtein
Levinshtein mobility models for charge carriers in gallium nitride.
class allpix::ConstantMobility
Constant mobility of electrons and holes.
class allpix::Custom
Custom mobility model for charge carriers.
class allpix::Mobility
Wrapper class and factory for mobility models.

Detailed Description

Definition of mobility models.

Copyright: Copyright (c) 2021-2024 CERN and the Allpix Squared authors. This software is distributed under the terms of the MIT License, copied verbatim in the file “”. In applying this license, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization or submit itself to any jurisdiction. SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

Source code


#include <TFormula.h>

#include "exceptions.h"

#include "core/config/Configuration.hpp"
#include "core/geometry/DetectorModel.hpp"
#include "core/utils/log.h"
#include "core/utils/unit.h"
#include "objects/SensorCharge.hpp"
#include "tools/tabulated_pow.h"

namespace allpix {

    class MobilityModel {
        MobilityModel() = default;

        virtual ~MobilityModel() = default;

        virtual double operator()(const CarrierType& type, double efield_mag, double doping) const = 0;

    class JacoboniCanali : virtual public MobilityModel {
        explicit JacoboniCanali(SensorMaterial material, double temperature)
            : electron_Vm_(Units::get(1.53e9 * std::pow(temperature, -0.87), "cm/s")),
              electron_Beta_(2.57e-2 * std::pow(temperature, 0.66)),
              hole_Vm_(Units::get(1.62e8 * std::pow(temperature, -0.52), "cm/s")),
              hole_Beta_(0.46 * std::pow(temperature, 0.17)),
              electron_Ec_(Units::get(1.01 * std::pow(temperature, 1.55), "V/cm")),
              hole_Ec_(Units::get(1.24 * std::pow(temperature, 1.68), "V/cm")) {
            if(material != SensorMaterial::SILICON) {
                LOG(WARNING) << "Sensor material " << allpix::to_string(material) << " not valid for this model.";

        double operator()(const CarrierType& type, double efield_mag, double) const override {
            // Compute carrier mobility from constants and electric field magnitude
            if(type == CarrierType::ELECTRON) {
                return electron_Vm_ / electron_Ec_ /
                       std::pow(1. + std::pow(efield_mag / electron_Ec_, electron_Beta_), 1.0 / electron_Beta_);
            } else {
                return hole_Vm_ / hole_Ec_ / std::pow(1. + std::pow(efield_mag / hole_Ec_, hole_Beta_), 1.0 / hole_Beta_);

        double electron_Vm_;
        double electron_Beta_;
        double hole_Vm_;
        double hole_Beta_;

        double electron_Ec_;
        double hole_Ec_;

    class Canali : virtual public JacoboniCanali {
        explicit Canali(SensorMaterial material, double temperature) : JacoboniCanali(material, temperature) {
            electron_Vm_ = Units::get(1.43e9 * std::pow(temperature, -0.87), "cm/s");

    class CanaliFast : virtual public Canali {
        explicit CanaliFast(SensorMaterial material, double temperature)
            : JacoboniCanali(material, temperature), Canali(material, temperature),
              pow_e_beta(0., Units::get(1000., "kV/cm") / electron_Ec_, electron_Beta_),
                  1., 1. + std::pow(Units::get(1000., "kV/cm") / electron_Ec_, electron_Beta_), 1.0 / electron_Beta_),
              pow_h_beta(0., Units::get(1000., "kV/cm") / hole_Ec_, hole_Beta_),
              pow_h_inv_beta(1., 1 + std::pow(Units::get(1000., "kV/cm") / hole_Ec_, hole_Beta_), 1.0 / hole_Beta_) {

            LOG(INFO) << "This mobility model uses a tabulated pow implementation and might be less accurate";

            // The boundary values and binning are chosen according to the expected range of the base.
            // Values are tabulated up to field values of 1000kV/cm

            // The pow-beta lower boundary is 0 since we are looking at electric field magnitudes which are >= 0
            // The pow-beta upper boundary is set to the pow function argument: maximum field divided by critical field

            // The pow-inverse-beta lower boundary is 1 due to the offset present in the Canali formula
            // The pow-inverse-beta upper boundary is set to the pow function argument: 1 plus pow from max / critical field

        double operator()(const CarrierType& type, double efield_mag, double) const override {
            // Compute carrier mobility from constants and electric field magnitude
            if(type == CarrierType::ELECTRON) {
                return electron_Vm_ / electron_Ec_ / pow_e_inv_beta(1. + pow_e_beta(efield_mag / electron_Ec_));
            } else {
                return hole_Vm_ / hole_Ec_ / pow_h_inv_beta(1. + pow_h_beta(efield_mag / hole_Ec_));

        TabulatedPow<1000> pow_e_beta;
        TabulatedPow<1000> pow_e_inv_beta;

        TabulatedPow<1000> pow_h_beta;
        TabulatedPow<1000> pow_h_inv_beta;

    class Hamburg : public MobilityModel {
        explicit Hamburg(SensorMaterial material, double temperature)
            : electron_mu0_(Units::get(1530 * std::pow(temperature / 300, -2.42), "cm*cm/V/s")),
              electron_vsat_(Units::get(1.03e7 * std::pow(temperature / 300, -0.226), "cm/s")),
              hole_mu0_(Units::get(464 * std::pow(temperature / 300, -2.20), "cm*cm/V/s")),
              hole_param_b_(Units::get(9.57e-8 * std::pow(temperature / 300, -0.101), "s/cm")),
              hole_param_c_(Units::get(-3.31e-13, "s/V")),
              hole_E0_(Units::get(2640 * std::pow(temperature / 300, 0.526), "V/cm")) {
            if(material != SensorMaterial::SILICON) {
                LOG(WARNING) << "Sensor material " << allpix::to_string(material) << " not valid for this model.";

        double operator()(const CarrierType& type, double efield_mag, double) const override {
            if(type == CarrierType::ELECTRON) {
                // Equation (3) of the reference, setting E0 = 0 as suggested
                return 1. / (1. / electron_mu0_ + 1. / electron_vsat_ * efield_mag);
            } else {
                // Equation (5) of the reference
                if(efield_mag < hole_E0_) {
                    return hole_mu0_;
                } else {
                    return 1. / (1. / hole_mu0_ + hole_param_b_ * (efield_mag - hole_E0_) +
                                 hole_param_c_ * (efield_mag - hole_E0_) * (efield_mag - hole_E0_));

        double electron_mu0_;
        double electron_vsat_;
        double hole_mu0_;
        double hole_param_b_;
        double hole_param_c_;
        double hole_E0_;

    class HamburgHighField : public Hamburg {
        explicit HamburgHighField(SensorMaterial material, double temperature) : Hamburg(material, temperature) {
            electron_mu0_ = Units::get(1430 * std::pow(temperature / 300, -1.99), "cm*cm/V/s");
            electron_vsat_ = Units::get(1.05e7 * std::pow(temperature / 300, -0.302), "cm/s");
            hole_mu0_ = Units::get(457 * std::pow(temperature / 300, -2.80), "cm*cm/V/s");
            hole_param_b_ = Units::get(9.57e-8 * std::pow(temperature / 300, -0.155), "s/cm"),
            hole_param_c_ = Units::get(-3.24e-13, "s/V");
            hole_E0_ = Units::get(2970 * std::pow(temperature / 300, 0.563), "V/cm");

    class Masetti : virtual public MobilityModel {
        Masetti(SensorMaterial material, double temperature, bool doping, Dopant dopant_n)
            : electron_mu0_(Units::get(68.5, "cm*cm/V/s")),
              electron_mumax_(Units::get(1414.0, "cm*cm/V/s") * std::pow(temperature / 300, -2.5)),
              electron_cr_(Units::get(9.20e16, "/cm/cm/cm")), electron_mu1_(Units::get(56.1, "cm*cm/V/s")),
              electron_cs_(Units::get(3.41e20, "/cm/cm/cm")), hole_mu0_(Units::get(44.9, "cm*cm/V/s")),
              hole_pc_(Units::get(9.23e16, "/cm/cm/cm")),
              hole_mumax_(Units::get(470.5, "cm*cm/V/s") * std::pow(temperature / 300, -2.2)),
              hole_cr_(Units::get(2.23e17, "/cm/cm/cm")), hole_mu1_(Units::get(29.0, "cm*cm/V/s")),
              hole_cs_(Units::get(6.1e20, "/cm/cm/cm")) {
            if(!doping) {
                throw ModelUnsuitable("No doping profile available");
            if(dopant_n == Dopant::ARSENIC) {
                LOG(INFO) << "Selected arsenic as n-dopant.";
                electron_mu0_ = Units::get(52.2, "cm*cm/V/s");
                electron_mumax_ = Units::get(1417.0, "cm*cm/V/s") * std::pow(temperature / 300, -2.5);
                electron_cr_ = Units::get(9.68e16, "/cm/cm/cm");
                electron_alpha_ = 0.68;
                electron_mu1_ = Units::get(43.4, "cm*cm/V/s");
                electron_cs_ = Units::get(3.43e20, "/cm/cm/cm");
                electron_beta_ = 2.0;
            if(material != SensorMaterial::SILICON) {
                LOG(WARNING) << "Sensor material " << allpix::to_string(material) << " not valid for this model.";

        double operator()(const CarrierType& type, double, double doping) const override {
            if(type == CarrierType::ELECTRON) {
                return electron_mu0_ +
                       (electron_mumax_ - electron_mu0_) /
                           (1. + std::pow(std::fabs(doping) / electron_cr_, electron_alpha_)) -
                       electron_mu1_ / (1. + std::pow(electron_cs_ / std::fabs(doping), electron_beta_));
            } else {
                return hole_mu0_ * std::exp(-hole_pc_ / std::fabs(doping)) +
                       hole_mumax_ / (1. + std::pow(std::fabs(doping) / hole_cr_, hole_alpha_)) -
                       hole_mu1_ / (1. + std::pow(hole_cs_ / std::fabs(doping), hole_beta_));

        double electron_mu0_;
        double electron_mumax_;
        double electron_cr_;
        double electron_alpha_{0.711};
        double electron_mu1_;
        double electron_cs_;
        double electron_beta_{1.98};
        double hole_mu0_;
        double hole_pc_;
        double hole_mumax_;
        double hole_cr_;
        double hole_alpha_{0.719};
        double hole_mu1_;
        double hole_cs_;
        double hole_beta_{2.0};

    class MasettiCanali : public Canali, public Masetti {
        MasettiCanali(SensorMaterial material, double temperature, bool doping, Dopant dopant_n)
            : JacoboniCanali(material, temperature), Canali(material, temperature),
              Masetti(material, temperature, doping, dopant_n) {}

        double operator()(const CarrierType& type, double efield_mag, double doping) const override {
            double masetti = Masetti::operator()(type, efield_mag, doping);

            if(type == CarrierType::ELECTRON) {
                return masetti /
                       std::pow(1. + std::pow(masetti * efield_mag / electron_Vm_, electron_Beta_), 1. / electron_Beta_);
            } else {
                return masetti / std::pow(1. + std::pow(masetti * efield_mag / hole_Vm_, hole_Beta_), 1. / hole_Beta_);

    class Arora : public MobilityModel {
        Arora(SensorMaterial material, double temperature, bool doping)
            : electron_mumin_(Units::get(88 * std::pow(temperature / 300, -0.57), "cm*cm/V/s")),
              electron_mu0_(Units::get(7.4e8 * std::pow(temperature, -2.33), "cm*cm/V/s")),
              electron_nref_(Units::get(1.26e17 * std::pow(temperature / 300, 2.4), "/cm/cm/cm")),
              hole_mumin_(Units::get(54.3 * std::pow(temperature / 300, -0.57), "cm*cm/V/s")),
              hole_mu0_(Units::get(1.36e8 * std::pow(temperature, -2.23), "cm*cm/V/s")),
              hole_nref_(Units::get(2.35e17 * std::pow(temperature / 300, 2.4), "/cm/cm/cm")),
              alpha_(0.88 * std::pow(temperature / 300, -0.146)) {
            if(!doping) {
                throw ModelUnsuitable("No doping profile available");
            if(material != SensorMaterial::SILICON) {
                LOG(WARNING) << "Sensor material " << allpix::to_string(material) << " not valid for this model.";

        double operator()(const CarrierType& type, double, double doping) const override {
            if(type == CarrierType::ELECTRON) {
                return electron_mumin_ + electron_mu0_ / (1 + std::pow(std::fabs(doping) / electron_nref_, alpha_));
            } else {
                return hole_mumin_ + hole_mu0_ / (1 + std::pow(std::fabs(doping) / hole_nref_, alpha_));

        double electron_mumin_;
        double electron_mu0_;
        double electron_nref_;
        double hole_mumin_;
        double hole_mu0_;
        double hole_nref_;
        double alpha_;

    class RuchKino : virtual public MobilityModel {
        explicit RuchKino(SensorMaterial material)
            : E0_gaas_(Units::get(3100.0, "V/cm")), mu_e_gaas_(Units::get(7600.0, "cm*cm/V/s")),
              Ec_gaas_(Units::get(1360.0, "V/cm")), mu_h_gaas_(Units::get(320.0, "cm*cm/V/s")) {
            if(material != SensorMaterial::GALLIUM_ARSENIDE) {
                LOG(WARNING) << "Sensor material " << allpix::to_string(material) << " not valid for this model.";

        double operator()(const CarrierType& type, double efield_mag, double) const override {
            // Compute carrier mobility from constants and electric field magnitude
            if(type == CarrierType::ELECTRON) {
                if(efield_mag < E0_gaas_) {
                    return mu_e_gaas_;
                } else {
                    return mu_e_gaas_ / sqrt(1 + std::pow((efield_mag - E0_gaas_), 2) / std::pow(Ec_gaas_, 2));
            } else {
                return mu_h_gaas_;

        double E0_gaas_;
        double mu_e_gaas_;
        double Ec_gaas_;
        double mu_h_gaas_;

     * @ingroup Models
     * @brief Quay mobility model for charge carriers in different semiconductor materials
     * Quay ( uses a parametrization of the saturation velocity VSat taken from
     * This parametrisation has the advantage that it can be applied to most
     * common semiconductor materials. The mobility is a function of VSat and the critical field Ec, which is defined as Vsat
     * divided by the mobility at zero field:
     *     Ec = Vsat / mu_zero
     * The mobility at zero field is parametrised as
     *     mu_zero = alpha * temperature^-p.
     * The parameters alpha (mobility at 0K) and p have to be taken from parametrizations to data. Landolt-Bornstein - Group
     * III Condensed Matter ( provides a good general summary of the parameters.
     * N.B: the parameter p is generally between 1.5 and 2.3, translating theoretical predictions that mobility at low
     * temperatures (below ~100K) generally goes as T^-1.5 dominated by acoustic phonon scattering, while the mobility at
     * higher temperatures (which goes as T^-2.3) has a contribution from both acoustical and optical phonon scattering.
    class Quay : public MobilityModel {
        Quay(SensorMaterial material, double temperature) {
            if(material == SensorMaterial::SILICON) {
                electron_Vsat_ = vsat(Units::get(1.02e7, "cm/s"), 0.74, temperature);
                hole_Vsat_ = vsat(Units::get(0.72e7, "cm/s"), 0.37, temperature);

                // parameters for mobility at zero field defined in Jacoboni et al
                electron_Ec_ = electron_Vsat_ / (Units::get(1.43e9, "cm*cm*K/V/s") / std::pow(temperature, 2.42));
                hole_Ec_ = hole_Vsat_ / (Units::get(1.35e8, "cm*cm*K/V/s") / std::pow(temperature, 2.20));
            } else if(material == SensorMaterial::GERMANIUM) {
                electron_Vsat_ = vsat(Units::get(0.7e7, "cm/s"), 0.45, temperature);
                hole_Vsat_ = vsat(Units::get(0.63e7, "cm/s"), 0.39, temperature);

                // Parameters for mobility at zero field defined in Omar et al for electrons
                // and in Landolt-Bornstein - Group III Condensed Matter
                // for holes
                electron_Ec_ = electron_Vsat_ / (Units::get(5.66e7, "cm*cm*K/V/s") / std::pow(temperature, 1.68));
                hole_Ec_ = hole_Vsat_ / (Units::get(1.05e9, "cm*cm*K/V/s") / std::pow(temperature, 2.33));

            } else if(material == SensorMaterial::GALLIUM_ARSENIDE) {
                electron_Vsat_ = vsat(Units::get(0.72e7, "cm/s"), 0.44, temperature);
                hole_Vsat_ = vsat(Units::get(0.9e7, "cm/s"), 0.59, temperature);

                electron_Ec_ = electron_Vsat_ / (Units::get(2.5e6, "cm*cm*K/V/s") / std::pow(temperature, 1.));
                hole_Ec_ = hole_Vsat_ / (Units::get(6.3e7, "cm*cm*K/V/s") / std::pow(temperature, 2.1));
            } else {
                throw ModelUnsuitable("Sensor material " + allpix::to_string(material) + " not valid for this model.");

        double operator()(const CarrierType& type, double efield_mag, double) const override {
            if(type == CarrierType::ELECTRON) {
                return electron_Vsat_ / electron_Ec_ / std::sqrt(1. + efield_mag * efield_mag / electron_Ec_ / electron_Ec_);
            } else {
                return hole_Vsat_ / hole_Ec_ / std::sqrt(1. + efield_mag * efield_mag / hole_Ec_ / hole_Ec_);

        double vsat(double vsat300, double a, double temperature) const {
            return vsat300 / ((1 - a) + a * (temperature / 300));

        double electron_Vsat_;
        double hole_Vsat_;
        double electron_Ec_;
        double hole_Ec_;

    class Levinshtein : public MobilityModel {
        Levinshtein(SensorMaterial material, double temperature, bool doping)
            : electron_mumin_(Units::get(55.0, "cm*cm/V/s")), electron_mumax_(Units::get(1000.0, "cm*cm/V/s")),
              electron_nref_(Units::get(2e17, "/cm/cm/cm")), electron_t_alpha_(std::pow(temperature / 300, 2.)),
              electron_t_beta_(std::pow(temperature / 300, 0.7)), hole_mumin_(Units::get(3.0, "cm*cm/V/s")),
              hole_mumax_(Units::get(170.0, "cm*cm/V/s")), hole_nref_(Units::get(3e17, "/cm/cm/cm")),
              hole_t_alpha_(std::pow(temperature / 300, 5.)) {
            if(!doping) {
                throw ModelUnsuitable("No doping profile available");
            if(material != SensorMaterial::GALLIUM_NITRIDE) {
                LOG(WARNING) << "Sensor material " << allpix::to_string(material) << " not valid for this model.";

        double operator()(const CarrierType& type, double temperature, double doping) const override {
            if(type == CarrierType::ELECTRON) {
                double B =
                    (electron_mumin_ + electron_mumax_ * std::pow(electron_nref_ / std::fabs(doping), electron_gamma_)) /
                    (electron_mumax_ - electron_mumin_);
                return electron_mumax_ / (1 / (B * electron_t_beta_) + electron_t_alpha_);
            } else {
                double B = (hole_mumin_ + hole_mumax_ * std::pow(hole_nref_ / std::fabs(doping), hole_gamma_)) /
                           (hole_mumax_ - hole_mumin_);
                return hole_mumax_ / (1 / B + std::pow(temperature / 300, hole_t_alpha_));

        double electron_mumin_;
        double electron_mumax_;
        double electron_nref_;
        double electron_t_alpha_;
        double electron_t_beta_;
        double electron_gamma_{1.};
        double hole_mumin_;
        double hole_mumax_;
        double hole_nref_;
        double hole_t_alpha_;
        double hole_gamma_{2.};

    class ConstantMobility : public MobilityModel {
        ConstantMobility(double electron_mobility, double hole_mobility)
            : electron_mobility_(electron_mobility), hole_mobility_(hole_mobility) {}

        double operator()(const CarrierType& type, double, double) const override {
            return (type == CarrierType::ELECTRON ? electron_mobility_ : hole_mobility_);

        double electron_mobility_;
        double hole_mobility_;

    class Custom : public MobilityModel {
        Custom(const Configuration& config, bool doping) {
            electron_mobility_ = configure_mobility(config, CarrierType::ELECTRON, doping);
            hole_mobility_ = configure_mobility(config, CarrierType::HOLE, doping);

        double operator()(const CarrierType& type, double efield_mag, double doping) const override {
            if(type == CarrierType::ELECTRON) {
                return electron_mobility_->Eval(efield_mag, doping);
            } else {
                return hole_mobility_->Eval(efield_mag, doping);

        std::unique_ptr<TFormula> electron_mobility_;
        std::unique_ptr<TFormula> hole_mobility_;

        std::unique_ptr<TFormula> configure_mobility(const Configuration& config, const CarrierType type, bool doping) {
            std::string name = (type == CarrierType::ELECTRON ? "electrons" : "holes");
            auto function = config.get<std::string>("mobility_function_" + name);
            auto parameters = config.getArray<double>("mobility_parameters_" + name, {});

            auto mobility = std::make_unique<TFormula>(("mobility_" + name).c_str(), function.c_str());

            if(!mobility->IsValid()) {
                throw InvalidValueError(
                    config, "mobility_function_" + name, "The provided model is not a valid ROOT::TFormula expression");

            // Check if a doping concentration dependency can be detected by checking for the number of dimensions:
            if(!doping && mobility->GetNdim() == 2) {
                throw ModelUnsuitable("No doping profile available but doping dependence found");

            // Check if number of parameters match up
            if(static_cast<size_t>(mobility->GetNpar()) != parameters.size()) {
                throw InvalidValueError(config,
                                        "mobility_parameters_" + name,
                                        "The number of provided parameters and parameters in the function do not match");

            // Set the parameters
            for(size_t n = 0; n < parameters.size(); ++n) {
                mobility->SetParameter(static_cast<int>(n), parameters[n]);

            return mobility;

    class Mobility {
        Mobility() = default;

        explicit Mobility(const Configuration& config, SensorMaterial material, bool doping = false) {
            try {
                auto model = config.get<std::string>("mobility_model");
                auto temperature = config.get<double>("temperature");
                if(model == "jacoboni") {
                    model_ = std::make_unique<JacoboniCanali>(material, temperature);
                } else if(model == "canali") {
                    model_ = std::make_unique<Canali>(material, temperature);
                } else if(model == "canali_fast") {
                    model_ = std::make_unique<CanaliFast>(material, temperature);
                } else if(model == "hamburg") {
                    model_ = std::make_unique<Hamburg>(material, temperature);
                } else if(model == "hamburg_highfield") {
                    model_ = std::make_unique<HamburgHighField>(material, temperature);
                } else if(model == "masetti") {
                    model_ = std::make_unique<Masetti>(
                        material, temperature, doping, config.get<Dopant>("dopant_n", Dopant::PHOSPHORUS));
                } else if(model == "masetti_canali") {
                    model_ = std::make_unique<MasettiCanali>(
                        material, temperature, doping, config.get<Dopant>("dopant_n", Dopant::PHOSPHORUS));
                } else if(model == "arora") {
                    model_ = std::make_unique<Arora>(material, temperature, doping);
                } else if(model == "ruch_kino") {
                    model_ = std::make_unique<RuchKino>(material);
                } else if(model == "quay") {
                    model_ = std::make_unique<Quay>(material, temperature);
                } else if(model == "levinshtein") {
                    model_ = std::make_unique<Levinshtein>(material, temperature, doping);
                } else if(model == "constant") {
                    model_ = std::make_unique<ConstantMobility>(config.get<double>("mobility_electron"),
                } else if(model == "custom") {
                    model_ = std::make_unique<Custom>(config, doping);
                } else {
                    throw InvalidModelError(model);
                LOG(INFO) << "Selected mobility model \"" << model << "\"";
            } catch(const ModelError& e) {
                throw InvalidValueError(config, "mobility_model", e.what());

        template <class... ARGS> double operator()(ARGS&&... args) const {
            return model_->operator()(std::forward<ARGS>(args)...);

        std::unique_ptr<MobilityModel> model_{};

} // namespace allpix


Updated on 2025-02-27 at 14:14:46 +0000