
Implementation of logger. More…

Detailed Description

Implementation of logger.

Copyright: Copyright (c) 2017-2024 CERN and the Allpix Squared authors. This software is distributed under the terms of the MIT License, copied verbatim in the file “”. In applying this license, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization or submit itself to any jurisdiction. SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

Source code

#include "log.h"

#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <chrono>
#include <exception>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <ostream>
#include <regex>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <unistd.h>

using namespace allpix;

// Last name used while printing (for identifying process logs)
std::string DefaultLogger::last_identifier_;
// Last message send used to check if extra spaces are needed
std::string DefaultLogger::last_message_;
// Mutex to guard output writing
std::mutex DefaultLogger::write_mutex_;

DefaultLogger::DefaultLogger() : exception_count_(std::uncaught_exceptions()) {}

DefaultLogger::~DefaultLogger() {
    // Check if an exception is thrown while adding output to the stream
    if(exception_count_ != std::uncaught_exceptions()) {

    // TODO [doc] any extra exceptions here need to be caught

    // Get output string
    std::string out(os.str());

    // Replace every newline by indented code if necessary
    auto start_pos = out.find('\n');
    if(start_pos != std::string::npos) {
        std::string spcs(indent_count_ + 1, ' ');
        spcs[0] = '\n';
        do { // NOLINT
            out.replace(start_pos, 1, spcs);
            start_pos += spcs.length();
        } while((start_pos = out.find('\n', start_pos)) != std::string::npos);

    // Lock the mutex to guard last identifier usage
    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(write_mutex_);

    // Add extra spaces if necessary
    size_t extra_spaces = 0;
    if(!identifier_.empty() && last_identifier_ == identifier_) {
        // Put carriage return for process logs
        out = '\r' + out;

        // Set extra spaces to fully cover previous message
        if(last_message_.size() > out.size()) {
            extra_spaces = last_message_.size() - out.size();
    } else if(!last_identifier_.empty()) {
        // End process log and continue normal logging
        out = '\n' + out;
    last_identifier_ = identifier_;

    // Save last message
    last_message_ = out;
    last_message_ += " ";

    // Add extra spaces if required
    if(extra_spaces > 0) {
        out += std::string(extra_spaces, ' ');

    // Add final newline if not a progress log
    if(identifier_.empty()) {
        out += '\n';

    // Create a version without any special terminal characters
    std::string out_no_special;
    size_t prev = 0, pos = 0;
    while((pos = out.find("\x1B[", prev)) != std::string::npos) {
        out_no_special += out.substr(prev, pos - prev);
        prev = out.find('m', pos) + 1;
        if(prev == std::string::npos) {
    out_no_special += out.substr(prev);

    // Replace carriage return by newline:
    try {
        out_no_special = std::regex_replace(out_no_special, std::regex("\\\r"), "\n");
    } catch(std::regex_error&) {

    // Print output to streams
    for(auto* stream : get_streams()) {
        if(is_terminal(*stream)) {
            (*stream) << out;
        } else {
            (*stream) << out_no_special;

void DefaultLogger::finish() {
    // Lock the mutex to guard output writing
    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(write_mutex_);

    if(!last_identifier_.empty()) {
        // Flush final line if necessary
        for(auto* stream : get_streams()) {
            (*stream) << std::endl;

    last_identifier_ = "";
    last_message_ = "";

    // Enable cursor again if stream supports it
    for(auto* stream : get_streams()) {
        if(is_terminal(*stream)) {
            (*stream) << "\x1B[?25h";


DefaultLogger::getStream(LogLevel level, const std::string& file, const std::string& function, uint32_t line) {
    // Add date in all except short format
    if(get_format() != LogFormat::SHORT) {
        os << "\x1B[1m"; // BOLD
        os << "|" << get_current_date() << "| ";
        os << "\x1B[0m"; // RESET

    // Add thread id only in long format
    if(get_format() == LogFormat::LONG) {
        os << "\x1B[1m"; // BOLD
        os << "=" << std::this_thread::get_id() << "= ";
        os << "\x1B[0m"; // RESET

    // Set color for log level
    if(level == LogLevel::FATAL || level == LogLevel::ERROR) {
        os << "\x1B[31;1m"; // RED
    } else if(level == LogLevel::WARNING) {
        os << "\x1B[33;1m"; // YELLOW
    } else if(level == LogLevel::STATUS) {
        os << "\x1B[32;1m"; // GREEN
    } else if(level == LogLevel::TRACE || level == LogLevel::DEBUG) {
        os << "\x1B[36m"; // NON-BOLD CYAN
    } else if(level == LogLevel::PRNG) {
        os << "\x1B[90m"; // NON-BOLD GREY
    } else {
        os << "\x1B[36;1m"; // CYAN

    // Add log level (shortly in the short format)
    if(get_format() != LogFormat::SHORT) {
        std::string level_str = "(";
        level_str += getStringFromLevel(level);
        level_str += ")";
        os << std::setw(9) << level_str << " ";
    } else {
        os << "(" << getStringFromLevel(level).substr(0, 1) << ") ";
    os << "\x1B[0m"; // RESET

    // Add event number if any (shortly in the short format)
    if(getEventNum() != 0) {
        if(get_format() != LogFormat::SHORT) {
            os << "(Event " << getEventNum() << ") ";
        } else {
            os << "(E: " << getEventNum() << ") ";

    // Add section if available
    if(!get_section().empty()) {
        os << "\x1B[1m"; // BOLD
        os << "[" << get_section() << "] ";
        os << "\x1B[0m"; // RESET

    // Print function name and line number information in debug format
    if(get_format() == LogFormat::LONG) {
        os << "\x1B[1m"; // BOLD
        os << "<" << file << "/" << function << ":L" << line << "> ";
        os << "\x1B[0m"; // RESET

    // Save the indent count to fix with newlines
    size_t prev = 0, pos = 0;
    std::string out = os.str();
    while((pos = out.find("\x1B[", prev)) != std::string::npos) {
        indent_count_ += static_cast<unsigned int>(pos - prev);
        prev = out.find('m', pos) + 1;
        if(prev == std::string::npos) {
    return os;

std::ostringstream& DefaultLogger::getProcessStream(
    std::string identifier, LogLevel level, const std::string& file, const std::string& function, uint32_t line) {
    // Get the standard process stream
    std::ostringstream& stream = getStream(level, file, function, line);

    // Replace empty identifier with underscore because empty is already used for check
    if(identifier.empty()) {
        identifier = "_";
    identifier_ = std::move(identifier);

    return stream;

// Getter and setters for the reporting level
LogLevel& DefaultLogger::get_reporting_level() {
    thread_local LogLevel reporting_level = LogLevel::NONE;
    return reporting_level;
void DefaultLogger::setReportingLevel(LogLevel level) { get_reporting_level() = level; }
LogLevel DefaultLogger::getReportingLevel() { return get_reporting_level(); }

// String to LogLevel conversions and vice versa
std::string DefaultLogger::getStringFromLevel(LogLevel level) {
    const std::array<std::string, 9> type = {
        {"FATAL", "STATUS", "ERROR", "WARNING", "INFO", "DEBUG", "NONE", "TRACE", "PRNG"}};
LogLevel DefaultLogger::getLevelFromString(const std::string& level) {
    if(level == "PRNG") {
        return LogLevel::PRNG;
    if(level == "TRACE") {
        return LogLevel::TRACE;
    if(level == "DEBUG") {
        return LogLevel::DEBUG;
    if(level == "INFO") {
        return LogLevel::INFO;
    if(level == "WARNING") {
        return LogLevel::WARNING;
    if(level == "ERROR") {
        return LogLevel::ERROR;
    if(level == "STATUS") {
        return LogLevel::STATUS;
    if(level == "FATAL") {
        return LogLevel::FATAL;

    throw std::invalid_argument("unknown log level");

// Getter and setters for the format
LogFormat& DefaultLogger::get_format() {
    thread_local LogFormat reporting_level = LogFormat::DEFAULT;
    return reporting_level;
void DefaultLogger::setFormat(LogFormat level) { get_format() = level; }
LogFormat DefaultLogger::getFormat() { return get_format(); }

// Convert string to log format and vice versa
std::string DefaultLogger::getStringFromFormat(LogFormat format) {
    const std::array<std::string, 3> type = {{"SHORT", "DEFAULT", "LONG"}};
LogFormat DefaultLogger::getFormatFromString(const std::string& format) {
    if(format == "SHORT") {
        return LogFormat::SHORT;
    if(format == "DEFAULT") {
        return LogFormat::DEFAULT;
    if(format == "LONG") {
        return LogFormat::LONG;

    throw std::invalid_argument("unknown log format");

const std::vector<std::ostream*>& DefaultLogger::getStreams() { return get_streams(); }
std::vector<std::ostream*>& DefaultLogger::get_streams() {
    static std::vector<std::ostream*> streams;
    return streams;
void DefaultLogger::clearStreams() { get_streams().clear(); }
void DefaultLogger::addStream(std::ostream& stream) {
    // Disable cursor if stream supports it
    if(is_terminal(stream)) {
        stream << "\x1B[?25l";


// Getters and setters for the section header
std::string& DefaultLogger::get_section() {
    thread_local std::string section;
    return section;
void DefaultLogger::setSection(std::string section) { get_section() = std::move(section); }
std::string DefaultLogger::getSection() { return get_section(); }

// Getters and setters for the event number
uint64_t& DefaultLogger::get_event_num() {
    thread_local uint64_t event_num;

    // Make sure event_num is initialized to zero.
    thread_local std::once_flag flag;
    std::call_once(flag, []() noexcept { event_num = 0; });

    return event_num;
void DefaultLogger::setEventNum(uint64_t event_num) { get_event_num() = event_num; }
uint64_t DefaultLogger::getEventNum() { return get_event_num(); }

std::string DefaultLogger::get_current_date() {
    // FIXME: revise this to get microseconds in a better way
    auto now = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
    auto in_time_t = std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(now);

    std::stringstream ss;
    ss << std::put_time(std::localtime(&in_time_t), "%X");

    auto seconds_from_epoch = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds>(now.time_since_epoch());
    auto millis = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(now.time_since_epoch() - seconds_from_epoch).count();
    ss << ".";
    ss << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(3);
    ss << millis;
    return ss.str();

bool DefaultLogger::is_terminal(std::ostream& stream) {
    if(&std::cout == &stream) {
        return static_cast<bool>(isatty(fileno(stdout)));
    if(&std::cerr == &stream) {
        return static_cast<bool>(isatty(fileno(stderr)));

    return false;

Updated on 2025-02-27 at 14:14:46 +0000