Definition of impact ionization models. More…
Name |
allpix Helper class to hold support layers for a detector model. |
Name | |
class | allpix::ImpactIonizationModel Impact ionization models. |
class | allpix::NoImpactIonization No multiplication. |
class | allpix::Massey Massey model for impact ionization. |
class | allpix::MasseyOptimized Massey model for impact ionization with optimized parameters. |
class | allpix::VanOverstraetenDeMan van Overstraeten de Man model for impact ionization |
class | allpix::VanOverstraetenDeManOptimized van Overstraeten de Man model for impact ionization with optimized parameters |
class | allpix::OkutoCrowell Okuto Crowell model for impact ionization. |
class | allpix::OkutoCrowellOptimized Okuto Crowell model for impact ionization with optimized parameters. |
class | allpix::Bologna Bologna model for impact ionization. |
class | allpix::CustomGain Custom gain model for charge carriers. |
class | allpix::ImpactIonization Wrapper class and factory for impact ionization models. |
Detailed Description
Definition of impact ionization models.
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2021-2024 CERN and the Allpix Squared authors. This software is distributed under the terms of the MIT License, copied verbatim in the file “”. In applying this license, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization or submit itself to any jurisdiction. SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
Source code
#include <limits>
#include <typeindex>
#include <TFormula.h>
#include "exceptions.h"
#include "core/config/Configuration.hpp"
#include "core/utils/log.h"
#include "core/utils/unit.h"
#include "objects/SensorCharge.hpp"
namespace allpix {
class ImpactIonizationModel {
explicit ImpactIonizationModel(double threshold) : threshold_(threshold){};
virtual ~ImpactIonizationModel() = default;
virtual double operator()(const CarrierType& type, double efield_mag, double step) const {
if(std::fabs(efield_mag) < threshold_) {
return 1.;
return std::exp(step * gain_factor(type, efield_mag));
virtual double gain_factor(const CarrierType& type, double efield_mag) const = 0;
double threshold_{std::numeric_limits<double>::max()};
class NoImpactIonization : virtual public ImpactIonizationModel {
NoImpactIonization() : ImpactIonizationModel(std::numeric_limits<double>::max()){};
double operator()(const CarrierType&, double, double) const override { return 1.; };
double gain_factor(const CarrierType&, double) const override { return 1.; };
class Massey : virtual public ImpactIonizationModel {
Massey(double temperature, double threshold)
: ImpactIonizationModel(threshold), electron_a_(Units::get(4.43e5, "/cm")),
electron_b_(Units::get(9.66e5, "V/cm") + Units::get(4.99e2, "V/cm/K") * temperature),
hole_a_(Units::get(1.13e6, "/cm")),
hole_b_(Units::get(1.71e6, "V/cm") + Units::get(1.09e3, "V/cm/K") * temperature) {}
double gain_factor(const CarrierType& type, double efield_mag) const override {
if(type == CarrierType::ELECTRON) {
return electron_a_ * std::exp(-1. * electron_b_ / efield_mag);
} else {
return hole_a_ * std::exp(-1. * hole_b_ / efield_mag);
double electron_a_;
double electron_b_;
double hole_a_;
double hole_b_;
class MasseyOptimized : virtual public Massey {
MasseyOptimized(double temperature, double threshold)
: ImpactIonizationModel(threshold), Massey(temperature, threshold) {
electron_a_ = Units::get(1.186e6, "/cm");
electron_b_ = Units::get(1.020e6, "V/cm") + Units::get(1.043e3, "V/cm/K") * temperature;
hole_a_ = Units::get(2.250e6, "/cm");
hole_b_ = Units::get(1.851e6, "V/cm") + Units::get(1.828e3, "V/cm/K") * temperature;
class VanOverstraetenDeMan : virtual public ImpactIonizationModel {
VanOverstraetenDeMan(double temperature, double threshold)
: ImpactIonizationModel(threshold),
gamma_(std::tanh(Units::get(0.063, "eV") / (2. * Units::get(8.6173333e-5, "eV/K") * 300.)) /
std::tanh(Units::get(0.063, "eV") / (2. * Units::get(8.6173333e-5, "eV/K") * temperature))),
e_zero_(Units::get(4.0e5, "V/cm")), electron_a_(Units::get(7.03e5, "/cm")),
electron_b_(Units::get(1.231e6, "V/cm")), hole_a_low_(Units::get(1.582e6, "/cm")),
hole_a_high_(Units::get(6.71e5, "/cm")), hole_b_low_(Units::get(2.036e6, "V/cm")),
hole_b_high_(Units::get(1.693e6, "V/cm")) {}
double gain_factor(const CarrierType& type, double efield_mag) const override {
if(type == CarrierType::ELECTRON) {
return gamma_ * electron_a_ * std::exp(-(gamma_ * electron_b_ / efield_mag));
} else {
auto a = (std::abs(efield_mag) > e_zero_ ? hole_a_high_ : hole_a_low_);
auto b = (std::abs(efield_mag) > e_zero_ ? hole_b_high_ : hole_b_low_);
return gamma_ * a * std::exp(-(gamma_ * b / efield_mag));
double gamma_;
double e_zero_;
double electron_a_;
double electron_b_;
double hole_a_low_;
double hole_a_high_;
double hole_b_low_;
double hole_b_high_;
class VanOverstraetenDeManOptimized : virtual public VanOverstraetenDeMan {
VanOverstraetenDeManOptimized(double temperature, double threshold)
: ImpactIonizationModel(threshold), VanOverstraetenDeMan(temperature, threshold) {
gamma_ = std::tanh(Units::get(0.0758, "eV") / (2. * Units::get(8.6173333e-5, "eV/K") * 300.)) /
std::tanh(Units::get(0.0758, "eV") / (2. * Units::get(8.6173333e-5, "eV/K") * temperature));
electron_a_ = Units::get(1.149e6, "/cm");
electron_b_ = Units::get(1.325e6, "V/cm");
hole_a_low_ = Units::get(2.519e6, "/cm");
hole_b_low_ = Units::get(2.428e6, "V/cm");
// The publication uses the same parameters for low and high electric field regions:
hole_a_high_ = Units::get(2.519e6, "/cm");
hole_b_high_ = Units::get(2.428e6, "V/cm");
class OkutoCrowell : virtual public ImpactIonizationModel {
OkutoCrowell(double temperature, double threshold)
: ImpactIonizationModel(threshold), electron_ac_(Units::get(0.426, "/V") * (1. + 3.05e-4 * (temperature - 300))),
electron_bd_(Units::get(4.81e5, "V/cm") * (1. + 6.86e-4 * (temperature - 300))),
hole_ac_(Units::get(0.243, "/V") * (1. + 5.35e-4 * (temperature - 300))),
hole_bd_(Units::get(6.53e5, "V/cm") * (1. + 5.67e-4 * (temperature - 300))) {}
double gain_factor(const CarrierType& type, double efield_mag) const override {
if(type == CarrierType::ELECTRON) {
return electron_ac_ * efield_mag * std::exp(-1 * electron_bd_ * electron_bd_ / efield_mag / efield_mag);
} else {
return hole_ac_ * efield_mag * std::exp(-1 * hole_bd_ * hole_bd_ / efield_mag / efield_mag);
double electron_ac_;
double electron_bd_;
double hole_ac_;
double hole_bd_;
class OkutoCrowellOptimized : virtual public OkutoCrowell {
OkutoCrowellOptimized(double temperature, double threshold)
: ImpactIonizationModel(threshold), OkutoCrowell(temperature, threshold) {
electron_ac_ = Units::get(0.289, "/V") * (1. + 9.03e-4 * (temperature - 300));
electron_bd_ = Units::get(4.01e5, "V/cm") * (1. + 1.11e-3 * (temperature - 300));
hole_ac_ = Units::get(0.202, "/V") * (1. - 2.20e-3 * (temperature - 300));
hole_bd_ = Units::get(6.40e5, "V/cm") * (1. + 8.25e-4 * (temperature - 300));
class Bologna : virtual public ImpactIonizationModel {
Bologna(double temperature, double threshold)
: ImpactIonizationModel(threshold),
electron_a_(Units::get(4.3383, "V") + Units::get(-2.42e-12, "V") * std::pow(temperature, 4.1233)),
electron_b_(Units::get(0.235, "V")),
electron_c_(Units::get(1.6831e4, "V/cm") + Units::get(4.3796, "V/cm") * temperature +
Units::get(0.13005, "V/cm") * std::pow(temperature, 2)),
electron_d_(Units::get(1.2337e6, "V/cm") + Units::get(1.2039e3, "V/cm") * temperature +
Units::get(0.56703, "V/cm") * std::pow(temperature, 2)),
hole_a_(Units::get(2.376, "V") + Units::get(1.033e-2, "V") * temperature),
hole_b_(Units::get(0.17714, "V") * std::exp(Units::get(-2.178e-3, "/K") * temperature)),
hole_c_(Units::get(9.47e-3, "V/cm") * std::pow(temperature, 2.4924)),
hole_d_(Units::get(1.4043e6, "V/cm") + Units::get(2.9744e3, "V/cm") * temperature +
Units::get(1.4829, "V/cm") * std::pow(temperature, 2)) {}
double gain_factor(const CarrierType& type, double efield_mag) const override {
if(type == CarrierType::ELECTRON) {
return efield_mag / (electron_a_ + electron_b_ * std::exp(electron_d_ / (efield_mag + electron_c_)));
} else {
return efield_mag / (hole_a_ + hole_b_ * std::exp(hole_d_ / (efield_mag + hole_c_)));
double electron_a_;
double electron_b_;
double electron_c_;
double electron_d_;
double hole_a_;
double hole_b_;
double hole_c_;
double hole_d_;
class CustomGain : public ImpactIonizationModel {
CustomGain(const Configuration& config, double threshold) : ImpactIonizationModel(threshold) {
electron_gain_ = configure_gain(config, CarrierType::ELECTRON);
hole_gain_ = configure_gain(config, CarrierType::HOLE);
double gain_factor(const CarrierType& type, double efield_mag) const override {
if(type == CarrierType::ELECTRON) {
return electron_gain_->Eval(efield_mag);
} else {
return hole_gain_->Eval(efield_mag);
std::unique_ptr<TFormula> electron_gain_;
std::unique_ptr<TFormula> hole_gain_;
std::unique_ptr<TFormula> configure_gain(const Configuration& config, const CarrierType type) {
std::string name = (type == CarrierType::ELECTRON ? "electrons" : "holes");
auto function = config.get<std::string>("multiplication_function_" + name);
auto parameters = config.getArray<double>("multiplication_parameters_" + name, {});
auto gain = std::make_unique<TFormula>(("multiplication_" + name).c_str(), function.c_str());
if(!gain->IsValid()) {
throw InvalidValueError(config,
"multiplication_function_" + name,
"The provided model is not a valid ROOT::TFormula expression");
// Check if number of parameters match up
if(static_cast<size_t>(gain->GetNpar()) != parameters.size()) {
throw InvalidValueError(config,
"multiplication_parameters_" + name,
"The number of provided parameters and parameters in the function do not match");
// Set the parameters
for(size_t n = 0; n < parameters.size(); ++n) {
gain->SetParameter(static_cast<int>(n), parameters[n]);
return gain;
class ImpactIonization {
ImpactIonization() = default;
explicit ImpactIonization(const Configuration& config) {
try {
auto model = config.get<std::string>("multiplication_model", "none");
std::transform(model.begin(), model.end(), model.begin(), ::tolower);
auto temperature = config.get<double>("temperature");
auto threshold = config.get<double>("multiplication_threshold");
if(model == "massey") {
model_ = std::make_unique<Massey>(temperature, threshold);
} else if(model == "massey_optimized") {
model_ = std::make_unique<MasseyOptimized>(temperature, threshold);
} else if(model == "overstraeten") {
model_ = std::make_unique<VanOverstraetenDeMan>(temperature, threshold);
} else if(model == "overstraeten_optimized") {
model_ = std::make_unique<VanOverstraetenDeManOptimized>(temperature, threshold);
} else if(model == "okuto") {
model_ = std::make_unique<OkutoCrowell>(temperature, threshold);
} else if(model == "okuto_optimized") {
model_ = std::make_unique<OkutoCrowellOptimized>(temperature, threshold);
} else if(model == "bologna") {
model_ = std::make_unique<Bologna>(temperature, threshold);
} else if(model == "none") {
LOG(INFO) << "No impact ionization model chosen, charge multiplication not simulated";
model_ = std::make_unique<NoImpactIonization>();
} else if(model == "custom") {
model_ = std::make_unique<CustomGain>(config, threshold);
} else {
throw InvalidModelError(model);
LOG(INFO) << "Selected impact ionization model \"" << model << "\"";
} catch(const ModelError& e) {
throw InvalidValueError(config, "multiplication_model", e.what());
template <class... ARGS> double operator()(ARGS&&... args) const {
return model_->operator()(std::forward<ARGS>(args)...);
template <class T> bool is() const { return dynamic_cast<T*>(model_.get()) != nullptr; }
std::unique_ptr<ImpactIonizationModel> model_{};
} // namespace allpix
Updated on 2025-02-27 at 14:14:46 +0000