Implementation of geometry manager. More…
Detailed Description
Implementation of geometry manager.
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2017-2024 CERN and the Allpix Squared authors. This software is distributed under the terms of the MIT License, copied verbatim in the file “”. In applying this license, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization or submit itself to any jurisdiction. SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
Source code
#include <fstream>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <Math/RotationX.h>
#include <Math/RotationY.h>
#include <Math/RotationZ.h>
#include <Math/RotationZYX.h>
#include <Math/Vector3D.h>
#include "GeometryManager.hpp"
#include "core/config/ConfigReader.hpp"
#include "core/geometry/exceptions.h"
#include "core/module/exceptions.h"
#include "core/utils/distributions.h"
#include "core/utils/log.h"
#include "core/utils/unit.h"
#include "tools/ROOT.h"
using namespace allpix;
using namespace ROOT::Math;
GeometryManager::GeometryManager() : closed_{false} {}
void GeometryManager::load(ConfigManager* conf_manager, RandomNumberGenerator& seeder) {
// Set up a random number generator and seed it with the global seed:
// Loop over all defined detectors
LOG(DEBUG) << "Loading detectors";
// Gets a list of detector configurations. The sections for each detector in the geometry config file.
for(auto& geometry_section : conf_manager->getDetectorConfigurations()) {
// Read role of this section and default to "active" (i.e. detector)
auto role = geometry_section.get<std::string>("role", "active");
std::transform(role.begin(), role.end(), role.begin(), ::tolower);
if(role == "passive") {
// Check for duplicate names:
auto it = std::find_if(
[name = geometry_section.getName()](const Configuration& cfg) { return name == cfg.getName(); });
if(it != passive_elements_.end()) {
throw PassiveElementExistsError(geometry_section.getName());
// Calculate the orientations of passive elements
passive_orientations_[geometry_section.getName()] = calculate_orientation(geometry_section);
// Check material unless it's a GDML file placement
auto type = geometry_section.get<std::string>("type");
std::transform(type.begin(), type.end(), type.begin(), ::tolower);
LOG(DEBUG) << "Passive element " << geometry_section.getName() << ", putting aside";
} else if(role != "active") {
throw InvalidValueError(geometry_section, "role", "unknown role");
LOG(DEBUG) << "Detector " << geometry_section.getName() << ":";
// Get the position and orientation of the detector
auto [position, orientation] = calculate_orientation(geometry_section);
// Create the detector and add it without model
// NOTE: cannot use make_shared here due to the private constructor
auto detector =
std::shared_ptr<Detector>(new Detector(geometry_section.getName(), std::move(position), orientation));
// Add a link to the detector to add the model later
nonresolved_models_[geometry_section.get<std::string>("type")].emplace_back(geometry_section, detector.get());
// Load the list of standard model paths
const Configuration& global_config = conf_manager->getGlobalConfiguration();
if(global_config.has("model_paths")) {
auto extra_paths = global_config.getPathArray("model_paths", true);
model_paths_.insert(model_paths_.end(), extra_paths.begin(), extra_paths.end());
LOG(TRACE) << "Registered model paths from configuration.";
if(std::filesystem::is_directory(ALLPIX_MODEL_DIRECTORY)) {
LOG(TRACE) << "Registered model path: " << ALLPIX_MODEL_DIRECTORY;
const char* data_dirs_env = std::getenv("XDG_DATA_DIRS");
if(data_dirs_env == nullptr || strlen(data_dirs_env) == 0) {
data_dirs_env = "/usr/local/share/:/usr/share/:";
auto data_dirs = split<std::filesystem::path>(data_dirs_env, ":");
for(auto data_dir : data_dirs) {
data_dir /= std::filesystem::path(ALLPIX_PROJECT_NAME) / std::string("models");
if(std::filesystem::is_directory(data_dir)) {
LOG(TRACE) << "Registered global model path: " << data_dir;
auto config_file_path = global_config.getFilePath();
if(!config_file_path.empty() && std::filesystem::is_directory(config_file_path.parent_path())) {
LOG(TRACE) << "Registered path of configuration file as model location.";
std::pair<XYZPoint, Rotation3D> GeometryManager::getPassiveElementOrientation(const std::string& passive_element) const {
if(passive_orientations_.count(passive_element) == 0) {
throw ModuleError("Passive Material '" + passive_element + "' is not defined.");
ROOT::Math::XYZPoint GeometryManager::getMinimumCoordinate() {
if(!closed_) {
ROOT::Math::XYZPoint min_point(0, 0, 0);
// Loop through all detector
for(auto& detector : detectors_) {
// Get the model of the detector
auto model = detector->getModel();
std::array<int, 8> offset_x = {{1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1}};
std::array<int, 8> offset_y = {{1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1}};
std::array<int, 8> offset_z = {{1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1}};
for(size_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
auto point = model->getModelCenter();
point.SetX(point.x() + * model->getSize().x() / 2.0);
point.SetY(point.y() + * model->getSize().y() / 2.0);
point.SetZ(point.z() + * model->getSize().z() / 2.0);
point = detector->getGlobalPosition(point);
min_point.SetX(std::min(min_point.x(), point.x()));
min_point.SetY(std::min(min_point.y(), point.y()));
min_point.SetZ(std::min(min_point.z(), point.z()));
// Loop through all separate points
for(auto& point : points_) {
min_point.SetX(std::min(min_point.x(), point.x()));
min_point.SetY(std::min(min_point.y(), point.y()));
min_point.SetZ(std::min(min_point.z(), point.z()));
return min_point;
ROOT::Math::XYZPoint GeometryManager::getMaximumCoordinate() {
if(!closed_) {
ROOT::Math::XYZPoint max_point(0, 0, 0);
// Loop through all detector
for(auto& detector : detectors_) {
// Get the model of the detector
auto model = detector->getModel();
std::array<int, 8> offset_x = {{1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1}};
std::array<int, 8> offset_y = {{1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1}};
std::array<int, 8> offset_z = {{1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1}};
for(size_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
auto point = model->getModelCenter();
point.SetX(point.x() + * model->getSize().x() / 2.0);
point.SetY(point.y() + * model->getSize().y() / 2.0);
point.SetZ(point.z() + * model->getSize().z() / 2.0);
point = detector->getGlobalPosition(point);
max_point.SetX(std::max(max_point.x(), point.x()));
max_point.SetY(std::max(max_point.y(), point.y()));
max_point.SetZ(std::max(max_point.z(), point.z()));
// Loop through all separate points
for(auto& point : points_) {
max_point.SetX(std::max(max_point.x(), point.x()));
max_point.SetY(std::max(max_point.y(), point.y()));
max_point.SetZ(std::max(max_point.z(), point.z()));
return max_point;
void GeometryManager::addPoint(ROOT::Math::XYZPoint point) {
if(closed_) {
throw ModuleError("Geometry is already closed before adding detector");
void GeometryManager::addModel(std::shared_ptr<DetectorModel> model) {
if(closed_) {
throw ModuleError("Geometry is already closed before adding detector");
if(model == nullptr) {
throw InvalidModuleActionException("Added model cannot be a null pointer");
LOG(TRACE) << "Registering new model " << model->getType();
if(model_names_.find(model->getType()) != model_names_.end()) {
throw DetectorModelExistsError(model->getType());
bool GeometryManager::needsModel(const std::string& name) const {
return nonresolved_models_.find(name) != nonresolved_models_.end();
bool GeometryManager::hasModel(const std::string& name) const { return model_names_.find(name) != model_names_.end(); }
std::shared_ptr<DetectorModel> GeometryManager::getModel(const std::string& name) const {
// FIXME: this is not a very nice way to implement this
for(const auto& model : models_) {
if(model->getType() == name) {
return model;
throw allpix::InvalidDetectorModelError(name);
void GeometryManager::addDetector(std::shared_ptr<Detector> detector) {
if(closed_) {
throw ModuleError("Geometry is already closed before adding detector");
if(detector == nullptr) {
throw InvalidModuleActionException("Added detector cannot be a null pointer");
LOG(TRACE) << "Registering new detector " << detector->getName();
// The name global is used for objects not assigned to any detector, hence it shouldn't be used as a detector name
if(detector->getName() == "global") {
throw DetectorInvalidNameError(detector->getName());
if(detector_names_.find(detector->getName()) != detector_names_.end()) {
throw DetectorExistsError(detector->getName());
bool GeometryManager::hasDetector(const std::string& name) const {
return detector_names_.find(name) != detector_names_.end();
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Detector>> GeometryManager::getDetectors() {
if(!closed_) {
return detectors_;
std::shared_ptr<Detector> GeometryManager::getDetector(const std::string& name) {
if(!closed_) {
// FIXME: this is not a very nice way to implement this
for(auto& detector : detectors_) {
if(detector->getName() == name) {
return detector;
throw allpix::InvalidDetectorError(name);
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Detector>> GeometryManager::getDetectorsByType(const std::string& type) {
if(!closed_) {
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Detector>> result;
for(auto& detector : detectors_) {
if(detector->getType() == type) {
if(result.empty()) {
throw allpix::InvalidDetectorModelError(type);
return result;
void GeometryManager::load_models() {
LOG(TRACE) << "Loading remaining default models";
// Get paths to read models from
std::vector<std::string> paths = getModelsPath();
LOG(TRACE) << "Reading model files";
// Add all the paths to the reader
for(auto& path : paths) {
// Check if file or directory
if(std::filesystem::is_directory(path)) {
for(const auto& entry : std::filesystem::directory_iterator(path)) {
if(!entry.is_regular_file()) {
// Accept only with correct model suffix
auto sub_path = std::filesystem::canonical(entry);
std::string suffix(ALLPIX_MODEL_SUFFIX);
if(sub_path.extension() != suffix) {
// Read model file and add model to list
} else {
// Always a file because paths are already checked
void GeometryManager::read_model_file(const std::filesystem::path& path) {
auto model_name = path.stem();
LOG(TRACE) << "Reading model " << model_name << " in path " << path;
// Check if we need to look at file at all
if(hasModel(model_name)) {
LOG(DEBUG) << "Skipping overwritten model " << model_name << " in path " << path;
if(!needsModel(model_name)) {
LOG(TRACE) << "Skipping not required model " << model_name << " in path " << path;
try {
// Try to parse as config file
std::ifstream file(path);
const ConfigReader reader(file, path);
// Parse configuration and add model to the config
addModel(DetectorModel::factory(model_name, reader));
} catch(const ConfigParseError& e) {
// Not a valid config file, see
LOG(ERROR) << "Skipping invalid model file \"" << path << "\":" << std::endl << e.what();
void GeometryManager::close_geometry() {
LOG(TRACE) << "Starting geometry closing procedure";
// Load all standard models
// Try to resolve the missing models
for(auto& [name, config_detectors] : nonresolved_models_) {
for(auto& [config, detector] : config_detectors) {
// Create a new model if one of the core model parameters is changed in the detector configuration
auto model = getModel(name);
// Get the configuration of the model
Configuration new_config("");
auto model_configs = model->getConfigurations();
std::vector<std::string> valid_sections = {"", "implant", "support"};
for(auto& conf : model_configs) {
auto section_name = allpix::transform(conf.getName(), ::tolower);
if(std::find(valid_sections.begin(), valid_sections.end(), section_name) == valid_sections.end()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Section [" << section_name << "] is not valid in sensor geometry definition.";
// Add all non internal parameters to the config for a specialized model
for(auto& [key, value] : config.getAll()) {
// Skip all internal parameters
if(key == "type" || key == "position" || key == "orientation_mode" || key == "orientation" ||
key == "alignment_precision_position" || key == "alignment_precision_orientation" || key == "role") {
// Add the extra parameter to the new overwritten config
new_config.setText(key, value);
// Create new model if needed
if(new_config.countSettings() != 0) {
ConfigReader reader;
// Add the new configuration first to overwrite
// Then add the original configuration
for(auto& model_config : model_configs) {
model = DetectorModel::factory(name, reader);
closed_ = true;
LOG(TRACE) << "Closed geometry";
std::pair<XYZPoint, Rotation3D> GeometryManager::calculate_orientation(const Configuration& config) {
// Calculate possible detector misalignment to be added
auto misalignment = [&](auto residuals) {
double dx = allpix::normal_distribution<double>(0, residuals.x())(random_generator_);
double dy = allpix::normal_distribution<double>(0, residuals.y())(random_generator_);
double dz = allpix::normal_distribution<double>(0, residuals.z())(random_generator_);
return DisplacementVector3D<Cartesian3D<double>>(dx, dy, dz);
// Get the position and apply potential misalignment
auto position = config.get<XYZPoint>("position");
LOG(DEBUG) << "Position: " << Units::display(position, {"mm", "um"});
position += misalignment(config.get<XYZPoint>("alignment_precision_position", XYZPoint()));
LOG(DEBUG) << " misaligned: " << Units::display(position, {"mm", "um"});
// Get the orientation and apply misalignment to the individual angles before combining them
auto orient_vec = config.get<XYZVector>("orientation");
LOG(DEBUG) << "Orientation: " << Units::display(orient_vec, {"deg"});
orient_vec += misalignment(config.get<XYZVector>("alignment_precision_orientation", XYZVector()));
LOG(DEBUG) << " misaligned: " << Units::display(orient_vec, {"deg"});
auto orientation_mode = config.get<std::string>("orientation_mode", "xyz");
Rotation3D orientation;
if(orientation_mode == "zyx") {
// First angle given in the configuration file is around z, second around y, last around x:
LOG(DEBUG) << "Interpreting Euler angles as ZYX rotation";
orientation = RotationZYX(orient_vec.x(), orient_vec.y(), orient_vec.z());
} else if(orientation_mode == "xyz") {
LOG(DEBUG) << "Interpreting Euler angles as XYZ rotation";
// First angle given in the configuration file is around x, second around y, last around z:
orientation = RotationZ(orient_vec.z()) * RotationY(orient_vec.y()) * RotationX(orient_vec.x());
} else if(orientation_mode == "zxz") {
LOG(DEBUG) << "Interpreting Euler angles as ZXZ rotation";
// First angle given in the configuration file is around z, second around x, last around z:
orientation = EulerAngles(orient_vec.x(), orient_vec.y(), orient_vec.z());
} else {
throw InvalidValueError(config, "orientation_mode", "orientation_mode should be either 'zyx', xyz' or 'zxz'");
return {position, orientation};
bool GeometryManager::hasMagneticField() const { return (magnetic_field_type_ != MagneticFieldType::NONE); }
void GeometryManager::setMagneticFieldFunction(MagneticFieldFunction function, MagneticFieldType type) {
magnetic_field_function_ = std::move(function);
magnetic_field_type_ = type;
MagneticFieldType GeometryManager::getMagneticFieldType() const { return magnetic_field_type_; }
ROOT::Math::XYZVector GeometryManager::getMagneticField(const ROOT::Math::XYZPoint& position) const {
return magnetic_field_function_(position);
Updated on 2025-02-27 at 14:14:46 +0000