
Parameters of a box passive material model. More…

Detailed Description

Parameters of a box passive material model.

Copyright: Copyright (c) 2021-2024 CERN and the Allpix Squared authors. This software is distributed under the terms of the MIT License, copied verbatim in the file “”. In applying this license, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization or submit itself to any jurisdiction. SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

Source code


#ifdef Geant4_GDML

#include <string>

#include <G4Color.hh>
#include <G4GDMLParser.hh>
#include <G4LogicalVolumeStore.hh>
#include <G4SubtractionSolid.hh>
#include <G4VSolid.hh>
#include <G4VisAttributes.hh>

#include "PassiveMaterialModel.hpp"
#include "tools/geant4/geant4.h"

namespace allpix {

    class GDMLModel : public PassiveMaterialModel {
        explicit GDMLModel(const Configuration& config, GeometryManager* geo_manager)
            : PassiveMaterialModel(config, geo_manager) {

            auto gdml_file = config_.getPath("file_name");
            parser_.ReadModule(gdml_file.string(), false);

            // Adding points to extend world volume as much as necessary
            LOG(DEBUG) << "Adding points for volume";

        void buildVolume(const std::shared_ptr<G4LogicalVolume>& world_log) override {

            LOG(TRACE) << "Building passive material: " << getName();
            G4LogicalVolume* mother_log_volume = nullptr;
            if(!getMotherVolume().empty()) {
                auto* log_volume_store = G4LogicalVolumeStore::GetInstance();
                mother_log_volume = log_volume_store->GetVolume(getMotherVolume() + "_log");
            } else {
                mother_log_volume = world_log.get();

            if(mother_log_volume == nullptr) {
                throw InvalidValueError(config_, "mother_volume", "mother_volume does not exist");

            std::vector<std::string> name_list; // Contains the names of the daughter volumes
            auto* gdml_world_phys = parser_.GetWorldVolume();
            auto* gdml_world_log = gdml_world_phys->GetLogicalVolume();

            bool color_from_gdml = false;
            LOG(DEBUG) << "Total number of daughter volumes: " << gdml_world_log->GetNoDaughters();
            while(gdml_world_log->GetNoDaughters() > 0) {
                LOG(TRACE) << "Current number of daughter volumes left: " << gdml_world_log->GetNoDaughters();
                G4VPhysicalVolume* gdml_daughter = gdml_world_log->GetDaughter(0);
                G4LogicalVolume* gdml_daughter_log = gdml_daughter->GetLogicalVolume();

                // Remove the daughter from its world volume in order to add it to the global one

                std::string gdml_daughter_name = gdml_daughter->GetName();
                if(std::find(name_list.begin(), name_list.end(), gdml_daughter_name) != name_list.end()) {
                    gdml_daughter_name += "_";
                    gdml_daughter->SetCopyNo(gdml_daughter->GetCopyNo() + 1);

                LOG(DEBUG) << "Volume " << name_list.size() << ": " << gdml_daughter_name;

                // Add offset and rotation to current daughter location
                G4ThreeVector position_vector = toG4Vector(position_);
                auto* daughter_rotation = gdml_daughter->GetRotation();
                // It seems that in the case of a trivial rotation the daughter_rotation can be a nullptr
                auto* rotation_matrix =
                    ((daughter_rotation != nullptr) ? new G4RotationMatrix(*daughter_rotation * *rotation_)
                                                    : new G4RotationMatrix(*rotation_));
                LOG(TRACE) << "Rotation matrix: " << *rotation_matrix;
                gdml_daughter->SetTranslation((rotation_->inverse()) * gdml_daughter->GetTranslation() + position_vector);

                // Check if color information is available and set it to the daughter volume
                for(auto& aux : parser_.GetVolumeAuxiliaryInformation(gdml_daughter_log)) {
                    std::transform(aux.type.begin(), aux.type.end(), aux.type.begin(), ::tolower);
                    if(aux.type == "color" || aux.type == "colour") {
                        color_from_gdml = true;

                // Check if there was color information in the configuration:
                if(config_.has("color") && !color_from_gdml) {
                    set_visualization_attributes(gdml_daughter_log, mother_log_volume); // NOLINT

                // Add the physical daughter volume to the mother volume and configure logical mother volume

            if(config_.has("color") && color_from_gdml) {
                LOG(INFO) << "Configured visualization attributes of passive material \"" << getName()
                          << "\" was partially overwritten by GDML information";

        // Provide maximum extend of this model by looking at the GDML world volume
        double getMaxSize() const override {
            auto* world = parser_.GetWorldVolume();
            auto* box = dynamic_cast<G4Box*>(world->GetLogicalVolume()->GetSolid());
            if(box == nullptr) {
                throw InvalidValueError(config_, "file_name", "Could not deduce world size from GDML file");
            return 2. * std::max({box->GetXHalfLength(), box->GetYHalfLength(), box->GetZHalfLength()});

        std::shared_ptr<G4VSolid> get_solid() const override { return nullptr; }

        G4GDMLParser parser_;

        G4Colour get_color(std::string value) {
            std::transform(value.begin(), value.end(), value.begin(), ::tolower);

            int r = 256, g = 256, b = 256, a = 256;
            if(value.size() >= 6) {
                // Value contains RGBA color
                value.erase(std::remove(value.begin(), value.end(), '#'), value.end());
                std::istringstream(value.substr(0, 2)) >> std::hex >> r;
                std::istringstream(value.substr(2, 2)) >> std::hex >> g;
                std::istringstream(value.substr(4, 2)) >> std::hex >> b;
                if(value.size() >= 8) {
                    std::istringstream(value.substr(6, 2)) >> std::hex >> a;

            // If no valid color code was specified, return white
            return {static_cast<double>(r) / 256,
                    static_cast<double>(g) / 256,
                    static_cast<double>(b) / 256,
                    static_cast<double>(a) / 256};
} // namespace allpix

#endif /* Geant4_GDML */

Updated on 2025-02-27 at 14:14:46 +0000