
Utility to parse INIT-format field files. More…


Helper class to hold support layers for a detector model.


class allpix::FieldData
class allpix::FieldParser
Class to parse Allpix Squared field data from files.
class allpix::FieldWriter
Class to write Allpix Squared field data to files.


enum class size_t FieldQuantity { UNKNOWN = 0, SCALAR = 1, VECTOR = 3}
Field quantities.
enum class FileType { UNKNOWN = 0, INIT, APF}
Type of file formats.



Detailed Description

Utility to parse INIT-format field files.

Copyright: Copyright (c) 2018-2024 CERN and the Allpix Squared authors. This software is distributed under the terms of the MIT License, copied verbatim in the file “”. In applying this license, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization or submit itself to any jurisdiction. SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

Types Documentation

enum FieldQuantity

Enumerator Value Description
UNKNOWN 0 Unknown field quantity.
SCALAR 1 Scalar field, i.e. one entry per field position.
VECTOR 3 Vector field, i.e. three entries per field position.

Field quantities.

enum FileType

Enumerator Value Description
UNKNOWN 0 Unknown file format.
INIT Legacy file format, values stored in plain-text ASCII.
APF Binary Allpix Squared format serialized using the cereal library.

Type of file formats.

Macros Documentation



Source code


#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <filesystem>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>

#include "core/utils/log.h"
#include "core/utils/unit.h"

#include <cereal/archives/portable_binary.hpp>

#include <cereal/types/array.hpp>
#include <cereal/types/memory.hpp>
#include <cereal/types/string.hpp>
#include <cereal/types/vector.hpp>
#include <utility>

// Mime type version for APF files

namespace allpix {

    enum class FieldQuantity : size_t {
        UNKNOWN = 0, 
        SCALAR = 1,  
        VECTOR = 3,  

    enum class FileType {
        UNKNOWN = 0, 

    template <typename T = double> class FieldData {
        FieldData() = default;

        FieldData(std::string header,
                  std::array<size_t, 3> dimensions,
                  std::array<T, 3> size,
                  std::shared_ptr<std::vector<T>> data)
            : header_(std::move(header)), dimensions_(dimensions), size_(size), data_(std::move(data)){};

        std::string getHeader() const { return header_; }

        std::array<size_t, 3> getDimensions() const { return dimensions_; }

        std::array<T, 3> getSize() const { return size_; }

        std::shared_ptr<std::vector<T>> getData() const { return data_; }

        size_t getDimensionality() const {
            size_t dim = 3;
            dim -= (dimensions_[0] == 1 ? 1u : 0);
            dim -= (dimensions_[1] == 1 ? 1u : 0);
            return dim;

        std::string header_;
        std::array<size_t, 3> dimensions_{};
        std::array<T, 3> size_{};
        std::shared_ptr<std::vector<T>> data_;

        friend class cereal::access;

        // Versioned serialization function:
        template <class Archive> void serialize(Archive& archive, std::uint32_t const version) {
            // For now, we only know one version of this file type:
            if(version != 1) {
                throw std::runtime_error("unknown format version " + std::to_string(version));

            // (De-) Serialize the data:
} // namespace allpix

// Enable versioning for the FieldData class template
namespace cereal::detail {
    template <class T> struct Version<allpix::FieldData<T>> {
        static const std::uint32_t version;
        static std::uint32_t registerVersion() {
                std::type_index(typeid(allpix::FieldData<T>)).hash_code(), APF_MIME_TYPE_VERSION);
            return 3;
        static void unused() { (void)version; } // NOLINT
    };                                          /* end Version */
    template <class T>
    const std::uint32_t Version<allpix::FieldData<T>>::version = Version<allpix::FieldData<T>>::registerVersion();
} // namespace cereal::detail

namespace allpix {

    template <typename T = double> class FieldParser {
        explicit FieldParser(const FieldQuantity quantity)
            : N_(static_cast<std::underlying_type<FieldQuantity>::type>(quantity)){};
        ~FieldParser() = default;

        FieldData<T> getByFileName(const std::filesystem::path& file_name, const std::string& units = std::string()) {

            auto path = std::filesystem::canonical(file_name);

            // Search in cache
            auto iter = field_map_.find(path);
            if(iter != field_map_.end()) {
                LOG(INFO) << "Using cached field data";
                return iter->second;

            // Deduce the file format
            auto file_type = guess_file_type(path);
            LOG(DEBUG) << "Assuming file type \"" << (file_type == FileType::APF ? "APF" : "INIT") << "\"";

            FieldData<T> field_data;
            switch(file_type) {
            case FileType::INIT:
                if(units.empty()) {
                    LOG(WARNING) << "No field units provided, interpreting field data in internal units, this might lead to "
                                    "unexpected results.";
                field_data = parse_init_file(path, units);
            case FileType::APF:
                if(!units.empty()) {
                    LOG(DEBUG) << "Units will be ignored, APF file content is interpreted in internal units.";
                field_data = parse_apf_file(path);
                throw std::runtime_error("unknown file format");

            // Store the parsed field data for further reference:
            field_map_[path] = field_data;
            return field_data;

        bool file_is_binary(const std::filesystem::path& path) const {
            std::ifstream file(path);
            for(size_t i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
                if(file.get() == '\0') {
                    return true;
            return false;

        FileType guess_file_type(const std::filesystem::path& path) const {
            return (file_is_binary(path) ? FileType::APF : FileType::INIT);

        FieldData<T> parse_apf_file(const std::filesystem::path& file_name) {
            std::ifstream file(file_name, std::ios::binary);
            FieldData<T> field_data;

            // Parse the file with cereal, scope ensures flushing:
            try {
                cereal::PortableBinaryInputArchive archive(file);
            } catch(cereal::Exception& e) {
                throw std::runtime_error(e.what());

            // Check that we have the right number of vector entries
            auto dimensions = field_data.getDimensions();
            if(field_data.getData()->size() != dimensions[0] * dimensions[1] * dimensions[2] * N_) {
                throw std::runtime_error("invalid data");

            return field_data;

        void check_unit_match(const std::string& file_units, const std::string& units) {
            // If we read "##SEED#" or a number, the file is provided in the original format and we ignore it.
            if(file_units == "##SEED##" || std::all_of(file_units.begin(), file_units.end(), ::isdigit)) {
                LOG(DEBUG) << "INIT file does not contain unit information. Header states \"" << file_units << "\"";
            } else if(file_units == "internal") { // File reports internal units
                // Parser requests unit conversion:
                if(!units.empty()) {
                    LOG(ERROR) << "Requesting to interpret INIT field as units \"" << units
                               << "\" while file header states internal units";
                } else {
                    LOG(DEBUG) << "INIT file states internal units, so does the parser";
            } else if(Units::get(file_units) != Units::get(units)) { // File reports units
                LOG(ERROR) << "Requesting to interpret INIT field as units \"" << units << "\" while file header states \""
                           << file_units << "\"";

        FieldData<T> parse_init_file(const std::filesystem::path& file_name, const std::string& units) {
            // Load file
            std::ifstream file(file_name);
            std::string header;
            std::getline(file, header);
            LOG(TRACE) << "Header of file " << file_name << " is " << std::endl << header;

            // Read the header
            std::string tmp;
            // WARNING the usage of this field as storage for the field units differs from the original INIT format!
            file >> tmp;
            check_unit_match(allpix::trim(tmp), units);
            file >> tmp;               // ignore cluster length
            file >> tmp >> tmp >> tmp; // ignore the incident pion direction
            file >> tmp >> tmp >> tmp; // ignore the magnetic field (specify separately)
            double thickness = NAN, xpixsz = NAN, ypixsz = NAN;
            file >> thickness >> xpixsz >> ypixsz;
            thickness = Units::get(thickness, "um");
            xpixsz = Units::get(xpixsz, "um");
            ypixsz = Units::get(ypixsz, "um");
            file >> tmp >> tmp >> tmp >> tmp; // ignore temperature, flux, rhe (?) and new_drde (?)
            size_t xsize = 0, ysize = 0, zsize = 0;
            file >> xsize >> ysize >> zsize;
            file >> tmp;

            if( {
                throw std::runtime_error("invalid data or unexpected end of file");
            auto field = std::make_shared<std::vector<double>>();
            auto vertices = xsize * ysize * zsize;
            field->resize(vertices * N_);

            // Loop through all the field data
            for(size_t i = 0; i < vertices; ++i) {
                if(vertices >= 100 && i % (vertices / 100) == 0) {
                    LOG_PROGRESS(INFO, "read_init") << "Reading field data: " << (100 * i / vertices) << "%";

                if(file.eof()) {
                    throw std::runtime_error("unexpected end of file");

                // Get index of field
                size_t xind = 0, yind = 0, zind = 0;
                file >> xind >> yind >> zind;

                if( || xind > xsize || yind > ysize || zind > zsize) {
                    throw std::runtime_error("invalid data");

                // Loop through components of field
                for(size_t j = 0; j < N_; ++j) {
                    double input = NAN;
                    file >> input;

                    // Set the field at a position
                    (*field)[xind * ysize * zsize * N_ + yind * zsize * N_ + zind * N_ + j] = Units::get(input, units);
            LOG_PROGRESS(INFO, "read_init") << "Reading field data: finished.";

            return FieldData<T>(
                header, std::array<size_t, 3>{{xsize, ysize, zsize}}, std::array<T, 3>{{xpixsz, ypixsz, thickness}}, field);

        size_t N_;
        std::map<std::filesystem::path, FieldData<T>> field_map_;

    template <typename T = double> class FieldWriter {
        explicit FieldWriter(const FieldQuantity quantity)
            : N_(static_cast<std::underlying_type<FieldQuantity>::type>(quantity)){};
        ~FieldWriter() = default;

        void writeFile(const FieldData<T>& field_data,
                       const std::filesystem::path& file_name,
                       const FileType& file_type,
                       const std::string& units = std::string()) {

            auto path = std::filesystem::weakly_canonical(file_name);

            auto dimensions = field_data.getDimensions();
            if(field_data.getData()->size() != N_ * dimensions[0] * dimensions[1] * dimensions[2]) {
                throw std::runtime_error("invalid field dimensions");

            switch(file_type) {
            case FileType::INIT:
                if(units.empty()) {
                    LOG(WARNING) << "No field units provided, writing field data in internal units.";
                write_init_file(field_data, path, units);
            case FileType::APF:
                if(!units.empty()) {
                    LOG(WARNING) << "Units will be ignored, APF file content is written in internal units.";
                write_apf_file(field_data, path);
                throw std::runtime_error("unknown file format");

        void write_apf_file(const FieldData<T>& field_data, const std::filesystem::path& file_name) {
            std::ofstream file(file_name, std::ios::binary);

            // Write the file with cereal:
            try {
                cereal::PortableBinaryOutputArchive archive(file);
            } catch(cereal::Exception& e) {
                throw std::runtime_error(e.what());

        write_init_file(const FieldData<T>& field_data, const std::filesystem::path& file_name, const std::string& units) {
            std::ofstream file(file_name);

            LOG(TRACE) << "Writing INIT file \"" << file_name << "\"";

            // Write INIT file header
            file << field_data.getHeader() << std::endl;                                 // Header line
            file << (!units.empty() ? units : "internal") << " ##EVENTS##" << std::endl; // Use placeholder for units
            file << "##TURN## ##TILT## 1.0" << std::endl;                                // Unused
            file << "0.0 0.0 0.0" << std::endl;                                          // Magnetic field (unused)

            auto size = field_data.getSize();
            file << Units::convert(size[2], "um") << " " << Units::convert(size[0], "um") << " "
                 << Units::convert(size[1], "um") << " "; // Field size: (z, x, y)
            file << "0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ";                   // Unused

            auto dimensions = field_data.getDimensions();
            file << dimensions[0] << " " << dimensions[1] << " " << dimensions[2] << " "; // Field grid dimensions (x, y, z)
            file << "0.0" << std::endl;                                                   // Unused

            // Write the data block:
            auto data = field_data.getData();
            auto max_points = data->size() / N_;

            for(size_t xind = 0; xind < dimensions[0]; ++xind) {
                for(size_t yind = 0; yind < dimensions[1]; ++yind) {
                    for(size_t zind = 0; zind < dimensions[2]; ++zind) {
                        // Write field point index
                        file << xind + 1 << " " << yind + 1 << " " << zind + 1;

                        // Vector or scalar field:
                        for(size_t j = 0; j < N_; j++) {
                            file << " "
                                 << Units::convert(data->at(xind * dimensions[1] * dimensions[2] * N_ +
                                                            yind * dimensions[2] * N_ + zind * N_ + j),
                        // End this line
                        file << std::endl;

                    auto curr_point = xind * dimensions[1] * dimensions[2] + yind * dimensions[2];
                    LOG_PROGRESS(INFO, "write_init") << "Writing field data: " << (100 * curr_point / max_points) << "%";
            LOG_PROGRESS(INFO, "write_init") << "Writing field data: finished.";

        size_t N_;
} // namespace allpix


Updated on 2025-02-27 at 14:14:46 +0000