Implementation of detector. More…
Detailed Description
Implementation of detector.
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2017-2024 CERN and the Allpix Squared authors. This software is distributed under the terms of the MIT License, copied verbatim in the file “”. In applying this license, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization or submit itself to any jurisdiction. SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
Source code
#include <memory>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <Math/Rotation3D.h>
#include <Math/Translation3D.h>
#include "Detector.hpp"
#include "core/module/exceptions.h"
using namespace allpix;
Detector::Detector(std::string name,
std::shared_ptr<DetectorModel> model,
ROOT::Math::XYZPoint position,
const ROOT::Math::Rotation3D& orientation)
: Detector(std::move(name), std::move(position), orientation) {
model_ = std::move(model); // NOLINT
// Check if valid model is supplied
if(model_ == nullptr) {
throw InvalidModuleActionException("Detector model cannot be a null pointer");
// Build the transformation matrix
Detector::Detector(std::string name, ROOT::Math::XYZPoint position, const ROOT::Math::Rotation3D& orientation)
: name_(std::move(name)), position_(std::move(position)), orientation_(orientation), magnetic_field_on_(false) {}
void Detector::set_model(std::shared_ptr<DetectorModel> model) {
model_ = std::move(model);
// Initialize the detector fields with the model:
void Detector::build_transform() {
// Transform from locally centered to global coordinates
ROOT::Math::Translation3D translation_center(static_cast<ROOT::Math::XYZVector>(position_));
ROOT::Math::Rotation3D rotation_center(orientation_);
// Transformation from locally centered into global coordinate system, consisting of
// * The rotation into the global coordinate system
// * The shift from the origin to the detector position
ROOT::Math::Transform3D transform_center(rotation_center, translation_center);
// Transform from locally centered to local coordinates
ROOT::Math::Translation3D translation_local(static_cast<ROOT::Math::XYZVector>(model_->getMatrixCenter()));
ROOT::Math::Transform3D transform_local(translation_local);
// Compute total transform local to global by first transforming local to locally centered and then to global coordinates
transform_ = transform_center * transform_local.Inverse();
ROOT::Math::XYZPoint Detector::getLocalPosition(const ROOT::Math::XYZPoint& global_pos) const {
return transform_.Inverse()(global_pos);
ROOT::Math::XYZPoint Detector::getGlobalPosition(const ROOT::Math::XYZPoint& local_pos) const {
return transform_(local_pos);
Pixel Detector::getPixel(int x, int y) const {
Pixel::Index index(x, y);
return getPixel(index);
Pixel Detector::getPixel(const Pixel::Index& index) const {
auto size = model_->getPixelSize();
auto type = model_->getPixelType();
auto local_center = model_->getPixelCenter(index.x(), index.y());
auto global_center = getGlobalPosition(local_center);
return {index, type, std::move(local_center), std::move(global_center), std::move(size)};
ROOT::Math::XYZVector Detector::getElectricField(const ROOT::Math::XYZPoint& local_pos) const {
return electric_field_.get(local_pos);
void Detector::setElectricFieldGrid(const std::shared_ptr<std::vector<double>>& field,
std::array<size_t, 3> bins,
std::array<double, 3> size,
FieldMapping mapping,
std::array<double, 2> scales,
std::array<double, 2> offset,
std::pair<double, double> thickness_domain) {
check_field_match(size, mapping, scales, thickness_domain);
electric_field_.setGrid(field, bins, size, mapping, scales, offset, thickness_domain);
void Detector::setElectricFieldFunction(FieldFunction<ROOT::Math::XYZVector> function,
std::pair<double, double> thickness_domain,
FieldType type) {
electric_field_.setFunction(std::move(function), thickness_domain, type);
double Detector::getWeightingPotential(const ROOT::Math::XYZPoint& local_pos, const Pixel::Index& reference) const {
auto ref = static_cast<ROOT::Math::XYPoint>(model_->getPixelCenter(reference.x(), reference.y()));
// Requiring to extrapolate the field along z because equilibrium means no change in weighting potential,
// Without this, we would get large jumps close to the electrode once charge carriers cross the boundary.
return weighting_potential_.getRelativeTo(local_pos, ref, true);
void Detector::setWeightingPotentialGrid(const std::shared_ptr<std::vector<double>>& potential,
std::array<size_t, 3> bins,
std::array<double, 3> size,
FieldMapping mapping,
std::array<double, 2> scales,
std::array<double, 2> offset,
std::pair<double, double> thickness_domain) {
check_field_match(size, mapping, scales, thickness_domain);
weighting_potential_.setGrid(potential, bins, size, mapping, scales, offset, thickness_domain);
void Detector::setWeightingPotentialFunction(FieldFunction<double> function,
std::pair<double, double> thickness_domain,
FieldType type) {
weighting_potential_.setFunction(std::move(function), thickness_domain, type);
// TODO Currently the magnetic field in the detector is fixed to the field vector at it's center position. Change in case a
// field gradient is needed inside the sensor.
void Detector::setMagneticField(ROOT::Math::XYZVector b_field) {
magnetic_field_on_ = true;
magnetic_field_ = std::move(b_field);
ROOT::Math::XYZVector Detector::getMagneticField(const ROOT::Math::XYZPoint&) const { return magnetic_field_; }
double Detector::getDopingConcentration(const ROOT::Math::XYZPoint& pos) const {
// Extrapolate doping profile if outside defined field:
return doping_profile_.get(pos, true);
void Detector::setDopingProfileGrid(std::shared_ptr<std::vector<double>> field,
std::array<size_t, 3> bins,
std::array<double, 3> size,
FieldMapping mapping,
std::array<double, 2> scales,
std::array<double, 2> offset,
std::pair<double, double> thickness_domain) {
check_field_match(size, mapping, scales, thickness_domain);
doping_profile_.setGrid(std::move(field), bins, size, mapping, scales, offset, thickness_domain);
void Detector::setDopingProfileFunction(FieldFunction<double> function, FieldType type) {
{model_->getSensorCenter().z() - model_->getSensorSize().z() / 2,
model_->getSensorCenter().z() + model_->getSensorSize().z() / 2},
void Detector::check_field_match(std::array<double, 3> size,
FieldMapping mapping,
std::array<double, 2> field_scale,
std::pair<double, double> thickness_domain) const {
// Check field dimension in z versus the requested thickness domain:
auto eff_thickness = thickness_domain.second - thickness_domain.first;
if(std::fabs(size[2] - eff_thickness) > std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Thickness of field is " << Units::display(size[2], "um") << " but the requested field depth is "
<< Units::display(eff_thickness, "um");
// FIXME this could be done properly in the detector models at some point:
if(model_->getPixelType() != Pixel::Type::RECTANGLE) {
LOG(INFO) << "Pixels of this detector are not rectangular, will not perform further field matching checks";
// Check that the total field size is n*pitch:
auto scale_x =
field_scale[0] * (mapping == FieldMapping::SENSOR || mapping == FieldMapping::PIXEL_FULL ||
mapping == FieldMapping::PIXEL_FULL_INVERSE || mapping == FieldMapping::PIXEL_HALF_TOP ||
mapping == FieldMapping::PIXEL_HALF_BOTTOM
? 1.0
: 0.5);
auto scale_y =
field_scale[1] * (mapping == FieldMapping::SENSOR || mapping == FieldMapping::PIXEL_FULL ||
mapping == FieldMapping::PIXEL_FULL_INVERSE || mapping == FieldMapping::PIXEL_HALF_LEFT ||
mapping == FieldMapping::PIXEL_HALF_RIGHT
? 1.0
: 0.5);
if(std::fabs(std::remainder(size[0] / scale_x, model_->getPixelSize().x())) > std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon() ||
std::fabs(std::remainder(size[1] / scale_y, model_->getPixelSize().y())) > std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Field map size is (" << Units::display(size[0] / scale_x, {"um", "mm"}) << ","
<< Units::display(size[1] / scale_y, {"um", "mm"}) << ") but expecting a multiple of the pixel pitch ("
<< Units::display(model_->getPixelSize().x(), {"um", "mm"}) << ", "
<< Units::display(model_->getPixelSize().y(), {"um", "mm"}) << ")" << std::endl
<< "The area to which the field is applied can be changed using the field_scale parameter.";
} else {
LOG(INFO) << "Field map size is (" << Units::display(size[0] / scale_x, {"um", "mm"}) << ","
<< Units::display(size[1] / scale_y, {"um", "mm"}) << "), matching detector model with pixel pitch ("
<< Units::display(model_->getPixelSize().x(), {"um", "mm"}) << ", "
<< Units::display(model_->getPixelSize().y(), {"um", "mm"}) << ")";
Updated on 2025-02-27 at 14:14:46 +0000