
Implementation of a module to deposit charges at a specific point. More…

Detailed Description

Implementation of a module to deposit charges at a specific point.

Copyright: Copyright (c) 2018-2024 CERN and the Allpix Squared authors. This software is distributed under the terms of the MIT License, copied verbatim in the file “”. In applying this license, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization or submit itself to any jurisdiction. SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

Source code

#include "DepositionPointChargeModule.hpp"

#include <cmath>
#include <string>
#include <utility>

#include "core/messenger/Messenger.hpp"
#include "core/module/Event.hpp"
#include "core/utils/distributions.h"
#include "core/utils/log.h"
#include "objects/DepositedCharge.hpp"
#include "objects/MCParticle.hpp"
#include "tools/liang_barsky.h"

using namespace allpix;

DepositionPointChargeModule::DepositionPointChargeModule(Configuration& config,
                                                         Messenger* messenger,
                                                         std::shared_ptr<Detector> detector)
    : Module(config, detector), messenger_(messenger), detector_(std::move(detector)) {
    // Enable multithreading of this module if multithreading is enabled

    // Allow to use similar syntax as in DepositionGeant4:
    config_.setAlias("position", "source_position");

    // Set default value for the number of charges deposited
    config_.setDefault("position", ROOT::Math::XYZPoint(0., 0., 0.));
    config_.setDefault("source_type", SourceType::POINT);

    // Plotting parameters
    config_.setDefault<bool>("output_plots", false);
    config_.setDefault<int>("output_plots_bins_per_um", 1);

    // Read type and model:
    type_ = config_.get<SourceType>("source_type");
    model_ = config_.get<DepositionModel>("model");

    // Read spot size
    if(model_ == DepositionModel::SPOT) {
        spot_size_ = config.get<double>("spot_size");

    // Read position
    if(config_.getArray<double>("position").size() == 2) {
        auto tmp_pos = config_.get<ROOT::Math::XYPoint>("position");
        position_ = ROOT::Math::XYZVector(tmp_pos.x(), tmp_pos.y(), 0);
    } else {
        position_ = config_.get<ROOT::Math::XYZVector>("position");

void DepositionPointChargeModule::initialize() {

    detector_model_ = detector_->getModel();
    output_plots_ = config_.get<bool>("output_plots");
    output_plots_bins_per_um_ = config_.get<int>("output_plots_bins_per_um");

    // Set up the different source types
    if(type_ == SourceType::MIP) {
        config_.setDefault("number_of_steps", 100);
        config_.setDefault("number_of_charges", 80000);

        mip_direction_ = config_.get<ROOT::Math::XYZVector>("mip_direction", ROOT::Math::XYZVector(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)).Unit();
        LOG(DEBUG) << "Normalised MIP direction: " << mip_direction_;

        // Calculate voxel size and ensure granularity is not zero:
        auto granularity = std::max(config_.get<unsigned int>("number_of_steps"), 1u);
        // To get the step size, look at the intersection points along the MIP direction starting from the centre of the
        // sensitive region
        auto centre_position = detector_model_->getMatrixCenter();
        auto [start_local, end_local] = SensorIntersection(centre_position);
        step_size_ = sqrt((end_local - start_local).Mag2()) / granularity;

        // We should deposit the equivalent of about 80 e/h pairs per micro meter (80`000 per mm):
        auto eh_per_um = config_.get<double>("number_of_charges");
        carriers_ = static_cast<unsigned int>(std::round(eh_per_um * step_size_));
        LOG(INFO) << "Step size for MIP energy deposition: " << Units::display(step_size_, {"um", "mm"}) << ", depositing "
                  << carriers_ << " e/h pairs per step (" << Units::display(eh_per_um, "/um") << ")";

        // Check if the number of charge carriers is larger than zero
        if(carriers_ == 0) {
            throw InvalidValueError(config_,
                                    "Number of charge carriers deposited per step is zero due to a large step number or "
                                    "small number of e/h pairs per um");

    } else {
        config_.setDefault("number_of_charges", 1);
        carriers_ = static_cast<unsigned int>(std::round(config_.get<double>("number_of_charges")));

    // Set up the different scan methods
    if(model_ == DepositionModel::SCAN) {
        // Get the config manager and retrieve total number of events:
        ConfigManager* conf_manager = getConfigManager();
        auto events = conf_manager->getGlobalConfiguration().get<unsigned int>("number_of_events");
        scan_coordinates_ = config_.getArray<std::string>("scan_coordinates", {"x", "y", "z"});

        scan_x_ = std::find(scan_coordinates_.begin(), scan_coordinates_.end(), "x") != scan_coordinates_.end();
        scan_y_ = std::find(scan_coordinates_.begin(), scan_coordinates_.end(), "y") != scan_coordinates_.end();
        scan_z_ = std::find(scan_coordinates_.begin(), scan_coordinates_.end(), "z") != scan_coordinates_.end();

        no_of_coordinates_ = scan_coordinates_.size();

        // If MIP, and along one of the cardinal directions: don't do a scan in that direction, as the MIP goes along it
        // anyway
        if(scan_x_ && mip_direction_ == ROOT::Math::XYZVector(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)) {
            scan_x_ = false;
            LOG(WARNING) << "MIP shot in the x-direction; scan not performed along x.";
        if(scan_y_ && mip_direction_ == ROOT::Math::XYZVector(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)) {
            scan_y_ = false;
            LOG(WARNING) << "MIP shot in the y-direction; scan not performed along y.";
        if(scan_z_ && mip_direction_ == ROOT::Math::XYZVector(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)) {
            scan_z_ = false;
            LOG(WARNING) << "MIP shot in the z-direction; scan not performed along z.";

        if(no_of_coordinates_ < 1) {
            LOG(WARNING) << "A scan will not be performed; requested scan is only along the given MIP direction.";

        if(no_of_coordinates_ > 3 || !(scan_x_ || scan_y_ || scan_z_) ||
           (no_of_coordinates_ == 3 && !(scan_x_ && scan_y_ && scan_z_))) {
            throw InvalidValueError(
                "The scan coordinates must be a combination of x, y, and z, and the number of coordinates cannot exceed 3.");

        // Check that the scan setup is correct
        root_ = events;
        if(no_of_coordinates_ == 2) {
            root_ = static_cast<unsigned int>(std::lround(std::sqrt(events)));
            if(events != root_ * root_) {
                LOG(WARNING) << "Number of events is not a square, pixel cell volume cannot fully be covered in scan. "
                             << "Closest square is " << root_ * root_;
            // Throw if we don't have a valid combination. Need 2 valid entries; x y, x z, or y z
            if(!((scan_x_ && scan_y_) || (scan_x_ && scan_z_) || (scan_y_ && scan_z_))) {
                throw InvalidValueError(config_,
                                        "The coordinates must be x, y, or z, and a coordinate must not be repeated");
        } else if(no_of_coordinates_ == 3) {
            root_ = static_cast<unsigned int>(std::lround(std::cbrt(events)));
            if(events != root_ * root_ * root_) {
                LOG(WARNING) << "Number of events is not a cube, pixel cell volume cannot fully be covered in scan. "
                             << "Closest cube is " << root_ * root_ * root_;
        // Calculate voxel size:
        voxel_ = ROOT::Math::XYZVector(detector_model_->getPixelSize().x() / (scan_x_ ? root_ : 1.0),
                                       detector_model_->getPixelSize().y() / (scan_y_ ? root_ : 1.0),
                                       detector_model_->getSensorSize().z() / (scan_z_ ? root_ : 1.0));
        LOG(INFO) << "Voxel size for scan of pixel volume: " << Units::display(voxel_, {"um", "mm"});

    if(output_plots_) {
        auto bins_x =
            static_cast<int>(output_plots_bins_per_um_ * Units::convert(detector_model_->getPixelSize().x(), "um"));
        auto bins_y =
            static_cast<int>(output_plots_bins_per_um_ * Units::convert(detector_model_->getPixelSize().y(), "um"));
        auto bins_z =
            static_cast<int>(output_plots_bins_per_um_ * Units::convert(detector_model_->getSensorSize().z(), "um"));
        deposition_position_xy =
                                  "In-pixel deposition position, x-y plane;x [#mum];y [#mum]",
                                  -static_cast<double>(Units::convert(detector_model_->getPixelSize().x() / 2, "um")),
                                  static_cast<double>(Units::convert(detector_model_->getPixelSize().x() / 2, "um")),
                                  -static_cast<double>(Units::convert(detector_model_->getPixelSize().y() / 2, "um")),
                                  static_cast<double>(Units::convert(detector_model_->getPixelSize().y() / 2, "um")));
        deposition_position_xz =
                                  "In-pixel deposition position, x-z plane;x [#mum];z [#mum]",
                                  -static_cast<double>(Units::convert(detector_model_->getPixelSize().x() / 2, "um")),
                                  static_cast<double>(Units::convert(detector_model_->getPixelSize().x() / 2, "um")),
                                  -static_cast<double>(Units::convert(detector_model_->getSensorSize().z() / 2, "um")),
                                  static_cast<double>(Units::convert(detector_model_->getSensorSize().z() / 2, "um")));
        deposition_position_yz =
                                  "In-pixel deposition position, y-z plane;y [#mum];z [#mum]",
                                  -static_cast<double>(Units::convert(detector_model_->getPixelSize().y() / 2, "um")),
                                  static_cast<double>(Units::convert(detector_model_->getPixelSize().y() / 2, "um")),
                                  -static_cast<double>(Units::convert(detector_model_->getSensorSize().z() / 2, "um")),
                                  static_cast<double>(Units::convert(detector_model_->getSensorSize().z() / 2, "um")));

void DepositionPointChargeModule::run(Event* event) {

    ROOT::Math::XYZPoint position;

    if(model_ == DepositionModel::FIXED) {
        // Fixed position as read from the configuration:
        position = position_;
    } else if(model_ == DepositionModel::SCAN) {
        // Center the volume to be scanned in the center of the sensor,
        // reference point is lower left corner of one pixel volume
        auto ref = position_ + detector_model_->getMatrixSize() / 2.0 + voxel_ / 2.0 -
                   ROOT::Math::XYZVector(detector_model_->getPixelSize().x() / 2.0,
                                         detector_model_->getPixelSize().y() / 2.0,
                                         detector_model_->getSensorSize().z() / 2.0);
        LOG(DEBUG) << "Reference: " << Units::display(ref, {"um", "mm"});
        if(no_of_coordinates_ == 3) {
            position =
                ROOT::Math::XYZPoint(voxel_.x() * static_cast<double>((event->number - 1) % root_),
                                     voxel_.y() * static_cast<double>(((event->number - 1) / root_) % root_),
                                     voxel_.z() * static_cast<double>(((event->number - 1) / root_ / root_) % root_)) +
        } else {
            position = ref;
            if(scan_x_) {
                position.SetX(voxel_.x() * static_cast<double>((event->number - 1) % root_) + ref.x());
                if(scan_y_) {
                    position.SetY(voxel_.y() * static_cast<double>(((event->number - 1) / root_) % root_) + ref.y());
                } else if(scan_z_) {
                    position.SetZ(voxel_.z() * static_cast<double>(((event->number - 1) / root_) % root_) + ref.z());
            } else if(scan_y_) {
                position.SetY(voxel_.y() * static_cast<double>((event->number - 1) % root_) + ref.y());
                if(scan_z_) {
                    position.SetZ(voxel_.z() * static_cast<double>(((event->number - 1) / root_) % root_) + ref.z());
            } else {
                position.SetZ(voxel_.z() * static_cast<double>((event->number - 1) % root_) + ref.z());
        LOG(DEBUG) << "Deposition position in local coordinates: " << Units::display(position, {"um", "mm"});
    } else {
        // Calculate random offset from configured position
        auto shift = [&](auto size) {
            double dx = allpix::normal_distribution<double>(0, size)(event->getRandomEngine());
            double dy = allpix::normal_distribution<double>(0, size)(event->getRandomEngine());
            double dz = allpix::normal_distribution<double>(0, size)(event->getRandomEngine());
            return ROOT::Math::XYZVector(dx, dy, dz);

        // Spot around the configured position
        position = position_ + shift(spot_size_);

    // Create charge carriers at requested position
    if(type_ == SourceType::MIP) {
        DepositLine(event, position);
    } else {
        DepositPoint(event, position);
        if(output_plots_) {
            auto [xpixel, ypixel] = detector_model_->getPixelIndex(position);
            auto inPixelPos = position - detector_model_->getPixelCenter(xpixel, ypixel);
            auto in_pixel_um_x = static_cast<double>(Units::convert(inPixelPos.x(), "um"));
            auto in_pixel_um_y = static_cast<double>(Units::convert(inPixelPos.y(), "um"));
            auto in_pixel_um_z = static_cast<double>(Units::convert(position.z(), "um"));
            deposition_position_xy->Fill(in_pixel_um_x, in_pixel_um_y);
            deposition_position_xz->Fill(in_pixel_um_x, in_pixel_um_z);
            deposition_position_yz->Fill(in_pixel_um_y, in_pixel_um_z);

void DepositionPointChargeModule::finalize() {
    if(output_plots_) {


void DepositionPointChargeModule::DepositPoint(Event* event, const ROOT::Math::XYZPoint& position) {
    // Vector of deposited charges and their "MCParticle"
    std::vector<DepositedCharge> charges;
    std::vector<MCParticle> mcparticles;

    LOG(DEBUG) << "Position (local coordinates): " << Units::display(position, {"um", "mm"});
    // Cross-check calculated position to be within sensor:
    if(!detector_model_->isWithinSensor(position)) {
        LOG(DEBUG) << "Requested position is outside active sensor volume.";

    auto position_global = detector_->getGlobalPosition(position);

    // Start and stop position is the same for the MCParticle
    mcparticles.emplace_back(position, position_global, position, position_global, -1, 0., 0.);
    LOG(DEBUG) << "Generated MCParticle at global position " << Units::display(position_global, {"um", "mm"})
               << " in detector " << detector_->getName();
    // Count electrons and holes:
    mcparticles.back().setTotalDepositedCharge(2 * carriers_);

    charges.emplace_back(position, position_global, CarrierType::ELECTRON, carriers_, 0., 0., &(mcparticles.back()));
    charges.emplace_back(position, position_global, CarrierType::HOLE, carriers_, 0., 0., &(mcparticles.back()));
    LOG(DEBUG) << "Deposited " << carriers_ << " charge carriers of both types at global position "
               << Units::display(position_global, {"um", "mm"}) << " in detector " << detector_->getName();

    // Dispatch the messages to the framework
    auto mcparticle_message = std::make_shared<MCParticleMessage>(std::move(mcparticles), detector_);
    messenger_->dispatchMessage(this, std::move(mcparticle_message), event);

    auto deposit_message = std::make_shared<DepositedChargeMessage>(std::move(charges), detector_);
    messenger_->dispatchMessage(this, std::move(deposit_message), event);

void DepositionPointChargeModule::DepositLine(Event* event, const ROOT::Math::XYZPoint& position) {
    // Vector of deposited charges and their "MCParticle"
    std::vector<DepositedCharge> charges;
    std::vector<MCParticle> mcparticles;

    // Cross-check calculated position to be within sensor:
    if(!detector_model_->isWithinSensor(position)) {
        LOG(DEBUG) << "Requested position is outside active sensor volume.";

    // Start and end position of MCParticle:
    // End point is the intersection along the line to the box. Start position is also that, but in the other direction.
    // The given position is a point the line intersects. Need to extrapolate to surfaces using this
    auto [start_local, end_local] = SensorIntersection(position);
    ROOT::Math::XYZPoint start_global = detector_->getGlobalPosition(start_local);
    ROOT::Math::XYZPoint end_global = detector_->getGlobalPosition(end_local);

    // Total number of carriers will be:
    auto charge = static_cast<unsigned int>(carriers_ * sqrt((end_local - start_local).Mag2()) / step_size_);
    // Create MCParticle:
    mcparticles.emplace_back(start_local, start_global, end_local, end_global, -1, 0., 0.);
    LOG(DEBUG) << "Generated MCParticle with start " << Units::display(start_global, {"um", "mm"}) << " and end "
               << Units::display(end_global, {"um", "mm"}) << " in detector " << detector_->getName();
    // Count electrons and holes:
    mcparticles.back().setTotalDepositedCharge(2 * charge);
    LOG(DEBUG) << "Total charge of " << 2 * charge << " deposited over a line length of "
               << Units::display(sqrt((end_local - start_local).Mag2()), {"um", "mm"});

    // Deposit the charge carriers:
    auto position_local = start_local;
    while(position_local.x() <= end_local.x() && position_local.y() <= end_local.y() &&
          position_local.z() <= end_local.z()) {
        auto position_global = detector_->getGlobalPosition(position_local);

            position_local, position_global, CarrierType::ELECTRON, carriers_, 0., 0., &(mcparticles.back()));
        charges.emplace_back(position_local, position_global, CarrierType::HOLE, carriers_, 0., 0., &(mcparticles.back()));
        LOG(TRACE) << "Deposited " << carriers_ << " charge carriers of both types at global position "
                   << Units::display(position_global, {"um", "mm"}) << " in detector " << detector_->getName();

        if(output_plots_) {
            auto [xpixel, ypixel] = detector_model_->getPixelIndex(position_local);
            auto inPixelPos = position_local - detector_model_->getPixelCenter(xpixel, ypixel);
            auto in_pixel_um_x = static_cast<double>(Units::convert(inPixelPos.x(), "um"));
            auto in_pixel_um_y = static_cast<double>(Units::convert(inPixelPos.y(), "um"));
            auto in_pixel_um_z = static_cast<double>(Units::convert(position_local.z(), "um"));
            deposition_position_xy->Fill(in_pixel_um_x, in_pixel_um_y);
            deposition_position_xz->Fill(in_pixel_um_x, in_pixel_um_z);
            deposition_position_yz->Fill(in_pixel_um_y, in_pixel_um_z);

        position_local += step_size_ * mip_direction_;

    // Dispatch the messages to the framework
    auto mcparticle_message = std::make_shared<MCParticleMessage>(std::move(mcparticles), detector_);
    messenger_->dispatchMessage(this, std::move(mcparticle_message), event);

    auto deposit_message = std::make_shared<DepositedChargeMessage>(std::move(charges), detector_);
    messenger_->dispatchMessage(this, std::move(deposit_message), event);

std::tuple<ROOT::Math::XYZPoint, ROOT::Math::XYZPoint>
DepositionPointChargeModule::SensorIntersection(const ROOT::Math::XYZPoint& line_origin) const {
    // We have to be centered around the sensor box. This means we need to shift by the matrix center
    auto translation_local =
    // Get intersections from Liang-Barsky line clipping. One point going in negative MIP direction, and the other in
    // positive
    auto intersection_start_point = LiangBarsky::closestIntersection(
        -mip_direction_, translation_local.Inverse()(line_origin), detector_model_->getSensorSize());
    auto intersection_end_point = LiangBarsky::closestIntersection(
        mip_direction_, translation_local.Inverse()(line_origin), detector_model_->getSensorSize());

    // Check whether we are on the edge of the sensor. If so, we don't get an intersect point from Liang-Barsky, but it
    // should be set to the position
    if(detector_model_->isOnSensorBoundary(line_origin)) {
        LOG(DEBUG) << "Intersect check position is on sensor boundary";
        intersection_start_point =
            intersection_start_point ? intersection_start_point : translation_local.Inverse()(line_origin);
        intersection_end_point = intersection_end_point ? intersection_end_point : translation_local.Inverse()(line_origin);

    if(!intersection_start_point || !intersection_end_point || (intersection_start_point == intersection_end_point)) {
        LOG(ERROR) << "The requested line with origin " << line_origin << " and direction " << mip_direction_
                   << " does not intersect with the sensor.";
    LOG(DEBUG) << "Lower intersect position: " << Units::display(intersection_start_point.value(), {"um", "mm"})
               << ", upper intersect position: " << Units::display(intersection_end_point.value(), {"um", "mm"});

    // Re-transform to local coordinates:
    return {translation_local(intersection_start_point.value()), translation_local(intersection_end_point.value())};

Updated on 2025-02-27 at 14:14:46 +0000