
Implementation of the DepositionGenerator module. More…

Detailed Description

Implementation of the DepositionGenerator module.

Copyright: Copyright (c) 2022-2024 CERN and the Allpix Squared authors. This software is distributed under the terms of the MIT License, copied verbatim in the file “”. In applying this license, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization or submit itself to any jurisdiction. SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

Source code

#include "DepositionGeneratorModule.hpp"
#include "ActionInitializationPrimaries.hpp"
#include "PrimariesGeneratorAction.hpp"

#include "tools/geant4/MTRunManager.hpp"
#include "tools/geant4/RunManager.hpp"
#include "tools/geant4/geant4.h"

#include "core/utils/log.h"

// Reader modules:
#include "PrimariesReaderGenie.hpp"

#include "PrimariesReaderHepMC.hpp"

using namespace allpix;

DepositionGeneratorModule::DepositionGeneratorModule(Configuration& config,
                                                     Messenger* messenger,
                                                     GeometryManager* geo_manager)
    : DepositionGeant4Module(config, messenger, geo_manager) {

    // Enable multithreading of this module if multithreading is enabled

    // Do *not* waive sequence requirement - we're reading from file and this should happen sequentially

    file_model_ = config_.get<PrimariesReader::FileModel>("model");

    // Force source type and position:
    config_.set("source_type", "generator");
    // FIXME allow to shift gun position by setting this parameter?
    config_.set("source_position", ROOT::Math::XYZPoint());
    // Force number of particles to one, we are always reading a single generator event per event
    config_.set("number_of_particles", 1);

    // Add the particle source position to the geometry
    geo_manager_->addPoint(config_.get<ROOT::Math::XYZPoint>("source_position", ROOT::Math::XYZPoint()));

void DepositionGeneratorModule::initialize() {

    // Generate file reader instance of appropriate type
    if(file_model_ == PrimariesReader::FileModel::GENIE) {
        reader_ = std::make_shared<PrimariesReaderGenie>(config_);
    } else if(file_model_ >= PrimariesReader::FileModel::HEPMC) {
        reader_ = std::make_shared<PrimariesReaderHepMC>(config_);
        throw InvalidValueError(config_, "model", "Framework has been built without support for HepMC data file model");
    } else {
        throw InvalidValueError(config_, "model", "Unsupported data file model");

    // Call upstream initialization method

void DepositionGeneratorModule::run(Event* event) {
    // Pass current event number to the reader instance

    // Call upstream run method

void DepositionGeneratorModule::initialize_g4_action() {
    auto* action_initialization = new ActionInitializationPrimaries<PrimariesGeneratorAction>(config_, reader_);

Updated on 2025-02-27 at 14:14:46 +0000