Implementation of default digitization module. More…
Detailed Description
Implementation of default digitization module.
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2017-2024 CERN and the Allpix Squared authors. This software is distributed under the terms of the MIT License, copied verbatim in the file “”. In applying this license, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization or submit itself to any jurisdiction. SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
Source code
#include "DefaultDigitizerModule.hpp"
#include "core/utils/distributions.h"
#include "core/utils/unit.h"
#include "objects/PixelHit.hpp"
#include "tools/ROOT.h"
#include <TFile.h>
#include <TH1D.h>
#include <TProfile.h>
using namespace allpix;
DefaultDigitizerModule::DefaultDigitizerModule(Configuration& config,
Messenger* messenger,
std::shared_ptr<Detector> detector)
: Module(config, std::move(detector)), messenger_(messenger) {
// Enable multithreading of this module if multithreading is enabled
// Require PixelCharge message for single detector
messenger_->bindSingle<PixelChargeMessage>(this, MsgFlags::REQUIRED);
if(config_.has("gain") && config_.has("gain_function")) {
throw InvalidCombinationError(
config_, {"gain", "gain_function"}, "Gain and Gain Function cannot be simultaneously configured.");
// Set defaults for config variables
config_.setDefault<int>("electronics_noise", Units::get(110, "e"));
if(!config_.has("gain_function")) {
config_.setDefault<double>("gain", 1.0);
config_.setDefault<int>("threshold_smearing", Units::get(30, "e"));
// QDC configuration
config_.setDefault<int>("qdc_resolution", 0);
config_.setDefault<int>("qdc_smearing", Units::get(300, "e"));
config_.setDefault<double>("qdc_offset", Units::get(0, "e"));
config_.setDefault<double>("qdc_slope", Units::get(10, "e"));
config_.setDefault<bool>("allow_zero_qdc", false);
// TDC configuration
config_.setDefault<int>("tdc_resolution", 0);
config_.setDefault<double>("tdc_smearing", Units::get(50.0, "ps"));
config_.setDefault<double>("tdc_offset", Units::get(0, "ns"));
config_.setDefault<double>("tdc_slope", Units::get(10, "ns"));
config_.setDefault<bool>("allow_zero_tdc", false);
// Simple front-end saturation
config_.setDefault<bool>("saturation", false);
config_.setDefault<int>("saturation_mean", Units::get(190, "ke"));
config_.setDefault<int>("saturation_width", Units::get(20, "ke"));
// Plotting
config_.setDefault<bool>("output_plots", false);
config_.setDefault<int>("output_plots_scale", Units::get(30, "ke"));
config_.setDefault<int>("output_plots_timescale", Units::get(300, "ns"));
config_.setDefault<int>("output_plots_bins", 100);
// Cache config parameters
output_plots_ = config_.get<bool>("output_plots");
electronics_noise_ = config_.get<unsigned int>("electronics_noise");
if(config_.has("gain_function")) {
gain_function_ = std::make_unique<TFormula>("gain_function", (config_.get<std::string>("gain_function")).c_str());
if(!gain_function_->IsValid()) {
throw InvalidValueError(
config_, "gain_function", "The response function is not a valid ROOT::TFormula expression.");
auto parameters = config_.getArray<double>("gain_parameters");
// check if number of parameters match up
if(static_cast<size_t>(gain_function_->GetNpar()) != parameters.size()) {
throw InvalidValueError(
"The number of function parameters does not line up with the number of parameters in the function.");
for(size_t n = 0; n < parameters.size(); ++n) {
gain_function_->SetParameter(static_cast<int>(n), parameters[n]);
LOG(DEBUG) << "Gain response function successfully initialized with " << parameters.size() << " parameters";
} else {
gain_function_ = std::make_unique<TFormula>("gain_function", "[0]*x");
gain_function_->SetParameter(0, config_.get<double>("gain"));
saturation_ = config_.get<bool>("saturation");
saturation_mean_ = config_.get<unsigned int>("saturation_mean");
saturation_width_ = config_.get<unsigned int>("saturation_width");
threshold_ = config_.get<unsigned int>("threshold");
threshold_smearing_ = config_.get<unsigned int>("threshold_smearing");
qdc_resolution_ = config_.get<int>("qdc_resolution");
qdc_smearing_ = config_.get<unsigned int>("qdc_smearing");
qdc_offset_ = config_.get<double>("qdc_offset");
qdc_slope_ = config_.get<double>("qdc_slope");
allow_zero_qdc_ = config_.get<bool>("allow_zero_qdc");
tdc_resolution_ = config_.get<int>("tdc_resolution");
tdc_smearing_ = config_.get<double>("tdc_smearing");
tdc_offset_ = config_.get<double>("tdc_offset");
tdc_slope_ = config_.get<double>("tdc_slope");
allow_zero_tdc_ = config_.get<bool>("allow_zero_tdc");
void DefaultDigitizerModule::initialize() {
// Conversion to ADC units requested:
if(qdc_resolution_ > 31) {
throw InvalidValueError(config_, "qdc_resolution", "precision higher than 31bit is not possible");
if(tdc_resolution_ > 31) {
throw InvalidValueError(config_, "tdc_resolution", "precision higher than 31bit is not possible");
if(qdc_resolution_ > 0) {
LOG(INFO) << "Converting charge to QDC units, QDC resolution: " << qdc_resolution_ << "bit, max. value "
<< ((1 << qdc_resolution_) - 1);
if(tdc_resolution_ > 0) {
LOG(INFO) << "Converting time to TDC units, TDC resolution: " << tdc_resolution_ << "bit, max. value "
<< ((1 << tdc_resolution_) - 1);
if(output_plots_) {
LOG(TRACE) << "Creating output plots";
// Plot axis are in kilo electrons - convert from framework units!
auto maximum = static_cast<double>(Units::convert(config_.get<double>("output_plots_scale"), "ke"));
auto nbins = config_.get<int>("output_plots_bins");
// Create histograms if needed
h_pxq = CreateHistogram<TH1D>("pixelcharge", "raw pixel charge;pixel charge [ke];pixels", nbins, 0, maximum);
h_pxq_noise = CreateHistogram<TH1D>(
"pixelcharge_noise", "pixel charge w/ el. noise;pixel charge [ke];pixels", nbins, 0, maximum);
h_gain = CreateHistogram<TH1D>("gain", "applied gain; gain factor;events", 40, -20, 20);
h_pxq_gain = CreateHistogram<TH1D>(
"pixelcharge_gain", "pixel charge w/ gain applied;pixel charge [ke];pixels", nbins, 0, maximum);
h_thr = CreateHistogram<TH1D>(
"threshold", "applied threshold; threshold [ke];events", static_cast<int>(maximum), 0, maximum / 10);
h_pxq_sat = CreateHistogram<TH1D>(
"pixelcharge_saturation", "pixel charge with front-end saturation;pixel charge [ke];pixels", nbins, 0, maximum);
h_pxq_thr = CreateHistogram<TH1D>(
"pixelcharge_threshold", "pixel charge above threshold;pixel charge [ke];pixels", nbins, 0, maximum);
// Create final pixel charge plot with different axis, depending on whether ADC simulation is enabled or not
if(qdc_resolution_ > 0) {
h_pxq_adc_smear = CreateHistogram<TH1D>(
"pixelcharge_adc_smeared", "pixel charge after ADC smearing;pixel charge [ke];pixels", nbins, 0, maximum);
int adcbins = (1 << qdc_resolution_);
h_pxq_adc = CreateHistogram<TH1D>(
"pixelcharge_adc", "pixel charge after QDC;pixel charge [QDC];pixels", adcbins, 0, adcbins);
h_calibration =
"calibration curve of pixel charge to QDC units;pixel charge [ke];pixel charge [QDC]",
} else {
h_pxq_adc =
CreateHistogram<TH1D>("pixelcharge_adc", "final pixel charge;pixel charge [ke];pixels", nbins, 0, maximum);
auto time_maximum = static_cast<double>(Units::convert(config_.get<double>("output_plots_timescale"), "ns"));
h_px_toa = CreateHistogram<TH1D>("pixel_toa", "pixel time-of-arrival;pixel ToA [ns];pixels", nbins, 0, time_maximum);
// Create time-of-arrival plot with different axis, depending on whether TDC simulation is enabled or not
if(tdc_resolution_ > 0) {
h_px_tdc_smear = CreateHistogram<TH1D>("pixel_tdc_smeared",
"pixel time-of-arrival after TDC smearing;pixel ToA [ns];pixels",
int adcbins = (1 << tdc_resolution_);
h_px_tdc = CreateHistogram<TH1D>(
"pixel_tdc", "pixel time-of-arrival after TDC;pixel ToA [TDC];pixels", adcbins, 0, adcbins);
h_toa_calibration = CreateHistogram<TH2D>(
"calibration curve of pixel time-of-arrival to TDC units;pixel ToA [ns];pixel ToA [TDC]",
} else {
h_px_tdc = CreateHistogram<TH1D>(
"pixel_tdc", "final pixel time-of-arrival;pixel ToA [ns];pixels", nbins, 0, time_maximum);
void DefaultDigitizerModule::run(Event* event) {
auto pixel_message = messenger_->fetchMessage<PixelChargeMessage>(this, event);
// Loop through all pixels with charges
std::vector<PixelHit> hits;
for(const auto& pixel_charge : pixel_message->getData()) {
auto pixel = pixel_charge.getPixel();
auto pixel_index = pixel.getIndex();
auto charge = static_cast<double>(pixel_charge.getAbsoluteCharge());
LOG(DEBUG) << "Received pixel " << pixel_index << ", (absolute) charge " << Units::display(charge, "e");
if(output_plots_) {
h_pxq->Fill(charge / 1e3);
// Add electronics noise from Gaussian:
allpix::normal_distribution<double> el_noise(0, electronics_noise_);
charge += el_noise(event->getRandomEngine());
LOG(DEBUG) << "Charge with noise: " << Units::display(charge, "e");
if(output_plots_) {
h_pxq_noise->Fill(charge / 1e3);
// Apply the gain to the charge:
auto charge_pregain = charge;
charge = gain_function_->Eval(charge);
LOG(DEBUG) << "Charge after amplifier (gain): " << Units::display(charge, "e");
if(output_plots_) {
// Calculate gain from pre- and post-charge, offset to avoid zero-division:
h_gain->Fill(charge / (charge_pregain + std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()));
h_pxq_gain->Fill(charge / 1e3);
// Simulate simple front-end saturation if enabled:
if(saturation_) {
allpix::normal_distribution<double> saturation_smearing(saturation_mean_, saturation_width_);
auto saturation = saturation_smearing(event->getRandomEngine());
if(charge > saturation) {
LOG(DEBUG) << "Above front-end saturation, " << Units::display(charge, {"e", "ke"}) << " > "
<< Units::display(saturation, {"e", "ke"}) << ", setting to saturation value";
charge = saturation;
if(output_plots_) {
h_pxq_sat->Fill(charge / 1e3);
// Smear the threshold, Gaussian distribution around "threshold" with width "threshold_smearing"
allpix::normal_distribution<double> thr_smearing(threshold_, threshold_smearing_);
double threshold = thr_smearing(event->getRandomEngine());
if(output_plots_) {
h_thr->Fill(threshold / 1e3);
// Discard charges below threshold:
if(charge < threshold) {
LOG(DEBUG) << "Below smeared threshold: " << Units::display(charge, "e") << " < "
<< Units::display(threshold, "e");
LOG(DEBUG) << "Passed threshold: " << Units::display(charge, "e") << " > " << Units::display(threshold, "e");
if(output_plots_) {
h_pxq_thr->Fill(charge / 1e3);
// Simulate QDC if resolution set to more than 0bit
if(qdc_resolution_ > 0) {
// temporarily store old charge for histogramming:
auto original_charge = charge;
// Add ADC smearing:
allpix::normal_distribution<double> adc_smearing(0, qdc_smearing_);
charge += adc_smearing(event->getRandomEngine());
if(output_plots_) {
h_pxq_adc_smear->Fill(charge / 1e3);
LOG(DEBUG) << "Smeared for simulating limited QDC sensitivity: " << Units::display(charge, "e");
// Convert to ADC units and precision, make sure ADC count is at least 1:
charge = static_cast<double>(std::clamp(static_cast<int>((qdc_offset_ + charge) / qdc_slope_),
(allow_zero_qdc_ ? 0 : 1),
(1 << qdc_resolution_) - 1));
LOG(DEBUG) << "Charge converted to QDC units: " << charge;
if(output_plots_) {
h_calibration->Fill(original_charge / 1e3, charge);
} else if(output_plots_) {
h_pxq_adc->Fill(charge / 1e3);
auto time = time_of_arrival(pixel_charge, threshold);
LOG(DEBUG) << "Time of arrival: " << Units::display(time, {"ns", "ps"}) << " (local), "
<< Units::display(pixel_charge.getGlobalTime() + time, {"ns", "ps"}) << " (global)";
if(output_plots_) {
// Store full arrival time for global timestamp and histogramming:
auto original_time = time;
// Simulate TDC if resolution set to more than 0bit
if(tdc_resolution_ > 0) {
// Add TDC smearing:
allpix::normal_distribution<double> tdc_smearing(0, tdc_smearing_);
time += tdc_smearing(event->getRandomEngine());
if(output_plots_) {
LOG(DEBUG) << "Smeared for simulating limited TDC sensitivity: " << Units::display(time, {"ns", "ps"});
// Convert to TDC units and precision, make sure TDC count is at least 1:
time = static_cast<double>(std::clamp(
static_cast<int>((tdc_offset_ + time) / tdc_slope_), (allow_zero_tdc_ ? 0 : 1), (1 << tdc_resolution_) - 1));
LOG(DEBUG) << "Time converted to TDC units: " << time;
if(output_plots_) {
h_toa_calibration->Fill(original_time, time);
} else if(output_plots_) {
// Add the hit to the hitmap
hits.emplace_back(pixel, time, pixel_charge.getGlobalTime() + original_time, charge, &pixel_charge);
// Output summary and update statistics
LOG(INFO) << "Digitized " << hits.size() << " pixel hits";
total_hits_ += hits.size();
if(!hits.empty()) {
// Create and dispatch hit message
auto hits_message = std::make_shared<PixelHitMessage>(std::move(hits), getDetector());
messenger_->dispatchMessage(this, hits_message, event);
double DefaultDigitizerModule::time_of_arrival(const PixelCharge& pixel_charge, double threshold) const {
// If this PixelCharge has a pulse, we can find out when it crossed the threshold:
const auto& pulse = pixel_charge.getPulse();
if(pulse.isInitialized()) {
auto bin = pulse.begin();
double integrated_charge = 0;
for(; bin != pulse.end(); bin++) {
integrated_charge += *bin;
if(std::abs(integrated_charge) >= threshold) {
return pulse.getBinning() * static_cast<double>(std::distance(pulse.begin(), bin));
} else {
LOG_ONCE(INFO) << "Simulation chain does not allow for time-of-arrival calculation";
return 0;
void DefaultDigitizerModule::finalize() {
if(output_plots_) {
// Write histograms
LOG(TRACE) << "Writing output plots to file";
// Charge plots
if(qdc_resolution_ > 0) {
// Time plots
if(tdc_resolution_ > 0) {
LOG(INFO) << "Digitized " << total_hits_ << " pixel hits in total";
Updated on 2025-02-27 at 14:14:46 +0000