
Implementation of charge sensitive amplifier digitization module. More…

Detailed Description

Implementation of charge sensitive amplifier digitization module.

Copyright: Copyright (c) 2020-2024 CERN and the Allpix Squared authors. This software is distributed under the terms of the MIT License, copied verbatim in the file “”. In applying this license, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization or submit itself to any jurisdiction. SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

Source code

#include "CSADigitizerModule.hpp"

#include "core/utils/distributions.h"
#include "core/utils/unit.h"
#include "tools/ROOT.h"

#include <TFile.h>
#include <TGraph.h>
#include <TH1D.h>
#include <TH2D.h>
#include <TProfile.h>

#include "objects/PixelHit.hpp"
#include "objects/PixelPulse.hpp"

using namespace allpix;

CSADigitizerModule::CSADigitizerModule(Configuration& config, Messenger* messenger, std::shared_ptr<Detector> detector)
    : Module(config, std::move(detector)), messenger_(messenger) {

    // Require PixelCharge message for single detector
    messenger_->bindSingle<PixelChargeMessage>(this, MsgFlags::REQUIRED);

    // Read model
    model_ = config_.get<DigitizerType>("model");

    // Allow to use detector_capacitance as input_capacitance
    config_.setAlias("input_capacitance", "detector_capacitance", true);

    // Set defaults for config variables
    config_.setDefault<double>("integration_time", Units::get(500, "ns"));
    config_.setDefault<double>("threshold", Units::get(10e-3, "V"));
    config_.setDefault<bool>("ignore_polarity", false);

    config_.setDefault<double>("sigma_noise", Units::get(1e-4, "V"));

    config_.setDefault<bool>("output_pulsegraphs", false);
    config_.setDefault<bool>("output_plots", config_.get<bool>("output_pulsegraphs"));
    config_.setDefault<int>("output_plots_scale", Units::get(30, "ke"));
    config_.setDefault<int>("output_plots_bins", 100);

    if(model_ == DigitizerType::SIMPLE) {
        // defaults for the "simple" parametrisation
        config_.setDefault<double>("feedback_capacitance", Units::get(5e-15, "C/V"));
        config_.setDefault<double>("rise_time_constant", Units::get(1e-9, "s"));
        config_.setDefault<double>("feedback_time_constant", Units::get(10e-9, "s")); // R_f * C_f
    } else if(model_ == DigitizerType::CSA) {
        // and for the "advanced" csa
        config_.setDefault<double>("feedback_capacitance", Units::get(5e-15, "C/V"));
        config_.setDefault<double>("krummenacher_current", Units::get(20e-9, "C/s"));
        config_.setDefault<double>("input_capacitance", Units::get(100e-15, "C/V"));
        config_.setDefault<double>("amp_output_capacitance", Units::get(20e-15, "C/V"));
        config_.setDefault<double>("transconductance", Units::get(50e-6, "C/s/V"));
        config_.setDefault<double>("weak_inversion_slope", 1.5);
        config_.setDefault<double>("temperature", 293.15);

    // Copy some variables from configuration to avoid lookups:
    integration_time_ = config_.get<double>("integration_time");

    // Time-of-Arrival
    if(config_.has("clock_bin_toa")) {
        store_toa_ = true;
        clockToA_ = config_.get<double>("clock_bin_toa");
    // Time-over-Threshold
    if(config_.has("clock_bin_tot")) {
        store_tot_ = true;
        clockToT_ = config_.get<double>("clock_bin_tot");

    sigmaNoise_ = config_.get<double>("sigma_noise");
    threshold_ = config_.get<double>("threshold");
    ignore_polarity_ = config.get<bool>("ignore_polarity");

    if(model_ == DigitizerType::SIMPLE) {
        auto tauF = config_.get<double>("feedback_time_constant");
        auto tauR = config_.get<double>("rise_time_constant");
        auto capacitance_feedback = config_.get<double>("feedback_capacitance");
        auto resistance_feedback = tauF / capacitance_feedback;

        calculate_impulse_response_ =
            std::make_unique<TFormula>("response_function", "[0]*(TMath::Exp(-x/[1])-TMath::Exp(-x/[2]))/([1]-[2])");
        calculate_impulse_response_->SetParameters(resistance_feedback, tauF, tauR);

        LOG(DEBUG) << "Parameters: cf = " << Units::display(capacitance_feedback, {"C/V", "fC/mV"})
                   << ", rf = " << Units::display(resistance_feedback, "V*s/C")
                   << ", tauF = " << Units::display(tauF, {"ns", "us", "ms", "s"})
                   << ", tauR = " << Units::display(tauR, {"ns", "us", "ms", "s"});
    } else if(model_ == DigitizerType::CSA) {
        auto ikrum = config_.get<double>("krummenacher_current");
        if(ikrum <= 0) {
                config_, "krummenacher_current", "The Krummenacher feedback current has to be positive definite.");

        auto capacitance_input =
            config_.get<double>("input_capacitance"); // C_input = C_detector + C_feedback + C_parasitics
        auto capacitance_feedback = config_.get<double>("feedback_capacitance");
        auto capacitance_output = config_.get<double>("amp_output_capacitance");
        auto gm = config_.get<double>("transconductance");
        auto n_wi = config_.get<double>("weak_inversion_slope");
        auto boltzmann_kT = Units::get(8.6173333e-5, "eV/K") * config_.get<double>("temperature");

        // helper variables: transconductance and resistance in the feedback loop
        // weak inversion: gf = I/(n V_t) (e.g. Binkley "Tradeoff and Optimisation in Analog CMOS design")
        // n is the weak inversion slope factor (degradation of exponential MOS drain current compared to bipolar transistor
        // collector current) and it is process specific
        // n_wi typically 1.5, for circuit described in  Kleczek 2016 JINST11 C12001: I->I_krumm/2
        auto transconductance_feedback = ikrum / (2.0 * n_wi * boltzmann_kT);
        auto resistance_feedback = 2. / transconductance_feedback; // feedback resistor
        auto tauF = resistance_feedback * capacitance_feedback;
        auto tauR = (capacitance_input * capacitance_output) / (gm * capacitance_feedback);

        calculate_impulse_response_ =
            std::make_unique<TFormula>("response_function", "[0]*(TMath::Exp(-x/[1])-TMath::Exp(-x/[2]))/([1]-[2])");
        calculate_impulse_response_->SetParameters(resistance_feedback, tauF, tauR);

        LOG(DEBUG) << "Parameters: rf = " << Units::display(resistance_feedback, "V*s/C")
                   << ", capacitance_feedback = " << Units::display(capacitance_feedback, {"C/V", "fC/mV"})
                   << ", capacitance_input = " << Units::display(capacitance_input, {"C/V", "fC/mV"})
                   << ", capacitance_output = " << Units::display(capacitance_output, {"C/V", "fC/mV"})
                   << ", gm = " << Units::display(gm, "C/s/V")
                   << ", tauF = " << Units::display(tauF, {"ns", "us", "ms", "s"})
                   << ", tauR = " << Units::display(tauR, {"ns", "us", "ms", "s"}) << ", weak_inversion_slope = " << n_wi
                   << ", temperature = " << Units::display(config_.get<double>("temperature"), "K");
    } else if(model_ == DigitizerType::CUSTOM) {
        calculate_impulse_response_ =
            std::make_unique<TFormula>("response_function", (config_.get<std::string>("response_function")).c_str());

        if(!calculate_impulse_response_->IsValid()) {
            throw InvalidValueError(
                config_, "response_function", "The response function is not a valid ROOT::TFormula expression.");

        if(calculate_impulse_response_->GetNdim() != 1) {
            throw InvalidValueError(config_,
                                    "The response function has " +
                                        allpix::to_string(calculate_impulse_response_->GetNdim()) +
                                        " dimensions, only one expected.");

        auto parameters = config_.getArray<double>("response_parameters");

        // check if number of parameters match up
        if(static_cast<size_t>(calculate_impulse_response_->GetNpar()) != parameters.size()) {
            throw InvalidValueError(
                "The number of function parameters does not line up with the amount of parameters in the function.");

        for(size_t n = 0; n < parameters.size(); ++n) {
            calculate_impulse_response_->SetParameter(static_cast<int>(n), parameters[n]);

        LOG(DEBUG) << "Response function successfully initialized with " << parameters.size() << " parameters";

    output_plots_ = config_.get<bool>("output_plots");
    output_pulsegraphs_ = config_.get<bool>("output_pulsegraphs");

    // Enable multithreading of this module if multithreading is enabled and no per-event output plots are requested:
    // FIXME: Review if this is really the case or we can still use multithreading
    if(!output_pulsegraphs_) {
    } else {
        LOG(WARNING) << "Per-event pulse graphs requested, disabling parallel event processing";

void CSADigitizerModule::initialize() {

    // Check for sensible configuration of threshold:
    if(ignore_polarity_ && threshold_ < 0) {
            << "Negative threshold configured but signal polarity is ignored, this might lead to unexpected results.";

    if(output_plots_) {
        LOG(TRACE) << "Creating output plots";

        // Plot axis are in kilo electrons - convert from framework units!
        int maximum = static_cast<int>(Units::convert(config_.get<int>("output_plots_scale"), "ke"));
        auto nbins = config_.get<int>("output_plots_bins");

        // Create histograms if needed
        h_tot = CreateHistogram<TH1D>(
            (store_tot_ ? "Time-over-Threshold;time over threshold [clk];pixels" : "Signal;signal;pixels"),
            (store_tot_ ? static_cast<int>(integration_time_ / clockToT_) : nbins),
            (store_tot_ ? integration_time_ / clockToT_ : 1000));
        h_toa = CreateHistogram<TH1D>(
            (store_toa_ ? "Time-of-Arrival;time of arrival [clk];pixels" : "Time-of-Arrival;time of arrival [ns];pixels"),
            (store_toa_ ? static_cast<int>(integration_time_ / clockToA_) : nbins),
            (store_toa_ ? integration_time_ / clockToA_ : integration_time_));
        h_pxq_vs_tot = CreateHistogram<TH2D>("pxqvstot",
                                             "ToT vs raw pixel charge;pixel charge [ke];ToT [ns]",

void CSADigitizerModule::run(Event* event) {
    auto pixel_message = messenger_->fetchMessage<PixelChargeMessage>(this, event);

    // Loop through all pixels with charges
    std::vector<PixelHit> hits;
    std::vector<PixelPulse> pulses;
    for(const auto& pixel_charge : pixel_message->getData()) {
        auto pixel = pixel_charge.getPixel();
        auto pixel_index = pixel.getIndex();
        auto inputcharge = static_cast<double>(pixel_charge.getCharge());

        LOG(DEBUG) << "Received pixel " << pixel_index << ", charge " << Units::display(inputcharge, "e");

        const auto& pulse = pixel_charge.getPulse(); // the pulse containing charges and times

        if(!pulse.isInitialized()) {
            throw ModuleError("No pulse information available.");

        auto timestep = pulse.getBinning();
        LOG(DEBUG) << "Timestep: " << timestep << " integration_time: " << integration_time_;
        auto ntimepoints = static_cast<size_t>(std::lround(integration_time_ / timestep));

        std::call_once(first_event_flag_, [&]() {
            // initialize impulse response function - assume all time bins are equal
            for(size_t itimepoint = 0; itimepoint < ntimepoints; ++itimepoint) {
                    calculate_impulse_response_->Eval(timestep * static_cast<double>(itimepoint)));

            if(output_plots_) {
                // Generate x-axis:
                std::vector<double> time(impulse_response_function_.size());
                // clang-format off
                std::generate(time.begin(), time.end(), [n = 0.0, timestep]() mutable {  auto now = n; n += timestep; return now; });
                // clang-format on

                auto* response_graph = new TGraph(
                response_graph->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("t [ns]");
                response_graph->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("amp. response");
                response_graph->SetTitle("Amplifier response function");
                getROOTDirectory()->WriteTObject(response_graph, "response_function");

            LOG(INFO) << "Initialized impulse response with timestep " << Units::display(timestep, {"ps", "ns", "us"})
                      << " and integration time " << Units::display(integration_time_, {"ns", "us", "ms"})
                      << ", samples: " << ntimepoints;

        Pulse amplified_pulse(timestep, integration_time_);
        LOG(TRACE) << "Preparing pulse for pixel " << pixel_index << ", " << pulse.size() << " bins of "
                   << Units::display(timestep, {"ps", "ns"}) << ", total charge: " << Units::display(pulse.getCharge(), "e");

        // Convolution of the input pulse with the impulse response (size ntimepoints)
        for(size_t k = 0; k < ntimepoints; ++k) {
            double outsum{};
            // Convolution: multiply - i) *, when (k - i) < input length
            // -> no point to start i at 0, start from jmin:
            size_t jmin = (k >= pulse.size() - 1) ? k - (pulse.size() - 1) : 0;
            for(size_t i = jmin; i <= k; ++i) {
                outsum += - i) *;
            amplified_pulse.addCharge(outsum, timestep * static_cast<double>(k));

        if(output_pulsegraphs_) {
            // Fill a graph with the pulse:
                                      std::to_string(pixel_index.x()) + "-" + std::to_string(pixel_index.y()),
                                      "Amplifier signal without noise",

        // Apply noise to the amplified pulse
        allpix::normal_distribution<double> pulse_smearing(0, sigmaNoise_);
        LOG(TRACE) << "Adding electronics noise with sigma = " << Units::display(sigmaNoise_, {"mV", "V"});
                       [&pulse_smearing, &event](auto& c) { return c + (pulse_smearing(event->getRandomEngine())); });

        // Fill a graphs with the individual pixel pulses:
        if(output_pulsegraphs_) {
                                      std::to_string(pixel_index.x()) + "-" + std::to_string(pixel_index.y()),
                                      "Amplifier signal with added noise",

        // Store amplified pulse fir dispatch
        pulses.emplace_back(pixel, amplified_pulse, &pixel_charge);

        // Find threshold crossing - if any:
        auto arrival = get_toa(timestep, amplified_pulse);
        if(!std::get<0>(arrival)) {
            LOG(DEBUG) << "Amplified signal never crossed threshold, continuing.";

        // Decide whether to store ToA or arrival time:
        auto time = (store_toa_ ? static_cast<double>(std::get<1>(arrival)) : std::get<2>(arrival));

        // Decide whether to store ToT or the pulse integral:
        auto charge = (store_tot_ ? static_cast<double>(get_tot(timestep, std::get<2>(arrival), amplified_pulse))
                                  : std::accumulate(amplified_pulse.begin(), amplified_pulse.end(), 0.0));

        LOG(DEBUG) << "Pixel " << pixel_index << ": time "
                   << (store_toa_ ? std::to_string(static_cast<int>(time)) + "clk"
                                  : Units::display(time, {"ps", "ns", "us"}))
                   << ", signal "
                   << (store_tot_ ? std::to_string(static_cast<int>(charge)) + "clk"
                                  : Units::display(charge, {"V*s", "mV*s"}));

        // Fill histograms if requested
        if(output_plots_) {
            h_pxq_vs_tot->Fill(inputcharge / 1e3, charge);

        // Add the hit to the hitmap
            pixel, time, pixel_charge.getGlobalTime() + std::get<2>(arrival), charge, &pixel_charge, &pulses.back());

    // Output summary and update statistics
    LOG(INFO) << "Digitized " << hits.size() << " pixel hits";

    if(!pulses.empty()) {
        // Create and dispatch hit message
        auto pulses_message = std::make_shared<PixelPulseMessage>(std::move(pulses), getDetector());
        messenger_->dispatchMessage(this, pulses_message, event);

    if(!hits.empty()) {
        // Create and dispatch hit message
        auto hits_message = std::make_shared<PixelHitMessage>(std::move(hits), getDetector());
        messenger_->dispatchMessage(this, hits_message, event);

std::tuple<bool, unsigned int, double> CSADigitizerModule::get_toa(double timestep, const std::vector<double>& pulse) const {

    LOG(TRACE) << "Calculating time-of-arrival";
    bool threshold_crossed = false;
    unsigned int comparator_cycles = 0;
    double arrival_time = 0;

    // Lambda for threshold calculation:
    auto is_above_threshold = [this](double bin) {
        if(ignore_polarity_) {
            return (std::fabs(bin) > std::fabs(threshold_));
        } else {
            return (threshold_ > 0 ? bin > threshold_ : bin < threshold_);

    // Find the point where the signal crosses the threshold, latch ToA
    while(arrival_time < integration_time_) {
        auto bin =<size_t>(std::floor(arrival_time / timestep)));
        if(is_above_threshold(bin)) {
            threshold_crossed = true;
        arrival_time += (store_toa_ ? clockToA_ : timestep);
    return {threshold_crossed, comparator_cycles, arrival_time};

unsigned int CSADigitizerModule::get_tot(double timestep, double arrival_time, const std::vector<double>& pulse) const {

    LOG(TRACE) << "Calculating time-over-threshold, starting at " << Units::display(arrival_time, {"ps", "ns", "us"});
    unsigned int tot_clock_cycles = 0;

    // Lambda for threshold calculation:
    auto is_below_threshold = [this](double bin) {
        if(ignore_polarity_) {
            return (std::fabs(bin) < std::fabs(threshold_));
        } else {
            return (threshold_ > 0 ? bin < threshold_ : bin > threshold_);

    // Start calculation from the next ToT clock cycle following the threshold crossing
    auto tot_time = clockToT_ * std::ceil(arrival_time / clockToT_);
    while(tot_time < integration_time_) {
        auto bin =<size_t>(std::floor(tot_time / timestep)));
        if(is_below_threshold(bin)) {
        tot_time += clockToT_;
    return tot_clock_cycles;

void CSADigitizerModule::create_output_pulsegraphs(const std::string& s_event_num,
                                                   const std::string& s_pixel_index,
                                                   const std::string& s_name,
                                                   const std::string& s_title,
                                                   double timestep,
                                                   const std::vector<double>& plot_pulse_vec) {

    // Generate x-axis:
    std::vector<double> amptime(plot_pulse_vec.size());
    // clang-format off
    std::generate(amptime.begin(), amptime.end(), [n = 0.0, timestep]() mutable {  auto now = n; n += timestep; return now; });
    // clang-format on

    // scale the y-axis values to be in mV instead of MV
    std::vector<double> pulse_in_mV(plot_pulse_vec.size());
        plot_pulse_vec.begin(), plot_pulse_vec.end(), pulse_in_mV.begin(), [](auto& c) { return Units::convert(c, "mV"); });

    std::string name = s_name + "_ev" + s_event_num + "_px" + s_pixel_index;
    auto* csa_pulse_graph = new TGraph(static_cast<int>(pulse_in_mV.size()),,;
    csa_pulse_graph->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("t [ns]");
    csa_pulse_graph->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("CSA output [mV]");
    csa_pulse_graph->SetTitle((s_title + " in pixel (" + s_pixel_index + ")").c_str());
    getROOTDirectory()->WriteTObject(csa_pulse_graph, name.c_str());

void CSADigitizerModule::finalize() {
    if(output_plots_) {
        // Write histograms
        LOG(TRACE) << "Writing output plots to file";

Updated on 2024-09-10 at 06:59:19 +0000