Implementation of CorryvreckanWriter module. More…
Detailed Description
Implementation of CorryvreckanWriter module.
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2017-2024 CERN and the Allpix Squared authors. This software is distributed under the terms of the MIT License, copied verbatim in the file “”. In applying this license, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization or submit itself to any jurisdiction. SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
Source code
#include "CorryvreckanWriterModule.hpp"
#include <Math/RotationZYX.h>
#include <TProcessID.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "core/utils/log.h"
using namespace allpix;
CorryvreckanWriterModule::CorryvreckanWriterModule(Configuration& config, Messenger* messenger, GeometryManager* geoManager)
: SequentialModule(config), messenger_(messenger), geometryManager_(geoManager) {
// Enable multithreading of this module if multithreading is enabled
// Require PixelHit messages for single detector
messenger_->bindMulti<PixelHitMessage>(this, MsgFlags::REQUIRED);
config_.setDefault("file_name", "corryvreckanOutput.root");
config_.setDefault("geometry_file", "corryvreckanGeometry.conf");
config_.setDefault("global_timing", false);
config_.setDefault("output_mctruth", true);
// Set up the output trees
void CorryvreckanWriterModule::initialize() {
// Check if MC data to be saved
output_mc_truth_ = config_.get<bool>("output_mctruth");
reference_ = config_.get<std::string>("reference");
if(!geometryManager_->hasDetector(reference_)) {
throw InvalidValueError(config_, "reference", "detector not defined");
dut_ = config_.getArray<std::string>("dut", std::vector<std::string>());
for(auto& dut : dut_) {
if(!geometryManager_->hasDetector(dut)) {
throw InvalidValueError(config_, "dut", "detector not defined");
// Select pixel hit timing information to be saved:
timing_global_ = config_.get<bool>("global_timing");
// Create output file and directories
fileName_ = createOutputFile(config_.get<std::string>("file_name"), "root");
LOG(TRACE) << "Creating output file \"" << fileName_ << "\"";
output_file_ = std::make_unique<TFile>(fileName_.c_str(), "RECREATE");
// Create geometry file:
geometryFileName_ = createOutputFile(config_.get<std::string>("geometry_file"), "conf");
// Create trees:
LOG(TRACE) << "Booking event tree";
event_tree_ = std::make_unique<TTree>("Event", (std::string("Tree of Events").c_str()));
event_tree_->Bronch("global", "corryvreckan::Event", &event_);
LOG(TRACE) << "Booking pixel tree";
pixel_tree_ = std::make_unique<TTree>("Pixel", (std::string("Tree of Pixels").c_str()));
if(output_mc_truth_) {
LOG(TRACE) << "Booking MCParticle tree";
mcparticle_tree_ = std::make_unique<TTree>("MCParticle", (std::string("Tree of MCParticles").c_str()));
// Initialise the time
time_ = 0;
// Make instantiations of Corryvreckan pixels, and store these in the trees during run time
void CorryvreckanWriterModule::run(Event* event) {
auto root_lock = root_process_lock();
auto pixel_messages = messenger_->fetchMultiMessage<PixelHitMessage>(this, event);
// Retrieve current object count:
auto object_count = TProcessID::GetObjectCount();
LOG(TRACE) << "Processing event " << event->number;
// Create and store a new Event:
event_ = new corryvreckan::Event(time_, time_ + 5);
LOG(DEBUG) << "Defining event for Corryvreckan: [" << Units::display(event_->start(), {"ns", "um"}) << ","
<< Units::display(event_->end(), {"ns", "um"}) << "]";
// Events start with 1, pre-filling only with empty events before:
auto event_id = event->number - 1;
// Loop through all received messages
for(auto& message : pixel_messages) {
auto detector_name = message->getDetector()->getName();
// Calculate coordinate system offset for MC truth storage
// Corryvreckan coordinates originate at the center of the matrix
auto detector_model = message->getDetector()->getModel();
auto pixel_size = detector_model->getPixelSize();
ROOT::Math::XYZVector offset(pixel_size.X() / 2, pixel_size.Y() / 2, 0);
offset -= detector_model->getMatrixSize() / 2;
LOG(DEBUG) << "Received " << message->getData().size() << " pixel hits from detector " << detector_name;
if(write_list_px_.find(detector_name) == write_list_px_.end()) {
write_list_px_[detector_name] = new std::vector<corryvreckan::Pixel*>();
if(event_id > 0) {
LOG(DEBUG) << "Pre-filling new branch " << detector_name << " of corryvreckan::Pixel with " << event_id
<< " empty events";
auto* branch = pixel_tree_->GetBranch(detector_name.c_str());
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < event_id; ++i) {
if(output_mc_truth_ && write_list_mcp_.find(detector_name) == write_list_mcp_.end()) {
write_list_mcp_[detector_name] = new std::vector<corryvreckan::MCParticle*>();
if(event_id > 0) {
LOG(DEBUG) << "Pre-filling new branch " << detector_name << " of corryvreckan::MCParticle with " << event_id
<< " empty events";
auto* branch = mcparticle_tree_->GetBranch(detector_name.c_str());
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < event_id; ++i) {
// Fill the branch vector
for(const auto& apx_pixel : message->getData()) {
auto* corry_pixel = new corryvreckan::Pixel(
(timing_global_ ? event_->start() + apx_pixel.getGlobalTime() : apx_pixel.getLocalTime()));
// If writing MC truth then also write out associated particle info
if(!output_mc_truth_) {
// Get all associated particles
auto mcp = apx_pixel.getMCParticles();
LOG(DEBUG) << "Received " << mcp.size() << " Monte Carlo particles from pixel hit";
for(auto& particle : mcp) {
auto* mcParticle = new corryvreckan::MCParticle(
particle->getLocalStartPoint() + offset,
particle->getLocalEndPoint() + offset,
(timing_global_ ? event_->start() + particle->getGlobalTime() : particle->getLocalTime()));
LOG(TRACE) << "Writing new objects to tree";
if(output_mc_truth_) {
// Clear the current write lists
for(auto& index_data : write_list_px_) {
for(auto& pixel : (*index_data.second)) {
delete pixel;
// Clear the current write lists
for(auto& index_data : write_list_mcp_) {
for(auto& mcp : (*index_data.second)) {
delete mcp;
// Increment the time till the next event
time_ += 10;
// Delete the currently stored event object
delete event_;
// Reset object count:
// Save the output trees to file
void CorryvreckanWriterModule::finalize() {
// Finish writing to output file
// Print statistics
LOG(STATUS) << "Wrote output data to file:" << std::endl << fileName_;
// Loop over all detectors and store the geometry:
// Write geometry:
std::ofstream geometry_file;
if(!geometryFileName_.empty()) {, std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::trunc);
if(!geometry_file.good()) {
throw ModuleError("Cannot write to Corryvreckan geometry file");
geometry_file << "# Allpix Squared detector geometry -" << std::endl << std::endl;
auto detectors = geometryManager_->getDetectors();
for(auto& detector : detectors) {
geometry_file << "[" << detector->getName() << "]" << std::endl;
geometry_file << "position = " << Units::display(detector->getPosition().x(), {"mm", "um"}) << ", "
<< Units::display(detector->getPosition().y(), {"mm", "um"}) << ", "
<< Units::display(detector->getPosition().z(), {"mm", "um"}) << std::endl;
// Transform the rotation matrix to a ZYX rotation and invert it to get a XYZ rotation
// This way we stay compatible to old Corryvreckan versions which only support XYZ.
geometry_file << "orientation_mode = \"xyz\"" << std::endl;
ROOT::Math::RotationZYX rotations(detector->getOrientation().Inverse());
geometry_file << "orientation = " << Units::display(-rotations.Psi(), "deg") << ", "
<< Units::display(-rotations.Theta(), "deg") << ", " << Units::display(-rotations.Phi(), "deg")
<< std::endl;
auto model = detector->getModel();
geometry_file << "type = \"" << model->getType() << "\"" << std::endl;
geometry_file << "pixel_pitch = " << Units::display(model->getPixelSize().x(), "um") << ", "
<< Units::display(model->getPixelSize().y(), "um") << std::endl;
geometry_file << "number_of_pixels = " << model->getNPixels().x() << ", " << model->getNPixels().y()
<< std::endl;
// Time resolution hard-coded as 5ns due to time structure of written out events: events of length 5ns, with a
// gap of 10ns in between events
geometry_file << "time_resolution = 5ns" << std::endl;
std::string roles;
if(detector->getName() == reference_) {
roles += "reference";
if(std::find(dut_.begin(), dut_.end(), detector->getName()) != dut_.end()) {
if(!roles.empty()) {
roles += ",";
roles += "dut";
if(!roles.empty()) {
geometry_file << "role = " << roles << std::endl;
// Get the material budget if available:
auto budget = geometryManager_->getExternalObject<double>(detector->getName(), "material_budget");
if(budget != nullptr) {
LOG(DEBUG) << "Found calculated material budget for detector " << detector->getName() << ", storing.";
geometry_file << "material_budget = " << *budget << std::endl;
geometry_file << std::endl;
Updated on 2025-02-27 at 14:14:46 +0000