- dir src
- dir src/core
- file cpp
Implementation of interface to the core framework. - file hpp
Interface to the core framework. - dir src/core/config
- file cpp
Implementation of config manager. - file hpp
Interface to the main configuration and its normal and special sections. - file cpp
Implementation of config reader. - file hpp
Provides a reader for configuration files. - file cpp
Implementation of configuration. - file hpp
Core object of the configuration system. - file cpp
Implementation of option parser. - file hpp
Option parser for additional command line options. - file cpp
Implementation of configuration exceptions. - file h
Collection of all configuration exceptions.
- file cpp
- dir src/core/geometry
- file cpp
Implementation of detector. - file hpp
Base of detector implementation. - file hpp
Definition of detector assemblies. - file hpp
Definition of detector fields. - file cpp
Implementation of detector model. - file hpp
Base of detector models. - file cpp
Implementation of geometry manager. - file hpp
Keeping track of the global geometry of independent detectors. - file cpp
Implementation of hexagonal pixel detector model. - file hpp
Detector model with hexagonal pixel shape. - file cpp
Implementation of a pixel detector model. - file hpp
Pixel detector model. - file cpp
Implementation of radial strip detector model. - file hpp
Parameters of a radial strip detector model. - file hpp
Definition of support layer. - file h
Collection of all geometry exceptions.
- file cpp
- dir src/core/messenger
- dir src/core/module
- file cpp
Implementation of event. - file hpp
Creation and execution of an event. - file cpp
Implementation of module. - file hpp
Base for the module implementation. - file hpp
Provide an identifier for module instances. - file cpp
Implementation of module manager. - file hpp
Loading and execution of all modules. - file cpp
Implementation of thread pool for concurrent events. - file hpp
Definition of thread pool for concurrent events. - file cpp
Special file automatically included in the modules for the dynamic loading. - file h
Collection of all module exceptions.
- file cpp
- dir src/core/utils
- file h
Wrapper for Boost.Random random number distributions used for portability. - file h
Base exceptions used in the framework. - file cpp
Implementation of logger. - file h
Provides a logger and macros for convenient access. - file h
Provides a wrapper around the STL pseudo-random number generator Mersenne Twister. - file cpp
Implementation of string utilities. - file h
Collection of string utilities. - file h
Tags for type dispatching and run time type identification. - file cpp
Implementation of unit system. - file h
System to support units in the framework.
- file h
- file cpp
- dir src/exec
- file cpp
Executable running the framework.
- file cpp
- dir src/modules
- dir src/modules/CSADigitizer
- dir src/modules/CapacitiveTransfer
- dir src/modules/CorryvreckanWriter
- dir src/modules/DatabaseWriter
- dir src/modules/DefaultDigitizer
- dir src/modules/DepositionCosmics
- file cpp
Implements the interface of the Geant4 ParticleGun to CRY. - file hpp
Defines the CRY interface to Geant4. - file cpp
Implementation of DepositionCosmics module. - file hpp
Definition of DepositionCosmics module. - file cpp
Implementation of the CRY RNG wrapper class. - file hpp
Definition of the CRY RNG wrapper class.
- file cpp
- dir src/modules/DepositionGeant4
- file hpp
Defines the worker initialization class. - file hpp
Handler for implementation of additional PhysicsLists included in AllPix2 but not in the G4PhysListFactory. - file cpp
Implementation of Geant4 deposition module. - file hpp
Definition of Geant4 deposition module. - file cpp
Implements the particle generator. - file hpp
Defines the particle generator. - file cpp
Implementation of SDAndFieldConstruction. - file hpp
Constructs the sensitive detector and the magnetic field. - file cpp
Implements the handling of the sensitive device. - file hpp
Defines the handling of the sensitive device. - file cpp
Implements a user hook for Geant4 to assign custom track information via TrackInfoG4 objects. - file hpp
Defines a user hook for Geant4 to assign custom track information via TrackInfoG4 objects. This includes custom (unique) track ids. - file cpp
Implements a user hook for Geant4 stepping action to catch problematic events and abort them. - file hpp
Defines a user hook for Geant4 stepping action to catch problematic events and abort them. - file cpp
Implements a G4VUserTrackInformation to carry unique track and parent track IDs. - file hpp
Defines a concrete implementation of a G4VUserTrackInformation to carry unique track and parent track IDs as well as create and dispatch MCTracks which are the AP2 representation of a Monte-Carlo trajectory. - file cpp
Implementation of the TrackInfoManager class. - file hpp
The TrackInfoManager class, contains a factory method for TrackInfoG4 to be used in AP2 as well as handling and dispatching MCTracks.
- file hpp
- dir src/modules/DepositionGenerator
- file hpp
Defines the worker initialization class. - file cpp
Implementation of the DepositionGenerator module. - file hpp
Definition of the DepositionGenerator module. - file cpp
Implements the interface to the Geant4 ParticleGun. - file hpp
- file hpp
Defines a generic and purely virtual particle reader interface class. - file cpp
Implements the GENIE MC generator file reader module for primary particles. - file hpp
Defines the GENIE MC generator file reader module for primary particles. - file cpp
Implements the HepMC3 generator file reader module for primary particles. - file hpp
Defines the HepMC generator file reader module for primary particles.
- file hpp
- dir src/modules/DepositionLaser
- dir src/modules/DepositionPointCharge
- dir src/modules/DepositionReader
- dir src/modules/DetectorHistogrammer
- dir src/modules/DopingProfileReader
- dir src/modules/Dummy
- dir src/modules/ElectricFieldReader
- dir src/modules/GDMLOutputWriter
- dir src/modules/GenericPropagation
- dir src/modules/GeometryBuilderGeant4
- file cpp
Implements the Geant4 geometry construction process. - file hpp
Defines the internal Geant4 geometry construction. - file cpp
Implementation of Geant4 geometry construction module. - file hpp
Definition of Geant4 geometry construction module. - file cpp
Implements the Geant4 geometry construction process. - file hpp
Defines the internal Geant4 geometry construction. - file cpp
Implementation of material manager for Geant4. - file hpp
Light-weigth material manager for the GeometryBuilderGeant4 module. - file cpp
Implements 2D Geant4 parameterization grid of elements. - file hpp
Defines 2D Geant4 parameterization grid of elements. - file cpp
Wrapper for the Geant4 Passive Material Construction. - file hpp
Wrapper for the Geant4 Passive Material Construction. - file cpp
Implements the construction of passive material volumes. - file hpp
Base of passive material volumes. - dir src/modules/GeometryBuilderGeant4/passive_models
- file cpp
- dir src/modules/InducedTransfer
- dir src/modules/LCIOWriter
- dir src/modules/MagneticFieldReader
- dir src/modules/ProjectionPropagation
- dir src/modules/PulseTransfer
- dir src/modules/RCEWriter
- dir src/modules/ROOTObjectReader
- dir src/modules/ROOTObjectWriter
- dir src/modules/SimpleTransfer
- dir src/modules/TextWriter
- dir src/modules/TransientPropagation
- dir src/modules/VisualizationGeant4
- dir src/modules/WeightingPotentialReader
- dir src/objects
- file cpp
Implementation of deposited charge object. - file hpp
Definition of deposited charge object. - file h
Linkdef for ROOT Class generation. - file cpp
Implementation of Monte-Carlo particle object. - file hpp
Definition of Monte-Carlo particle object. - file cpp
Implementation of Monte-Carlo track object. - file hpp
Definition of Monte-Carlo track object. - file cpp
Implementation of Object base class. - file hpp
Definition of Object base class. - file cpp
Implementation of pixel object. - file hpp
Definition of pixel object. - file cpp
Implementation of object with set of particles at pixel. - file hpp
Definition of object with set of particles at pixel. - file cpp
Implementation of object with digitized pixel hit. - file hpp
Definition of object with digitized pixel hit. - file cpp
Implementation of object with pulse processed by pixel front-end. - file hpp
Definition of object with pulse processed by pixel front-end. - file cpp
Implementation of propagated charge object. - file hpp
Definition of propagated charge object. - file cpp
Implementation of pulse object. - file hpp
Definition of pulse object. - file cpp
Definition of object for charges in sensor. - file hpp
Implementation of object for charges in sensor. - file h
Collection of all object exceptions. - file h
File including all current objects.
- file cpp
- dir src/physics
- file hpp
Definition of charge carrier detrapping models. - file hpp
Definition of impact ionization models. - file hpp
Utility to register unit conversions with the framework’s unit system. - file hpp
Definition of mobility models. - file hpp
Definition of charge carrier recombination models. - file hpp
Definition of charge carrier trapping models. - file h
Collection of model exceptions.
- file hpp
- dir src/tools
- file h
Set of ROOT utilities for framework integration. - file h
Utility to parse INIT-format field files. - file h
Utility to perform Liang-Barsky clipping checks on volumes. - file h
Utility to plot line graph diagrams of charge carrier drift paths. - file h
Utility to execute Runge-Kutta integration using Eigen. - dir src/tools/geant4
- file hpp
Set of Geant4 utilities for framework integration. - file cpp
Implementation of Geant4 logging destination. - file hpp
Set of Geant4 utilities for framework integration. - file cpp
Implementation of MTRunManager. - file hpp
The MTRunManager class, defines a custom Geant4 RunManager that works with Allpix threads. - file cpp
Implementation of RunManager. - file hpp
The RunManager class, defines a custom Geant4 sequential RunManager that is compatible with MTRunManager. - file hpp
Constructs the sensitive detectors and field for each worker. - file cpp
Implementation of WorkerRunManager. - file hpp
The WorkerRunManager class, run manager for Geant4 that works on separate thread. - file h
Set of Geant4 utilities for framework integration.
- file hpp
- file h
Utility to perform fast pow interpolation from tabulated data. - file h
Utility to register unit conversions with the framework’s unit system.
- file h
- dir src/core
- dir tools
- dir tools/apf_tools
- dir tools/mesh_converter
- dir tools/weightingpotential_generator
- file cpp
Updated on 2025-02-27 at 14:14:46 +0000