
Module: Objects

Base object for charge deposits and propagated charges in the sensor.

#include <SensorCharge.hpp>

Inherits from allpix::Object, TObject

Inherited by allpix::DepositedCharge, allpix::PropagatedCharge

Public Functions

SensorCharge(ROOT::Math::XYZPoint local_position, ROOT::Math::XYZPoint global_position, CarrierType type, unsigned int charge, double local_time, double global_time)
Construct a set of charges in a sensor.
ROOT::Math::XYZPoint getLocalPosition() const
Get local position of the set of charges in the sensor.
ROOT::Math::XYZPoint getGlobalPosition() const
Get the global position of the set of charges in the sensor.
CarrierType getType() const
Get the type of charge carrier.
unsigned int getCharge() const
Get total amount of charges stored.
long getSign() const
Get the sign of the charge for set of charge carriers.
double getGlobalTime() const
Get time after start of event in global reference frame.
double getLocalTime() const
Get local time in the sensor.
virtual void print(std::ostream & out) const override
Print an ASCII representation of SensorCharge to the given stream.
ClassDefOverride(SensorCharge , 3 )
ROOT class definition.
SensorCharge() =default
Default constructor for ROOT I/O.

Additional inherited members

Public Classes inherited from allpix::Object

class BaseWrapper
class PointerWrapper

Public Functions inherited from allpix::Object

Object(const Object & ) =default
Use default copy behaviour.
Object & operator=(const Object & ) =default
Use default copy behaviour.
Object(Object && ) =default
Use default move behaviour.
Object & operator=(Object && ) =default
Use default move behaviour.
Object() =default
Required default constructor.
~Object() override =default
Required virtual destructor.
virtual void loadHistory() =0
Resolve all the history to standard pointers.
virtual void petrifyHistory() =0
Petrify all the pointers to prepare for persistent storage.
void markForStorage()

Protected Functions inherited from allpix::Object

void Print(Option_t * ) const override
Override function to implement ROOTPrint()

Friends inherited from allpix::Object

std::ostream & operator«(std::ostream & out, const allpix::Object & obj)
Overloaded ostream operator for printing of object data.

Public Functions Documentation

function SensorCharge

    ROOT::Math::XYZPoint local_position,
    ROOT::Math::XYZPoint global_position,
    CarrierType type,
    unsigned int charge,
    double local_time,
    double global_time

Construct a set of charges in a sensor.


  • local_position Local position of the set of charges in the sensor
  • global_position Global position of the set of charges in the sensor
  • type Type of the carrier
  • charge Total charge at position
  • local_time Time in local sensor reference
  • global_time Total time after event start in global reference system

function getLocalPosition

ROOT::Math::XYZPoint getLocalPosition() const

Get local position of the set of charges in the sensor.

Return: Local position of charges

function getGlobalPosition

ROOT::Math::XYZPoint getGlobalPosition() const

Get the global position of the set of charges in the sensor.

function getType

CarrierType getType() const

Get the type of charge carrier.

Return: Type of charge carrier

function getCharge

unsigned int getCharge() const

Get total amount of charges stored.

Return: Total charge stored

function getSign

long getSign() const

Get the sign of the charge for set of charge carriers.

Return: Sign of the charge

function getGlobalTime

double getGlobalTime() const

Get time after start of event in global reference frame.

Return: Time from start event

function getLocalTime

double getLocalTime() const

Get local time in the sensor.

Return: Time with respect to local sensor

function print

virtual void print(
    std::ostream & out
) const override

Print an ASCII representation of SensorCharge to the given stream.


  • out Stream to print to

Reimplements: allpix::Object::print

function ClassDefOverride

    SensorCharge ,

ROOT class definition.

function SensorCharge

SensorCharge() =default

Default constructor for ROOT I/O.

Updated on 2025-02-27 at 14:14:46 +0000