
Class to perform arbitrary Runge-Kutta integration. More…

#include <runge_kutta.h>

Public Classes

class Step
Utility type to return both the value and the error at every step.

Public Types

using std::function< Eigen::Matrix< T, D, 1 >(T, Eigen::Matrix< T, D, 1 >)> StepFunction
Stepping function to integrate a single step of the equations.

Public Functions

RungeKutta(Eigen::Matrix< T, S+2, S > tableau, StepFunction function, T step_size, Eigen::Matrix< T, D, 1 > initial_y, T initial_t =0)
Construct a Runge-Kutta integrator.
void setTimeStep(T step_size)
Changes the time step.
T getTimeStep() const
Return the time step.
void setValue(Eigen::Matrix< T, D, 1 > y)
Changes the current value during integration.
Eigen::Matrix< T, D, 1 > getValue() const
Get the value to integrate.
Eigen::Matrix< T, D, 1 > getError() const
Get the total integration error.
T getTime() const
Get the time during integration.
void advanceTime(double t)
Advance the time of the integration.
Step step()
Execute a single time step of the integration.
Step step(int amount)
Execute multiple time steps of the integration.

Detailed Description

template <typename T ,
int S,
int D =3>
class allpix::RungeKutta;

Class to perform arbitrary Runge-Kutta integration.

Class can be provided a Runge-Kutta tableau (optionally with an error function), together with the dimension of the equations and a step function to integrate a step of the equation. Both the result, error and timestep can be retrieved and changed during the integration.

Public Types Documentation

using StepFunction

using allpix::RungeKutta< T, S, D >::StepFunction =  std::function<Eigen::Matrix<T, D, 1>(T, Eigen::Matrix<T, D, 1>)>;

Stepping function to integrate a single step of the equations.

Public Functions Documentation

function RungeKutta

inline RungeKutta(
    Eigen::Matrix< T, S+2, S > tableau,
    StepFunction function,
    T step_size,
    Eigen::Matrix< T, D, 1 > initial_y,
    T initial_t =0

Construct a Runge-Kutta integrator.


  • tableau One of the possible Runge-Kutta tables (see allpix::tableau should be preferred)
  • function Step function to perform integration
  • step_size Time step of the integration
  • initial_y Start values of the vector to perform integration on
  • initial_t Initial time at the start of the integration

function setTimeStep

inline void setTimeStep(
    T step_size

Changes the time step.


  • step_size New time step of the integration

function getTimeStep

inline T getTimeStep() const

Return the time step.

Return: Current time step of the integration

function setValue

inline void setValue(
    Eigen::Matrix< T, D, 1 > y

Changes the current value during integration.

Note: Can be used to add additional processes during the integration

function getValue

inline Eigen::Matrix< T, D, 1 > getValue() const

Get the value to integrate.

Return: Current value

function getError

inline Eigen::Matrix< T, D, 1 > getError() const

Get the total integration error.

Return: Total integrated error

function getTime

inline T getTime() const

Get the time during integration.

Return: Current time

function advanceTime

inline void advanceTime(
    double t

Advance the time of the integration.


  • t Time step to advance the integration by

function step

inline Step step()

Execute a single time step of the integration.

Return: Combination of the current value and the error in this single step

function step

inline Step step(
    int amount

Execute multiple time steps of the integration.


  • amount Number of steps to combine

Return: Combination of the current value and the total error in all the steps

Updated on 2025-02-27 at 14:14:46 +0000