
Internal identifier for a module. More…

#include <ModuleIdentifier.hpp>

Public Functions

bool operator==(const ModuleIdentifier & other) const
Operators for comparing identifiers.
bool operator!=(const ModuleIdentifier & other) const
Operators for comparing identifiers.
bool operator<(const ModuleIdentifier & other) const
Operators for comparing identifiers.
bool operator<=(const ModuleIdentifier & other) const
Operators for comparing identifiers.
bool operator>(const ModuleIdentifier & other) const
Operators for comparing identifiers.
bool operator>=(const ModuleIdentifier & other) const
Operators for comparing identifiers.
ModuleIdentifier() =default
Constructs an empty identifier.
ModuleIdentifier(std::string module_name, std::string identifier, int prio)
Construct an identifier.
const std::string & getName() const
Get the name of the module.
const std::string & getIdentifier() const
Get the identifier of the instantiation.
std::string getUniqueName() const
Get the unique name of the instantiation.
int getPriority() const
Get the priority of the instantiation.

Detailed Description

class allpix::ModuleIdentifier;

Internal identifier for a module.

Used by the framework to distinguish between different module instantiations and their priority.

Public Functions Documentation

function operator==

inline bool operator==(
    const ModuleIdentifier & other
) const

Operators for comparing identifiers.

Identifiers are compared on their unique name and their priorities

function operator!=

inline bool operator!=(
    const ModuleIdentifier & other
) const

Operators for comparing identifiers.

Identifiers are compared on their unique name and their priorities

function operator<

inline bool operator<(
    const ModuleIdentifier & other
) const

Operators for comparing identifiers.

Identifiers are compared on their unique name and their priorities

function operator<=

inline bool operator<=(
    const ModuleIdentifier & other
) const

Operators for comparing identifiers.

Identifiers are compared on their unique name and their priorities

function operator>

inline bool operator>(
    const ModuleIdentifier & other
) const

Operators for comparing identifiers.

Identifiers are compared on their unique name and their priorities

function operator>=

inline bool operator>=(
    const ModuleIdentifier & other
) const

Operators for comparing identifiers.

Identifiers are compared on their unique name and their priorities

function ModuleIdentifier

ModuleIdentifier() =default

Constructs an empty identifier.

function ModuleIdentifier

inline ModuleIdentifier(
    std::string module_name,
    std::string identifier,
    int prio

Construct an identifier.


  • module_name Name of the module
  • identifier Unique identifier for the instantiation
  • prio Priority of this module

function getName

inline const std::string & getName() const

Get the name of the module.

Return: Module name

function getIdentifier

inline const std::string & getIdentifier() const

Get the identifier of the instantiation.

Return: Module identifier

function getUniqueName

inline std::string getUniqueName() const

Get the unique name of the instantiation.

Return: Unique module name

The unique name of the module is the name combined with its identifier separated by a semicolon.

function getPriority

inline int getPriority() const

Get the priority of the instantiation.

Return: Priority level

Warning: It is important to realize that the priority is ordered from high to low numbers

A lower number indicates a higher priority

Updated on 2025-02-27 at 14:14:46 +0000