
Module: Objects

Monte-Carlo track through the world.

#include <MCTrack.hpp>

Inherits from allpix::Object, TObject

Public Functions

MCTrack(ROOT::Math::XYZPoint start_point, ROOT::Math::XYZPoint end_point, std::string g4_volume_start, std::string g4_volume_end, std::string g4_prod_process_name, int g4_prod_process_type, int particle_id, double start_time, double end_time, double initial_kin_E, double final_kin_E, double initial_tot_E, double final_tot_E)
Construct a Monte-Carlo track.
ROOT::Math::XYZPoint getStartPoint() const
Get the point of where the track originated.
ROOT::Math::XYZPoint getEndPoint() const
Get the point of where the track terminated.
double getGlobalStartTime() const
Get the time of first appearance of this track.
double getGlobalEndTime() const
Get the time of last appearance of this track.
int getParticleID() const
Get PDG particle id for the particle.
int getCreationProcessType() const
Get the Geant4 internal ID of the process which created the particle.
double getKineticEnergyInitial() const
Getter for the kinetic energy the particle had when the track was created.
double getTotalEnergyInitial() const
Getter for the total energy (i.e. kinetic energy and dynamic mass) the particle had when the track was created.
double getKineticEnergyFinal() const
Getter for the kinetic energy the particle had when the track terminated.
double getTotalEnergyFinal() const
Getter for the total energy (i.e. kinetic energy and dynamic mass) the particle had when the track terminated.
std::string getOriginatingVolumeName() const
Getter for the Geant4 name of the physical volume in which the track originated.
std::string getTerminatingVolumeName() const
Getter for the Geant4 name of the physical volume in which the track terminated.
std::string getCreationProcessName() const
Getter for the name of the process which created this particle.
const MCTrack * getParent() const
Get the parent MCTrack if it has one.
void setParent(const MCTrack * mc_track)
Set the Monte-Carlo parent track.
virtual void print(std::ostream & out) const override
Print an ASCII representation of MCTrack to the given stream.
ClassDefOverride(MCTrack , 6 )
ROOT class definition.
MCTrack() =default
Default constructor for ROOT I/O.
virtual void loadHistory() override
Resolve all the history to standard pointers.
virtual void petrifyHistory() override
Petrify all the pointers to prepare for persistent storage.

Additional inherited members

Public Classes inherited from allpix::Object

class BaseWrapper
class PointerWrapper

Public Functions inherited from allpix::Object

Object(const Object & ) =default
Use default copy behaviour.
Object & operator=(const Object & ) =default
Use default copy behaviour.
Object(Object && ) =default
Use default move behaviour.
Object & operator=(Object && ) =default
Use default move behaviour.
Object() =default
Required default constructor.
~Object() override =default
Required virtual destructor.
void markForStorage()

Protected Functions inherited from allpix::Object

void Print(Option_t * ) const override
Override function to implement ROOTPrint()

Friends inherited from allpix::Object

std::ostream & operator«(std::ostream & out, const allpix::Object & obj)
Overloaded ostream operator for printing of object data.

Public Functions Documentation

function MCTrack

    ROOT::Math::XYZPoint start_point,
    ROOT::Math::XYZPoint end_point,
    std::string g4_volume_start,
    std::string g4_volume_end,
    std::string g4_prod_process_name,
    int g4_prod_process_type,
    int particle_id,
    double start_time,
    double end_time,
    double initial_kin_E,
    double final_kin_E,
    double initial_tot_E,
    double final_tot_E

Construct a Monte-Carlo track.


  • start_point Global point where track came into existence
  • end_point Global point where track went out of existence
  • g4_volume_start Geant4 volume where track originated in
  • g4_volume_end Geant4 volume where track terminated in
  • g4_prod_process_name Geant4 creation process name
  • g4_prod_process_type Geant4 creation process id
  • particle_id PDG particle id
  • start_time Time of first appearance
  • end_time Time of last appearance
  • initial_kin_E Initial kinetic energy (in MeV)
  • final_kin_E Final kinetic energy (in MeV)
  • initial_tot_E Initial total energy (in MeV)
  • final_tot_E Final total energy (in MeV)

function getStartPoint

ROOT::Math::XYZPoint getStartPoint() const

Get the point of where the track originated.

Return: Track start point

function getEndPoint

ROOT::Math::XYZPoint getEndPoint() const

Get the point of where the track terminated.

Return: Track end point

function getGlobalStartTime

double getGlobalStartTime() const

Get the time of first appearance of this track.

Return: Time of appearance of this track in the global reference system

function getGlobalEndTime

double getGlobalEndTime() const

Get the time of last appearance of this track.

Return: Time of disappearance of this track in the global reference system

function getParticleID

int getParticleID() const

Get PDG particle id for the particle.

Return: Particle id

function getCreationProcessType

int getCreationProcessType() const

Get the Geant4 internal ID of the process which created the particle.

Return: The Geant4 process type or “-1” if no such process exists

function getKineticEnergyInitial

double getKineticEnergyInitial() const

Getter for the kinetic energy the particle had when the track was created.

Return: The kinetic energy in MeV of the particle at the beginning of the track

function getTotalEnergyInitial

double getTotalEnergyInitial() const

Getter for the total energy (i.e. kinetic energy and dynamic mass) the particle had when the track was created.

Return: The total energy in MeV of the particle at the beginning of the track

function getKineticEnergyFinal

double getKineticEnergyFinal() const

Getter for the kinetic energy the particle had when the track terminated.

Return: The kinetic energy in MeV of the particle at the end of the track

function getTotalEnergyFinal

double getTotalEnergyFinal() const

Getter for the total energy (i.e. kinetic energy and dynamic mass) the particle had when the track terminated.

Return: The total energy in MeV of the particle at the end of the track

function getOriginatingVolumeName

std::string getOriginatingVolumeName() const

Getter for the Geant4 name of the physical volume in which the track originated.

Return: The name of the phyical volume

function getTerminatingVolumeName

std::string getTerminatingVolumeName() const

Getter for the Geant4 name of the physical volume in which the track terminated.

Return: The name of the phyical volume

function getCreationProcessName

std::string getCreationProcessName() const

Getter for the name of the process which created this particle.

Return: The process name or “none” if no such process exists

function getParent

const MCTrack * getParent() const

Get the parent MCTrack if it has one.

Return: Parent MCTrack or null pointer if it has no parent

Warning: No MissingReferenceException is thrown, because a track without parent should always be handled.

Object is stored as TRef and can only be accessed if pointed object is in scope

function setParent

void setParent(
    const MCTrack * mc_track

Set the Monte-Carlo parent track.


  • mc_track The Monte-Carlo track

Warning: Special method because parent can only be set after creation, should not be replaced later.

function print

virtual void print(
    std::ostream & out
) const override

Print an ASCII representation of MCTrack to the given stream.


  • out Stream to print to

Reimplements: allpix::Object::print

function ClassDefOverride

    MCTrack ,

ROOT class definition.

function MCTrack

MCTrack() =default

Default constructor for ROOT I/O.

function loadHistory

virtual void loadHistory() override

Resolve all the history to standard pointers.

Reimplements: allpix::Object::loadHistory

function petrifyHistory

virtual void petrifyHistory() override

Petrify all the pointers to prepare for persistent storage.

Reimplements: allpix::Object::petrifyHistory

Updated on 2025-02-27 at 14:14:46 +0000