
Helper class to hold implant definitions for a detector model.

#include <DetectorModel.hpp>

Public Types

enum class Type { FRONTSIDE, BACKSIDE}
enum class Shape { RECTANGLE, ELLIPSE}

Public Functions

ROOT::Math::XYZVector getOffset() const
Get the offset of the implant with respect to the pixel center.
ROOT::Math::RotationZ getOrientation() const
Get the implant orientation as rotation around its z-axis.
ROOT::Math::XYZVector getSize() const
Get the size of the implant.
Type getType() const
Return the type of the implant.
Shape getShape() const
Return the shape of the implant.
bool contains(const ROOT::Math::XYZVector & position) const
helper to calculate containment of points with this implant
const Configuration & getConfiguration() const
Fetch the configuration of this implant.
std::optional< ROOT::Math::XYZPoint > intersect(const ROOT::Math::XYZVector & direction, const ROOT::Math::XYZPoint & position) const
calculate intersection of line segment with implant. The first intersection in the given direction is returned.


class DetectorModel

Public Types Documentation

enum Type

Enumerator Value Description

enum Shape

Enumerator Value Description

Public Functions Documentation

function getOffset

inline ROOT::Math::XYZVector getOffset() const

Get the offset of the implant with respect to the pixel center.

Return: Implant offset

function getOrientation

inline ROOT::Math::RotationZ getOrientation() const

Get the implant orientation as rotation around its z-axis.

Return: Implant orientation

function getSize

inline ROOT::Math::XYZVector getSize() const

Get the size of the implant.

Return: Size of the implant

function getType

inline Type getType() const

Return the type of the implant.

Return: implant type

function getShape

inline Shape getShape() const

Return the shape of the implant.

Return: implant shape

function contains

bool contains(
    const ROOT::Math::XYZVector & position
) const

helper to calculate containment of points with this implant


  • position Position relative to the pixel center

Return: True if point lies within implant, false otherwise

function getConfiguration

inline const Configuration & getConfiguration() const

Fetch the configuration of this implant.

Return: Implant configuration

function intersect

std::optional< ROOT::Math::XYZPoint > intersect(
    const ROOT::Math::XYZVector & direction,
    const ROOT::Math::XYZPoint & position
) const

calculate intersection of line segment with implant. The first intersection in the given direction is returned.


  • direction Direction vector of line
  • position Position vector of line


  • std::invalid_argument if intersection calculation is not implemented for the implant type

Return: Closest intersection point with implant, std::nullopt if none could be found


friend DetectorModel

friend class DetectorModel(

Updated on 2025-02-27 at 14:14:46 +0000