
Logger of the framework to inform the user of process. More…

#include <log.h>

Public Functions

DefaultLogger(const DefaultLogger & ) =delete
Disable copying.
DefaultLogger & operator=(const DefaultLogger & ) =delete
Disable copying.
DefaultLogger(DefaultLogger && ) =default
Use default move behaviour.
DefaultLogger & operator=(DefaultLogger && ) =default
Use default move behaviour.
Construct a logger.
Write the output to the streams and destruct the logger.
std::ostringstream & getStream(LogLevel level =LogLevel::INFO, const std::string & file ="", const std::string & function ="", uint32_t line =0)
Gives a stream to write to using the C++ stream syntax.
std::ostringstream & getProcessStream(std::string identifier, LogLevel level =LogLevel::INFO, const std::string & file ="", const std::string & function ="", uint32_t line =0)
Gives a process stream which updates the same line as long as it is the same.
void finish()
Finish the logging ensuring proper termination of all streams.
LogLevel getReportingLevel()
Get the reporting level for logging.
void setReportingLevel(LogLevel level)
Set a new reporting level to use for logging.
LogLevel getLevelFromString(const std::string & level)
Convert a string to a LogLevel.
std::string getStringFromLevel(LogLevel level)
Convert a LogLevel to a string.
LogFormat getFormat()
Get the logging format.
void setFormat(LogFormat format)
Set a new logging format.
LogFormat getFormatFromString(const std::string & format)
Convert a string to a LogFormat.
std::string getStringFromFormat(LogFormat format)
Convert a LogFormat to a string.
void addStream(std::ostream & stream)
Add a stream to write the log message.
void clearStreams()
Clear and delete all streams that the logger writes to.
const std::vector< std::ostream * > & getStreams()
Return all the streams the logger writes to.
void setSection(std::string header)
Set the section header to use from now on.
std::string getSection()
Get the current section header.
void setEventNum(uint64_t event_num)
Set the current event number from now on.
uint64_t getEventNum()
Get the current event number.

Detailed Description

class allpix::DefaultLogger;

Logger of the framework to inform the user of process.

Should almost never be instantiated directly. The LOG macro should be used instead to pass all the information. This leads to a cleaner interface for sending log messages.

Public Functions Documentation

function DefaultLogger

    const DefaultLogger & 
) =delete

Disable copying.

function operator=

DefaultLogger & operator=(
    const DefaultLogger & 
) =delete

Disable copying.

function DefaultLogger

    DefaultLogger && 
) =default

Use default move behaviour.

function operator=

DefaultLogger & operator=(
    DefaultLogger && 
) =default

Use default move behaviour.

function DefaultLogger


Construct a logger.

The logger will save the number of uncaught exceptions during construction to compare that with the number of exceptions during destruction later.

function ~DefaultLogger


Write the output to the streams and destruct the logger.

The output is written to the streams as soon as the logger gets out-of-scope and destructed. The destructor checks specifically if an exception is thrown while output is written to the stream. In that case the log stream will not be forwarded to the output streams and the message will be discarded.

function getStream

std::ostringstream & getStream(
    LogLevel level =LogLevel::INFO,
    const std::string & file ="",
    const std::string & function ="",
    uint32_t line =0

Gives a stream to write to using the C++ stream syntax.


  • level Logging level
  • file The file name of the file containing the log message
  • function The function containing the log message
  • line The line number of the log message

Return: A C++ stream to write to

This method is typically automatically called by the LOG macro to return a stream after constructing the logger. The header of the stream is added before returning the output stream.

function getProcessStream

std::ostringstream & getProcessStream(
    std::string identifier,
    LogLevel level =LogLevel::INFO,
    const std::string & file ="",
    const std::string & function ="",
    uint32_t line =0

Gives a process stream which updates the same line as long as it is the same.


  • identifier Name to indicate the line, used to distinguish when to update or write new line
  • level Logging level
  • file The file name of the file containing the log message
  • function The function containing the log message
  • line The line number of the log message

Return: A C++ stream to write to

This method is typically automatically called by the LOG_PROGRESS macro. An empty identifier is the same as underscore.

function finish

static void finish()

Finish the logging ensuring proper termination of all streams.

Note: Does not close the streams

Warning: No other log message should be send after this method

function getReportingLevel

static LogLevel getReportingLevel()

Get the reporting level for logging.

Return: The current log level

function setReportingLevel

static void setReportingLevel(
    LogLevel level

Set a new reporting level to use for logging.


  • level The new log level

function getLevelFromString

static LogLevel getLevelFromString(
    const std::string & level

Convert a string to a LogLevel.


  • level Name of the level


  • std::invalid_argument If the string does not correspond with an existing log level

Return: Log level corresponding to the name

function getStringFromLevel

static std::string getStringFromLevel(
    LogLevel level

Convert a LogLevel to a string.


  • level Log level

Return: Name corresponding to the log level

function getFormat

static LogFormat getFormat()

Get the logging format.

Return: Current log format

function setFormat

static void setFormat(
    LogFormat format

Set a new logging format.


  • format New log log format

function getFormatFromString

static LogFormat getFormatFromString(
    const std::string & format

Convert a string to a LogFormat.


  • format Name of the format


  • std::invalid_argument If the string does not correspond with an existing log format

Return: Log format corresponding to the name

function getStringFromFormat

static std::string getStringFromFormat(
    LogFormat format

Convert a LogFormat to a string.


  • format Log format

Return: Name corresponding to the log format

function addStream

static void addStream(
    std::ostream & stream

Add a stream to write the log message.


  • stream Stream to write to

Note: Streams cannot be individually removed at the moment and only all at once using clearStreams().

The caller has to make sure that the added ostream exists for as long log messages may be written. The std::cout stream is added automatically to the list of streams and does not need to be added itself.

function clearStreams

static void clearStreams()

Clear and delete all streams that the logger writes to.

function getStreams

static const std::vector< std::ostream * > & getStreams()

Return all the streams the logger writes to.

Return: List of all the streams used

The streams are shared by all logger instantiations.

function setSection

static void setSection(
    std::string header

Set the section header to use from now on.


  • header Header to use

function getSection

static std::string getSection()

Get the current section header.

Return: Header used

function setEventNum

static void setEventNum(
    uint64_t event_num

Set the current event number from now on.


  • event_num Event number to use

function getEventNum

static uint64_t getEventNum()

Get the current event number.

Return: Event number used

Updated on 2025-02-27 at 14:14:46 +0000