Allpix Squared Reference Paper Published
Monday, June 18, 2018
A paper describing the Allpix Squared framework and providing first validation results using test beam data has just been published in Nuclear Instrumentations and Methods in Physics Research A. The paper is published with open access and can be obtained from here: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2018.06.020 Please cite this paper when publishing your work using Allpix Squared as: S. Spannagel et al., “Allpix2: A modular simulation framework for silicon detectors”, Nucl. Instr. Meth. A 901 (2018) 164 – 172, doi:10.
Allpix Squared 1.2 Released
Wednesday, June 13, 2018
We are happy to announce a new stable feature release Allpix Squared version 1.2 with a total of 452 commits added to the repository by ten contributors since version 1.1. The release tarball can be downloaded from the repository:
The new version is also available as docker image in the project’s docker registry, as read-to-use version on CVMFS and as binary release from the website.
This release has seen some major improvements in different areas, an overview of the most important changes and new features is provided in the following:
Patch Release 1.1.2
Wednesday, April 25, 2018
We are happy to announce the second patch release of the 1.1 series, Allpix Squared version 1.1.2. The release is available as
- Source code from the repository
- Binary tarballs for CERN CentOS7 and Scientific Linux CERN 6 from the website
- As Docker image from the project’s Docker registry
- As directly usable CVMFS installation for LXPLUS machines or any other CERN machine.
This will likely be the last point release for the 1.1 series as exciting new features have already landed in the repository and call for a release of version 1.2 soon.
The following changes have been incorporated:
Docker Images Available
Wednesday, March 14, 2018
As of now we are providing Docker images for the framework to allow anyone to run simulations without the need of installing Allpix Squared natively on their system.
Patch Release 1.1.1
Thursday, March 08, 2018
We are happy to announce the first patch release of the new stable series, Allpix Squared version 1.1.1. The release is available as
- Source code from the repository
- Binary tarballs for CERN CentOS7 and Scientific Linux CERN 6 from the website
- As directly usable CVMFS installation for LXPLUS machines or any other CERN machine.
The main work in the last weeks went into improving our continuous integration and to provide ready-to-use binaries and installations.
The following changes have been incorporated:
Allpix Squared 1.1 Released
Friday, January 12, 2018
We are happy to announce a new stable feature release Allpix Squared version 1.1 with a total of 575 commits added to the repository by nine contributors since version 1.0. The release tarball can be downloaded from the repository:
Furthermore, a central installation is now available on CVMFS as discussed below.
The following list provides a non-exhaustive overview of new modules, added features and improvements which have been implemented:
Patch Release 1.0.3
Thursday, December 14, 2017
We are happy to announce the third (almost monthly) patch release for Allpix Squared version 1.0.3, which is available from the repository.
The following changes have been incorporated:
Repository URL Changed
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
The main development repository of Allpix Squared has been moved to live under a common group on the CERN GitLab instance. As a result, the URL under which the repository can be reached, has changed. The repository can now be found at
Patch Release 1.0.2
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
We are happy to announce the second patch release for Allpix Squared version 1.0.2, which is available from the repository.
The following changes have been incorporated:
Patch Release 1.0.1
Thursday, October 05, 2017
We are happy to announce the first patch release for Allpix Squared, version 1.0.1 which is available from the repository.
The following changes have been incorporated: