Patch Release 1.3.3
Saturday, April 13, 2019
Here is another patch release for the 1.3 release series of Allpix Squared, version 1.3.3. It contains 29 additional commits over 1.3.2 with a few fixes and improvements. The release is available from the repository as of now.
The following issues have been resolved and improvements have been made:
Project for Google Summer of Code Online
Monday, March 04, 2019
Following last year’s successful participation in Google’s Summer of Code program, we have again proposed a project for students to work on through the High-Energy Physics Software Foundation (HSF). The organization has been accepted by Google, and the project description is now online available: Implement Event based Seeding and Multi-Threading The title is similar to the project of last year since we hope to address some of the issues discovered during the previous project.
Patch Release 1.3.2
Thursday, February 21, 2019
This is another patch release for the 1.3 release series of Allpix Squared, version 1.3.2. It contains just six additional commits over 1.3.1, mostly because the focus of the past months was on larger features to be merged for version v1.4. As usual, the release is available from the repository as of now.
The following issues have been resolved and improvements have been made:
Patch Release 1.3.1
Monday, December 17, 2018
Just three weeks after our first User Workshop and one week before the holidays, we would like to announce the first patch release for the 1.3 release series of Allpix Squared, version 1.3.1. The 40 commits contained in this release fix some newly discovered bugs as well as a few long-standing issues. As usual, the release is available from the repository as of now.
The following issues have been resolved and improvements have been made:
1st User Workshop held
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
This week, on the 26th and 27th of November, the 1st Allpix Squared User Workshop was held at CERN. The workshop was well-attended, with 35 registrants, and was split between an introductory session containing an installation guide and hands-on step-by-step tutorial, and more detailed talks on advanced features along with current user examples. There were a number of useful discussions and feedback from the participants, in particular underlining the strong interest in new features such as support for high-Z materials, calculations of induced signals and the ability to customise charge carrier mobilities and trapping.
Allpix Squared 1.3 Released
Wednesday, November 21, 2018
We are happy to announce a new stable feature release Allpix Squared version 1.3 with a total of 265 commits added to the repository by seven contributors since version 1.2. The release tarball can be downloaded from the repository:
The new version is also available as docker image in the project’s docker registry, as read-to-use version on CVMFS and as binary release from the website.
This release has seen some major improvements in different areas, an overview of the most important changes and new features is provided in the following:
Patch Release 1.2.3
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
We would like to announce another patch release for a stable release of Allpix Squared. This is the third patch release of the 1.2 series, version 1.2.3 and is rather small compared to previous patch releases. The reason for this is the ongoing preparation for the next feature release. As usual, the release is available from the repository as of now.
The following changes have been incorporated:
1st Allpix Squared User Workshop
Monday, September 24, 2018
A first user workshop for Allpix Squared will be held at CERN on November 26 and 27, 2018. This is an opportunity to bring together users and developers of the framework, to discuss existing features and to suggest new functionality. The workshop will consist of an introductory tutorial, a question and answer session, talks on selected topics such as the interface between TCAD and Monte Carlo simulations as well as several simulation examples from different fields.
Patch Release 1.2.2
Monday, September 10, 2018
Once more we are happy to announce another patch release for a stable release of Allpix Squared. This is the second patch release of the 1.2 series, version 1.2.2 and is available from the repository as of now.
The following changes have been incorporated:
GSoC 2018 Project Successfully Completed
Thursday, August 23, 2018
Yesterday, Google announced the students who have successfully finished their Google Summer of Code projects this year - one of them being Viktor Sonesten, who worked on Allpix Squared over the course of the last three months. His main project was to enable parallel processing of multiple events within Allpix Squared.
This required refactoring many