Patch Release 2.1.2

We would like to announce the second patch release for the 2.1 series of Allpix Squared, version 2.1.2. This release contains 21 commits over the last patch version 2.1.1. The release is available as Docker image, CVMFS installation, binary tarball and source code from the repository.

The following issues have been resolved and improvements have been made:

  • Core
    • The MCParticle object now carries a method isPrimary() to check whether it is a primary particle or not.
    • The interface to Geant4’s logging output has been improved by first setting up logging destinations and then initializing the geometry. Also, an exception handler is now registered with Geant4, allowing Allpix Squared to catch them and to correctly end the simulation with our own ModuleError.
  • Manual: Some additional context has been added to the Auger recombination model.
  • Continuous Integration: The check for a working compiler version has been fixed: we require a GCC version of at least 9.0 owing to the std::filesystem features as well as the 3rdparty dependency “MagicEnum” we use for enum reflection. This was the case already before, but now CMake correctly checks for it. The target C++ version C++17 is now set as clang-format standard.
  • Module DatabaseWriter: The dependency libpqxx, a C++ interface library for PostgreSQL databases, is now looked up using the PkgConfig tool. Since it is available also on CVMFS, this module is now also built on all CVMFS builds of the CI pipeline as well as the Docker images.