First Stable Release

We are happy to announce the first stable and full-featured Allpix Squared version 1.0. It is available from the repository as of now. The software is released under the MIT license, thus you are free to use it in whatever way you like.

Please go ahead, test the framework, implement your own simulations and report back your experience.

A few of the main physics features are:

  • Full simulation of charge deposition with Geant4, encapsulated as a module of the framework
  • Fast RKF5 charge carrier propagation using a drift-diffusion model
  • Alternative propagation by projecting deposited charge carriers to sensor implants
  • Output of produced ROOT objects in TTrees with full history, including the Monte Carlo truth information of every event
  • Support for linear electric fields and TCAD-simulated field maps
  • Conversion and import of electric fields from the TCAD DF-ISE format

The software is a completely newly written framework and we have taken great care to write high-quality, maintainable and efficient code. The framework has:

  • Full modular architecture allowing for easy customization
  • Configuration in intuitive and flexible file format
  • Easy-to-use description of detector models
  • Flexible module communication with data objects using a messaging system
  • Full code reference available
  • Easy to add new modules for new digitizers, other output formats, etc.
  • High-quality code base with full continuous integration (CI) for extensive testing

In addition to the well-documented code and this website with a few examples and plots we have prepared an extensive HTML and PDF user manual, which provides detailed information on the installation process, a “getting started” section with configuration examples, and additional information for potential contributors.

Please share your opinion, experience, issues with us - either via e-mail or the issue tracker of the repository. Contributions from your side are very welcome, and we already have a long list of potential features to be added in the future.

Best regards,
Koen Wolters, Daniel Hynds, Simon Spannagel